Biting my tongue at seeing overweight children



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Let me tell ya something... LOL! I'd have had the same thoughts! Don't feel bad. Everybody judges everybody. I'm sure big people judge fit people all the time.... "...look at her, she thinks she's all that because she can wear a size 0, pshhhhhhh, she ain't got nothing on my lovely lady LUMPS!"

    It is a SHAME that parents teach their kids to NOT have self control. That kid probably sensed your "disapproval" and made that face because she's been taught, "Eat up, honey! The more the better! Nevermind if you develop juvenile diabetes or are teased by kids, because you can squash them!"

    **IF anybody is offended by what I say, that's too bad. I would think most of us MFP's are ALL for children's health.
  • seehawkmomma
    You have to be careful.
    You do not know their situation and you are judging them on their appearances.

    I once had a parent let go on me for letting my daughter eat Mcdonalds cheese burger and french fries. Her words were "If you keep feeding your kid this crap she will be a fat kid and everyone will tease her. Why don't you feed her something with less salt and fat?"

    Well the beating that almost followed would have been epic. I instead chose to keep my mouth shut and just ask her to leave with her unsolicited information. My Daughter has cystic fibrosis and needs to eat an extremely high fat and salt diet.

    Unless you know what the situation is, just move along and focus on you.

    ^ Great post.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So sad!! While your reaction seems a little extreeme, If you are in the US then your tax $ will likely be paying for the diseases they contract from such an unhealthy diet and lifestyle so you have some right to complain.
    The complaint should be with the gov't taking the money and using it to pay for folks' poor decisions, not the individual.

    Even if they have private insurance it would still affect all of us by driving up ins rates in general. And then there is the fact that the children are simply being mistreated. Childhood obesity is everyone's problem.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Really? A loaded gun? Did you never eat any of those things as a kid?
    I ate them. But then, I also got to shoot loaded guns when I was a kid.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    Let me tell ya something... LOL! I'd have had the same thoughts! Don't feel bad. Everybody judges everybody. I'm sure big people judge fit people all the time.... "...look at her, she thinks she's all that because she can wear a size 0, pshhhhhhh, she ain't got nothing on my lovely lady LUMPS!"

    It is a SHAME that parents teach their kids to NOT have self control. That kid probably sensed your "disapproval" and made that face because she's been taught, "Eat up, honey! The more the better! Nevermind if you develop juvenile diabetes or are teased by kids, because you can squash them!"

    **IF anybody is offended by what I say, that's too bad. I would think most of us MFP's are ALL for children's health.
    I second this.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I think it's very sad to see overweight children who are inheriting their parents unhealthy habits. These kids never even have a chance. I don't think you were wrong for feeling the way that you did. I work as a cashier at a grocery store, and I see huge moms with way to large KIDS buy nothing but junk food and I feel terrible for those children. I am a believer in blaming the parent, not the child in cases like this.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    So sad!! While your reaction seems a little extreeme, If you are in the US then your tax $ will likely be paying for the diseases they contract from such an unhealthy diet and lifestyle so you have some right to complain.
    The complaint should be with the gov't taking the money and using it to pay for folks' poor decisions, not the individual.
    Even if they have private insurance it would still affect all of us by driving up ins rates in general. And then there is the fact that the children are simply being mistreated. Childhood obesity is everyone's problem.
    Can we agree, though, that calling someone out about it at a fast food place will not solve the problem?
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    "...politically incorrect Rudolf?" Really? Good grief...relax
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    If you really think that the government pays for anyone's diseases, you probably eat that babble that our current president is trying to feed you. Of course, that's another issue all together. It's all about accountability in this country- we have NONE. We're all so worried about the politically correct way to handle things that it's no wonder we can't get anything done. Should we all bust each other in the chops when we don't agree with choices? Probably not, that really doesn't solve much most of the time. Should we hold each other accountable for what we do/don't do? Yep. What happened to the times when parents were horrified about their kids behavior and appearance? If we accept our kids walking around with their pants off their butts, then let them eat as they wish. We will reap what we sow.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have a chunky kid, and if you ever approached me and told me he was fat, I'd kick you right in the pee flaps. He isn't chunky because I feed him terribly, he's chunky because he's going to be huge! His dad is 6'6 with a 52" shoulder spance. My son will grow into his body, hopefully you'll grow out of your prejudice. My son plays football, is in the running club, does karate, and is outside more than he's in the house...I feed him nothing but clean meals and the occasional treat. Unless you know the background of the child, how dare you sit in judgement!

