How did you meet your SO?



  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    Im having a brain freeze help me out please what does so stand for?
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    Im having a brain freeze help me out please what does so stand for?

    As usual report it missing and you'll find it.
    Significant other

    I'm currently without,
    I've developed an aversion to pubs & clubs and I work fly in fly out and don't know many people in Perth.
    My so is out there, they're coming but I'm bot going to hold my breath, I'm going to keep training to be better at derby, a fitter, stronger and more agile derby girl 
    Really I got no right to post here but pft
  • He found me on myspace and we just started talking every night for hours. We've now been together 4 years and have a beautiful little boy =D
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I've always wondered how most people meet their SO. My last bf I met through a mutual friend, the one before that was school.

    We met over the 4th of July in lakes country at a bar called The Beaver Trap. Trust me... when the kids get older, their father and I will explain how we met at church. LOL!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Options - married just over a year. We communicated so much before we met that I loved him before I actually set eyes on him. Still do.
  • KeegansMomma
    I met my husband through an online chat program (MIIRC is what it was called; mostly D&D gamers used the chat, I was not a gamer...but had some good Canadian friends that were and they invited me to chat with them one time). :)
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    Mine came to my front door :)

    I had a close friend who's g/f went to an all-girls Catholic college, and got her to set me up with one of her friends. She brought her friend, my wife, to my house for a Superbowl party in 2003. We hit it off pretty well.

    6 months later, we were engaged, and 6 months after that, we were married.

    Going on 8 years, and 3 wonderful sons later, and happy as ever.
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I trained him to take over my job before I moved, when I moved back he was still at the same company and so we started dating. Been together over 3 years and married for 1 1/2 years.:happy:
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Over the internet in a chat room yes they did have those in 1998...Our first date (blind date) was at a Tim Hortons and I was late. She reminds me of this once in a while.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    summer job watering the plants at Lowes... he was the manager of lumber :-) after our first date I sent him a text message asking "how's your wood?" :-P ... we got married last June after 5 years together!
  • cassuccino
    cassuccino Posts: 702 Member
    Through a mutual friend. We got married. It didn't last. He was a douche bag. =)
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I met her in high school. Didn't ask her out until I graduated. Joined the military and was away for about 10 years. When I came home she was still single. Started dating again and eventually married her. Happy ever since.
  • lizgreenhill
    my husband was my boss. It really really really SUCKS having your boss being your SO
  • obifatkanobi
    I just waited for her to knock on my door, and one day she did; it will be ten years in February that love knocked upon my door... :love:
  • amandaamarieex
    I actually had known him for a bit before he asked me out, we were in the same Psychology class and sat next to each other. funny thing is, we're both a bit crazy. :p the 15th of december will make it 1 year of being together. <3
  • kylexii
    we met in our sophomore year of high school, when a seating chart required us to sit together. we were both in relationships at the time. fast forward to senior year, we're both single. we started talking again after I blatantly checked him out at an assembly (hahah :wink: ) & realized that we had both been in similarly bad relationships and that our personalities are a perfect match! now we're been together for almost a year :)
  • tinytubbs
    My friend set me up with her friend after i got out of a terrible relationship...and I have been with my wife for almost 12 years and married to her for 10 years. I guess she was a good match
  • scamberlous
    I had met him previously at a mutual friend's party, but he had a girlfriend at the time and I was in college and didn't live in the area so I never gave him a second glance after the initial, Hmmm...he's kinda cute. After I graduated, I moved back home and went to another party at this same friend's house where it came up in conversation that he had broken up with his girlfriend and would be coming over that night. So, seeing as I was single and hadn't been involved with anyone in years b/c of school, I vowed that I would make out with him that night b/c Why not?!? I had nothing to loose! So, a few hours and a couple of apple pie moonshine shots later, I made my move...4 1/2 yrs later (and less than 2 months ago), we were married on an enchanted fall evening at the same location where the rowboat scene from the movie The Notebook was filmed :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Uhmmmm On the MFP message boards, 12/10! Just met him this week in person, and we've hit it off o.0
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    I met mine at the Kroger deli when I got my first job during college. I thought he was so fine but I was already in a relationship with another.... when he first spoke to me I thought he was gay, seriously, I was like thank god i dnt have to worry about him checking me out and hitting on me! then he began hitting on me n we had that awkward conversation... he gave me some info when I was having problems with the other guy and we broke up the next week. I ddnt no what to do so I asked Joey (current SO) to a movie... Lame I know the grl asking the guy... He is 7 years older than me which my parents hate! but I just love every bit of him.... I was going to say inch of him but thought ppl would take that the wrong way... hahahaha just had to share that but yea we have been together 2 years last october