The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    I did this to someone a long time ago ...felt horrible! I will never comment on a pregnancy again unless there is an actual head hanging out!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    When I was 13, I was at a public pool with a large group of friends... One of my best friends, Gabe, looked at me and pointed out my cellulite and stretch marks in front of the whole group. It was from that moment on that I began loathing my body and having self esteem issues.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Man, you butt is getting huge!

    I also hate backhanded compliments like, You are so tall, you can carry a lot of weight. Really? Did you just say that?

    And Now that I have lost a lot people always tell me they didnt think I was THAT big before.
  • anewdana
    anewdana Posts: 29 Member
    my mom walked past me in the airport unknowlingly (I gained A LOT of weight), she told me I looked like I sucked on a airhose, said I had "facets to my body where I never had facets before"
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    My husband and I took a day trip to Seattle and when at the airport I was told I could not go through the X-Ray machine and when I asked why they said "because our pregnant passengers go through a special area" I was horrified because my son was 4 months old at the time and he was not even traveling with us. When I told the workers that I was not expecting they just stood there and laughed:grumble: .
  • inaspaceship
    inaspaceship Posts: 5 Member
    When I was sixteen or so, a boy who had asked me out and been turned down decided to call me a cow at lunch and start narrating me eating my food like it was an Animal Planet program.

    Not to me, but these things happened just THIS WEEK at work. A customer came in and asked one of my coworkers (who is short and a bit chubby but I wouldn't consider her ~overweight~), "Did you eat a lot during Christmas? Because you look thicker than usual today."

    A different customer came in the other night and said to my coworker who is around my size (300+), "So when is the baby due? Any day now, right?" She's not pregnant. One of the girls who works the morning shift is. This HAS led to us at times just looking at each other, gesturing toward our stomach and shouting "NO BABY!"
  • nathan72
    nathan72 Posts: 91 Member
    Getting changed in the changing rooms at a shop with my son:-

    Josh 'whys your belly so fat and squidgy?'
    Me 'When you were a baby you used to live in there'
    quiet pause whilst he thinks this comment through
    Josh 'How many babies have you got in there now?'

    All I could hear was chuckles from other changing rooms.

    I had to laugh but inside I was crying!!

    this is sad but it made me laugh out loud! kids are hilarious!
  • kmorrissett13

    I also hate backhanded compliments like, You are so tall, you can carry a lot of weight. Really? Did you just say that?

    yup yup yup
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    It's always like that...either you're too huge or you're too skinny.

    People are never satisfied.
    I've had a few people ask me if I'm sick, since i've lost weight. Rude!!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    "Nice dress.. where'd you get the tent?"

    A friend of mine got this from her husband... when she was 8 months pregnant... he was serious.
  • JordanSky26
    JordanSky26 Posts: 24 Member
    I was grocery shopping in Ralph's. I picked up a few Vitamin Water some random person comes up to me out of the blue and says you don't want to drink those. That's why you're so big. I was to gobsmacked to say anything I just blinked at this women. not only did she say that but she had the audacity to pinch my cheeks and say you'll thank me you have such a cute face. WTF? She invaded my personal space and she gave me a back handed compliment. Back home in the UK people are cheeky but here in Cali people are really taking the cake. She was alone. The same week a guy told me the same thing about getting cookies. Not only were these people rude and out of line but I was shopping for my mum and half siblings. I don't eat or drink those things anymore, but I shouldn't have to justify myself to strangers!
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    My friends daughter asked me "Miss Kristine, why are you so fat?...........oh, nevermind, that's the way God made you...." Apparently she had a discussion about this before and that was the explaination she
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I did this to someone a long time ago ...felt horrible! I will never comment on a pregnancy again unless there is an actual head hanging out!

    Isn't that the saying with trannies too?
    Never assume someone is knocked up or a man unless you see a head poking out :D
  • PamelaB43
    PamelaB43 Posts: 50 Member
    I saw my ex at a funeral. He made the coment wow you got fat!! I said well your still ugly!! LOL:laugh:

    That is classic I love it. Hey you can change your weight but you can't change your looks :laugh: How about this one? I just remembered another one. I was told by an ex I had a "man stomach" Can someone tell me what that even is??? Seriously? I guess he meant I had that proverbial overlapping beerbelly that men get from drinking beer. Now I know I have to keep things clean on here but let's just say I made a reference to a certain part of his anatomy basically saying that "I can change my belly but unfortunately for you there are certain things on your body that can't be changed.".. and you all know what I am talking about..:wink:
  • kirstyj1
    kirstyj1 Posts: 24 Member
    two things stick out for me, 1) my gp saying im fat because i simply eat too much and im not fat enough for him to help 2) my best mate of 8 years my maid of honour ditching me as her maid of honour and her friend becuase i gained 3lb and couldnt fit in the bridesmaid gown 6 months before her wedding. she also said i had many years to change and i never will i have had 4 children in the time she was talking about and my last was only two months before the dress fitting and i suffered severe hyperemisis gravidarium (sickness) and lost 2 stone whilst pregnant and was naturally gaining back what id lost from not eating. also she did drugs starved and exercised to get from an 18 to a 6. it hurt alot
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I had someone ask me if I had my baby yet. The worst part is she did this on purpose to make me upset. I was at work unfortunately otherwise I would have told her what I really thought.
  • raindropwishes
    I was grocery shopping in Ralph's. I picked up a few Vitamin Water some random person comes up to me out of the blue and says you don't want to drink those. That's why you're so big. I was to gobsmacked to say anything I just blinked at this women. not only did she say that but she had the audacity to pinch my cheeks and say you'll thank me you have such a cute face. WTF? She invaded my personal space and she gave me a back handed compliment. Back home in the UK people are cheeky but here in Cali people are really taking the cake. She was alone. The same week a guy told me the same thing about getting cookies. Not only were these people rude and out of line but I was shopping for my mum and half siblings. I don't eat or drink those things anymore, but I shouldn't have to justify myself to strangers!

    Note to self; never move to Cali. Old woman or not I would have sparked her out for touching me. I don't do touch - and especially not from a condescending old hag.

    I've had the pregnancy comments and the other day ny dad forgave me for being so tall and fat because I almost died when I was young and had to have really strong meds so it must be that. -sigh- that man.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    When I was a hairdresser in FL, we had to have a picture on our cosmetology license. I had several people straight out tell me I had gained weight since that picture was taken. Thanks, I was unaware.
  • plzlbsbegone
    My ex said to my face..."It makes me sick to watch you eat. I've lost my appetite." This he said to me as he was eating two dbl cheeseburgers and fries from Mc. D's and I was eating a salad. Thank goodness we were not in public....because I threw my salad at him, and screamed at him "fat people need to eat too! I am trying!" Then I left.