What do guys want....



  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    feed me, f*** me, shut the f*** up.---Chris Rock
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    My wife.
    Love that response. You are the kind of guy I wish I'd had. :smile:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member

  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    If i talk to another female it means im attracted to her??? Where did u see me say that im referring to everyone ive dated?
    It's your entire attitude about women that is the problem. "i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation... "

    If you've got a huge hate out for women, as you put it, you don't deserve a good girl anyways. I can't think of any nice girl that WANTS to be with someone who thinks that way about women. It's not about who you're attracted to or who you want to date, you made a very hateful and narrow judgment about ALL women.

    whoa................. - and he said "let me be the man in the house, watch your language"

  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    Wow - someone swallowed their bitter pill. And it sounds like you are the one b***ing and whining.

    That'd be like us women saying "i know i got HUGE hate out for men!!! all i see is a big walking Pen*s because that's all they think with, they're selfish, greedy, whiney, disrespectful, and stupid - they are never right!".........

    That's too bad if you've met women like that, but they are the minority, build a bridge and GET. OVER. IT.
  • LuneBleu85
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    So angry! Not all women are like this!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Anyone who used the word "respect" in the same sentence as what they want in a woman would automatically get a big line through their name on my man list. Respect is something that is earned over many years. It doesn't come with the territory of having a penis.

    Luckily I have been with the same absolutely perfect man since I was 18, so I don't have to deal with the mental trauma that is dating these days.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Very good question and I am curious to read some responses. Because sometimes I think most of the guys don't know what what they want or they say some things and actions show another
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I think we scared all the men away lol
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    A girl who is fun to hang out with and who does not take herself or life in general too seriously :)
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Was gonna say a cheeseburger but.....

    I would like a woman to be herself, to want the best things for herself, to want to be pleased with what she achieves in life, but most of all to be happy with the choices she has made.....

    Fortunately, I have been married to such a woman for 23 years.
    Every day is like the first day I met her, because she still takes my breath away.

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    ...in terms of a girl?

    (take 2 - this thread was accidentally deleted yesterday by a moderator and they failed to restore it, *grumble*...lol)

    So, once again, in response to the 'what do women want' thread. This is a chance for all you guys to break the sad stereotyping that says all you care about is t&a. What qualities are you really looking for (or been lucky enough to find)? And if you replied yesterday, feel free to respond again today, lol!

    I've already commented that I want "you", but since that's not enough lol

    I want someone who will accept me for me, allow me my quirks that make me who I am, I want someone who is as concerned about being healthy as I am, I'd like someone with skills in two specific rooms in the house (bedroom and kitchen), someone who realizes I'm not psychic, and that I will change if you want me to, don't just expect me to know you want me to, but I will not change enough to compromise myself or my morals, also I want them to be caring, loving, giving, but not to the point they feel taken advantage of, I want it to be as close to 50/50 as possible, a love of animals, and a desire to spawn some chillens... I think that covers most of it.

    And yes, unfortunately I'm single, and I would bring flowers on the second date... maybe even the first (per another thread).

    i always thought men like you were mythical. Where do the men like that hide out?

    On my friends list! I'm so lucky! :smile:
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I think we scared all the men away lol

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'd bring flowers on the first date. Chivalry isn't dead, it's 26 and lives in Chicago.

    it's becoming more and more unfortunate that you are way too young for me and live in Chicago

    :flowerforyou: But...I suspect there is an awesome 20something Bears fan out there looking for this guy.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Loyalty, integrity, kindness, generosity, shared interests and goals, sexual compatibility, roses on the second date...
    WOW your not asking for enough! LOL
  • therenegadeangel
    therenegadeangel Posts: 36 Member
    Take me as I am - The only thing I've changed for a man is my # and I had the tail removed... it wagged when I got excited and was quite the distraction. :cry: I miss you Fleshy.


    I have no list. That almost always gets you nowhere. Just fall in love for God sakes.
  • Orrgarde86
    Orrgarde86 Posts: 120 Member
    Someone who isn't arrogant or superficial, who doesn't mind my bad sides (childish humour, impulsive decision making) and my old-fashioned way of being a gentleman. Someone I can have fun with and share experiences with.

    Openness and honesty is also a big thing for me - I can't do the sulking etc - If there is an issue I'd rather solve it right away.

    Know this woman?? Send her my way!
  • slimlissy3
    slimlissy3 Posts: 7 Member
    LOL we are here, theres loads of women out there like that, but i think men these days are too picky (not you) in general and then they come crawling back once they've realised they want you...its then too late heeheeeee!! :)
  • Orrgarde86
    Orrgarde86 Posts: 120 Member
    LOL we are here, theres loads of women out there like that, but i think men these days are too picky (not you) in general and then they come crawling back once they've realised they want you...its then too late heeheeeee!! :)

    Was that aimed at me? I can't seem to find her! HAHA
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Honesty first and foremost, but also friendship and a good sex life. Most everything else can be worked out.