Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • Two words: Swamp *kitten*.

    Whenever I work out, I hardly sweat anywhere other than my knees and my butt. It seriously feels like I am on a slip and slide when I am on the resistance bike. It's been so bad that I've slipped straight off of the seat. Awful, awful, awful!!! What is worse is that my coworker also goes to the gym, and he was there and watched it happen while running on his treadmill (did I mention he is in terrific shape??!). Auughh!!!
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    ok i think this is the best thread ever on mfp. bad day= semi-gone!
    i've got a couple
    - i was running outside with my friend one day, which i NEVER do because she is in much better shape than me...we were about 8 minutes away from home and someone drove my and honked (i guess they knew us) and it startled me so much i feel and scraped my knee. running home and attempting not to get too much blood on the sidewalk was pretty fantastic.
    - i was running on the treadmill a few days ago, wearing those soffee shorts...basically, they fit me a lot better 20 lbs ago. my thighs started to rub together and it really hurt, but i wanted to keep going and they didn't even look red, so i did. after getting off the treadmill and getting over my pride about finishing the run with VERY sore thighs, i looked down...and there was blood. lots of blood. ALL OVER!!! lol
    - this isn't mine, its my dads...he goes to the gym almost every night and wears sweatpants over his running shorts. one day apparently he forgot the shorts, so he took off his pants and sat there for a good 30 seconds before he realized it...i guess he thought the looks were b/c of his abs or something lol
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 178 Member
    I was on that thigh thing, abductor mebbe?
    The one where its on the inside of your legs and forces them open and you have to push them closed and its attatched to weights....ANYWAAAY (sounds like a molesteror machine)

    I was doing that
    I stopped to talk to someone
    My best mate put it on the heaviest weight
    My legs got wrenched open
    All the muscles ever got pulled
    And I screeched:


    Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, and I hobbled away

    OH MAN. I have the EXACT same story, only with my gym bestie instead of my regular bestie, lol.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Oh man. Thanks for such a good laugh.

    No embarrassing stories for me, but I am a clutz, so I'm sure there are many to come!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
  • therenegadeangel
    therenegadeangel Posts: 36 Member
    Thankfully, the only person who knew the whole deal was me:

    Went to the gym this morning and got through most of my workout. I got through all the weights and then to the treadmill...and about 9 minutes in I started to feel bloated. I knew what was yet to come, and before anything happened, I dipped off the treadmill and headed to the bathroom. I couldn't get my damn belt off and it literally felt like my lower stomach was going to explode. It was so painful. Thankfully, it was just gas though...oh so I thought.

    So now that I was relieved, I headed back to the treadmill and kept on jogging. Then, 15 minutes later, I felt another warning rumble and knew what was going to happen. Unfortunately, and ironically, as soon as I came into the stall, a woman came in as well. But I didn't care. I went right back to the treadmill, again, and continued my jog, UNINTERRUPTED :)
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    bump for tomorrow!
  • idahoprincess72
    idahoprincess72 Posts: 48 Member
    I was once doing plank jacks for my personal trainer, was wearing the wrong bra and my boobs popped out of my shirt!! I wanted to cry I was so embarrassed..instead I got up readjusted myself and went on to the next exercise. .

    This is my current fear. Can't find a workout bra that keeps the girls in while doing planks & pushups!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    One of my friends was swimming at pool at the gym. She couldn't understand why everyone was looking at her as she got in and out of the pool. When so got back to the locker room and saw herself in the mirror she realized the chlorine had help wear out her swimsuit and it had become totally see through.

    Yes - same thing happened to me. A lady who was in the pool even followed me to the locker room to tell me that my suit was totally see thru (it was so faded from the chlorine). I threw the suit away in the garbage right there & then at the gym. LOL
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    bump for later..I made it through 4 page and the tears are rolling down my face....
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    The first day I went to the gym on campus, I was waiting for a girl to get off of one of the elliptical machines and doing the bike while she was on. Finally she got off and cleaned it and went to the bathroom, so I went over there to get on it. When I got there, I noticed an empty Gatorade bottle and so I took it over to the trash assuming that she had just forgotten it was there. When I got to the trash can, she intercepted me and said "What are you doing? That's MY bottle!" I gave her this look :huh: She gave me this look :mad: so I gave it back to her and said "I didn't know you were so protective over your trash... :noway:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member

    The second is much more recent, and didn't happen in the gym, but it's too hilarious to not share. I used to have an old washing machine that sometimes didn't rinse out all the laundry soap from the seams of my running shorts. It started raining one day during a run, and the rain, plus the friction of my thighs rubbing together generated a prodigious amount of lather that appeared to be coming from my v-jayjay. I was far from home, so I had a long way to run on a busy road with all these suds flying from my crotch. It took me forever to figure out what caused it.

    mental image almost made me wet myself.
  • abebow
    abebow Posts: 4 Member
    By far the BEST board. I'm about to have an embarrassing moment from laughing so hard...
  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
  • girls, get a sports bra! You can get them for, like, fifteen dollars at TJ Maxx. Don't get the cute, flirty tank top bras. Those are for runners, not jumpers or plankers. You need something that will get you flat chested. It sucks and is unattractive, but its the most comfortable and you don't have to worry about flailing or falling out. :)
  • She prolly fills it up with water and reuses it. I reuse my vitamin water bottles because they are the perfect shape and size for taking to the gym. Also, recycle, don't toss plastic! <3 Lol, that's all.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I had just started a spin class (my second ever) and I noticed the seat was loose. It kept moving side to side as I was peddling hard, but I didn't want to stop because I knew how hard it was to get going again and my feet were really strapped in. Sooooo, long story short, the seat popped off and I totally fell off the spin bike. I think I am the only person I know who has crashed on a stationary bike. :embarassed:
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Gotta bump this one for when I am not swamped at work!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I was once doing plank jacks for my personal trainer, was wearing the wrong bra and my boobs popped out of my shirt!! I wanted to cry I was so embarrassed..instead I got up readjusted myself and went on to the next exercise. .

    This is my current fear. Can't find a workout bra that keeps the girls in while doing planks & pushups!

    I double up. Only current solution I could find.