The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • CRMrunner
    CRMrunner Posts: 88 Member
    My mother-in-law made me stand belly-to-belly with my pregnant wife for a picture. In the 14 years I've been married and/or dating my wife, it was the only time she ever really bothered me.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I was running a Warrior Dash...actually running...and I passed a thinner chick who was *walking* and after I went by she said, "Oh no, I am NOT getting passed by a fat chick"...she started running and passed me (eventually I passed her again because she didn't have the endurance, but I'll never forget it - it was my first race).

    Something very simmilar happened to me during WD... I passed a group of thinner girls. I wasn't even running running just sort of cruising and every time I passed them they would speed up then walk, look back and laugh. I ended up passing them on one of the obsticals that they got caught on. It was one where you climb up a rock wall then slide down a pole. One of the girls was apparently afraid of heights and slowed her group up. They finished a good 10 mins behind me. Karma I tell ya.
  • bs1981
    bs1981 Posts: 36
    Does it make anyone else feel uncomfortable when people commenting constantly on the weight they have lost? I just feel like Im more than my weight and yes it sometimes is nice to have it recognized... sometimes its awkward.
  • nutrientnatalie
    I've gotten asked if I was pregnant. At fourteen years old. This was a few years ago, but at one point my mom thought I was pregnant and was bawling trying to get me to confirm to her that I was a virgin and that I really wasn't pregnant. It was a mess. I'm like "sorry mom...I guess I just got fat."
  • try2basunbeam
    I home-school the kiddos and someone once asked me if I had physical education as part of my curriculum because it looked like I could use it.:grumble:

    I gained 30lbs in the year that followed because I started "dieting". Had never been concerned about my weight before that being said to me. I weighed 170 then (and now, cuz I lost what I gained)
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    That's reality, so I can either lose the weight or suck it up.
    I choose to be fit for a host of reasons, but one of them is that I don't want to be the target of people's inane jabs.

    What gets me is I'm normally only "picked on" when I'm doing something active. If I'm not doing anything out of the "chubby girl norm" no one bothers me. When I was thinner it was the same, though, it was meant to be positive. As a chubby girl it's less likely I'm going to be hit on when I'm out or grabbed, or touched in an innapropriate manner. For that I am sometimes greatful I seem to not be able to lose weight. I can go about my business without being harrassed too much. As a thinner woman I had a much higher incidence of inappropriate things happening to me.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I was getting a pedicure after having my daughter. I was racked with post-partum depression and still dragging around all the baby weight.
    The lady doing my nails pointed to my belly and said "you pregnant with bebe!"
    I said "no."
    She glared at me in disbelief "are you SUUUUUUUURE????"
    So I said: "Well I am SUUUUURE you just lost your tip!"
  • jonbobfrog
    We were visiting my grandfather, who's on the . . . um, elderly . . . side and my dad said, didn't you notice? Courtney's lost 50 pounds. And my grandfather said . . .

    You mean you were even bigger?!?!
  • Naivea
    Naivea Posts: 22
    One time I was walking down the street, and some guy yelled to me "you do know there is a weight limit for a sidewalk"

    I just burst out in tears lol
  • LowCarbsHighHopes
    LowCarbsHighHopes Posts: 15 Member
    Getting changed in the changing rooms at a shop with my son:-

    Josh 'whys your belly so fat and squidgy?'
    Me 'When you were a baby you used to live in there'
    quiet pause whilst he thinks this comment through
    Josh 'How many babies have you got in there now?'

    All I could hear was chuckles from other changing rooms.

    I had to laugh but inside I was crying!!

    Yea sometimes the most hurtful comments come from our kids who don't know any better :\ My son's said similar things.
  • vkisselburg
    I have several from my now ex husband one of which was when he had to pick me up from work in his lowered Nissan truck, while going over a bridge the truck was bouncing and hitting the tops of the tires. My ex looked at me as ask how much do you F$%^ weigh anyway? I was a size 12 at the time. Then a few years ago I had ballooned up considerably he looked at me and said "look what you have done to your self!" He was cheating on me with a 23 year old girl at the time... Oh the good times... I am bigger than most of my family since having kids and so I have always been pretty much the target with their comments. Its cool though because though I have tried to lose weight before and I have lost about 165 pounds of ex husband I am now doing this for me and no one else. God Bless you all!!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    "If you get fat again, I'll leave you." Said the guy who had never seen me fat (but did see pictures). Oh boy, did I make him pay for that! And yes, I got fat again. And yes, he apologized. Plenty. And said he was wrong and that it didn't matter and that I was beautiful. But I never really did forgive him. And the last year we were together, I wouldn't say he was getting play very often, either. And he still wanted it. I made him beg.

    Bwahahaha! People need to watch what they say.
  • LeighYan91
    I was out with a few friends in a new area and me and another girl who I get on really well with were sitting together and a guy maybe 55-60 years old said oh you 2 look like sisters, but you must the one that eats the most :O
    I was traumatised :/ so I got Bladdered to feel better :S
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    This Thanksgiving I had the family over for Turkey Dinner and neither of my parents said anything about the 80 pounds I had lost until after dinner, then my dad says, "just don't put that weight back on." Does anyone wonder how I got fat in the first place?
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    " **** off you lying c*nt all you do all day is stuff greasy chicken down your fat gob, and your fat rolls would just turn your boyfriend off" - so called (now ex) best friend
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    one of my ex's told me she was surprised she ever started dating me b/c she usually went for someone more toned, better looking. she continued with "you'll never be a calvin klein under wear model like <ex b/f name>" and that she deserved to be with someone she was attracted to.

    a few months later i attempted suicide the first time.

    Boy did she get that one wrong! You're a good looking guy. (no, I'm not hitting on you, I suspect I'm twice your age!)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I went to a psychiatrist about some severe depression I was having, and I told her I wanted a weight neutral drug if she was going to prescribe one because a drug that made me gain weight would just depress me more. She told me, "Then go get bariatric surgery, and you won't be depressed anymore." Seriously? >.<

    Wow, that has to be one of the most incorrect, insensitive, and unprofessional things a psychiatrist could possibly say. I don't have much respect for your average head shrinker, and she is a prime example of why!
  • choface
    choface Posts: 107 Member
    In 5th grade a teacher told me I would be happier if I lost weight and I would have more friends.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    " Sarah, you'd be so beautiful if you just lost 20 lbs..."
    - EX Boyfriend

    " Well, would you rather be happy and fat or skinny and unhappy?"
    - Psychiatrist, talking about side effects of medication
  • rainbobrite929
    I was sitting in a chain-style nail salon getting a pedicure and the pedicurist reaches up and rubs my belly and tells me ... "it will be strong boy. Just like father."

    To which I answer ... "then it will be short but tasty because that On (that was her name on her name tag) is a "food baby." I had a burrito for lunch. Thanks though."

    I walked out before she put the polish on.