    ??? Kids that grow to be big (tall and large framed) don't need to be chunky as children. Fat is fat whether it's on a 5' bodyor a 7' body.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    youre 22 years old. you clearly have a lot of growing up to do. you both sicken and sadden me.
    What does age have to do with anything (aside from clarifying that the OP is an adult)? Obese elementary school kids sicken and sadden me.

    OP: I probably would have felt similarly. I would not be personally bothered or affected, since, as other posters have pointed out, any outward reaction in a restaurant or in public would have no effect. But I agree with you on noticing young kids who already appear to be on a poor trajectory with regard to health and behavior habits.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If we accept our kids walking around with their pants off their butts, then let them eat as they wish. We will reap what we sow.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Wow, this thread is really making my blood boil...!!!

    Even when I was fat, all of my kids were of healthy weight, and always have been.
    They have also always been really healthy kids. I can count on less than one hand how many times, total, all three of my kids have been to their regular doc for anything other than routine.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    If it is not your kid or maybe a relative of yours what is it to you? Personally I have never really given much concern to what others do with their free will.
  • seehawkmomma
    A while ago I went into Target and this woman had FOUR kids. All over weight. She herself was not.

    And Although I have to agree with not judging until you know whats going on this is what got me.

    The little boy who was probably my daughters age in the cart, barely fitting, starting SCREAMING that he wanted his doughnuts.

    Doughnuts. Like this kids head was spinning if he didnt get his doughtnuts.

    For me that was the moment. That was the moment I wanted to lose weight. And my daughter is amazing. And she is very tall for her age(she is four but people mistake her for being 8. Doctors say she healthy) But now she makes healthy choices on her own.

    She'll say mom can I have an orange? Cheese Stick? Grapes? I never have to fight with her about doughnuts.

    Thank god.

    Buuuuut anyway but to your post :))

    I think we should be upset with parents. Not the children. And I think we shouldn't judge but rather educate.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    youre 22 years old. you clearly have a lot of growing up to do. you both sicken and sadden me.
    why? because she made the same judgments that you JUST did? hypocrite.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    i don't think there is anything wrong with your reaction. You didn't say anything to them, so its all just about how you felt about the situation. I honestly think that if a child should have a healthy balanced diet. i have a 3 year old and he eats french fries on occasion, but only when we go out to a restaurant and that's the only vegetable he'll eat. He doesn't eat pizza, he doesn't eat burgers, he only eats whole wheat pastas and breads. He is a picky eater, so i do cook him chicken nuggets myself, but they are drained of almost all the oil (he likes the breading). My kid is a big kid, he is 3 years old and 40+ inches high and 38 lb. He is not even considered chubby. I don't allow lollipops, fruit roll ups, sugary cereals, or cookies/cakes unless its a special occasion. And he eats 2-4 servings of vegetables a day. But this is how he's been eating since he started eating solids. He's used to it. The only thing he usually wants as a treat is dark chocolate, which i don't think is unhealthy at all.

    It actually makes me sad to see such overweight children. I was an overweight child and I had to learn portion control and balance as an adult because no one ever set that example for me. And I do think the parents should care more about their childrens' health.
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    oh and another thing>>> pee flap?? Hilarious! :laugh: But don't kick me there.
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    I don't say anything but I do shake my head sadly when I see overweight kids. Why? It breaks my heart because I know what is in store for them. I was the second fattest kid in first grade. I don't know what I weighed then by I remember the horror of group weigh ins in Intermediate School and having my weight in 5th grade loudly announced at 150#! Then 8th grade - repeat at 180#!!! I topped out at 196# my senior year.

    I was grown before I knew it was a medical thing and could be controlled with diet, portion control and exercise. If only my parents had had the information readily available back in the 1950's my childhood would have been better. NO I am not mad at my parents because they simply didn't know and when the realized it they were so very sorry and did their best to get help for me. Oh yes, I am now 63yr old and weigh almost as much as I did in 5th grade.
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member

    What right do I have to judge them?

    Absolutely none. Also, if seeing other people eat makes you want to toss up your cookies, you may want to enlist the help of a counselor. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

    Amen. As a mother of four, very differently metabolisized (word? probably not) based children I think it's horrible that you would judge harmless children. I hope you didn't stare at them.
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