Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    At my place of employment there is a gym and back before they have these treadmills that are computerized, they had a treadmill that was like a handcrank. In order for the treadmill to speed up you had to pull back on this lever and push a button. Well I did just that, the next thing I know I am laying on my back pinned up against the wall with the treadmill doing about 25 mph. I ended up burning my knee and elbow.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I have two....

    One was not so bad but happened two days ago. I was on the treadmill and I lost my balance and somehow managed to become parallel to the treadmill track. I miraculously regained my balance...but not my pride.

    The second one was a lot more embarrassing...I can't believe I am sharing this. I decided to go ice skating recently. Keep in mind I am not stable on ice skates. Going around the rink a number of times I was starting to feel more confident. About halfway through the night, I lost my balance and fell on my butt. It hurt...but was almost to be expected. When I got up, my butt was numb and cold from the ice. When the numbness started to wear off, I noticed that it was still really cold. Like drafty cold. I felt my pants...and they seemed in tact. Needless to say, I must have missed a spot (in the seam of my pants) because as I was coming off the rink about 1 hour later my ex said, "Oh no! Your pants are torn in the butt!" I felt and sure enough they were ripped (I was wearing yoga pants). Worst part of the whole story.....I wasn't wearing any underwear that particular night. everyone saw my butt crack. I could have died.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I think this is hands-down the best thread I've ever stumbled across on this site!

    I have two actual gym stories (though reading through all of these have me a little freaked out about what COULD happen: it was realllllly cold yesterday morning, but I didn't want to put on a hat and have my hair extra frizzy when I took it off at the gym (I personally wear junkie stuff, crappy hair, and don't try to look cute at the gym, but the more I go and see all the chicks who are really into flouncing, I am annoyed that I am getting a bit self-conscious as a result), so I opted to pull my hood up instead. When I got to the gym, my hair was just as frizzy as it would have been if I'd warn my hat. There was a woman there getting ready for work, hogging up the section of the mirror with all the products, so I just quickly grabbed the hairspray and went over to the sink area to use it. As soon as I'd sprayed it ALL over my hair I thought to myself "I guess they switched hairspray brands. I like the smell of this." Then I thought about it for a second, looked at the bottle, and realized I'd sprayed hydrating body mist all over my head. I was fairly positive mirror hog knew what I did, so I just owned it and left the locker room. On the bright side, it did a pretty good job.

    A couple of months ago when I hadn't been at this gym very long, I was wearing some grey workout pants and was on the recumbent bike for probably about 30 minutes. Something I should mention: the therm at my gym is perpetually set to 73, so even if you're just wiggling your fingers, be prepared to sweat like a beast. Anyway, after my ride, i came back to wipe down the bike and noticed the seat looked like I'd hosed it down. I felt sweaty all over, naturally, but this was absurd. When I checked myself out in the locker room, it clearly looked like I'd peed myself extensively. I blow dried my butt for minutes until it was dry, but the sweat session had been so intense that an outline was still clearly visible as I had to cross the entire gym floor to the exit. *sigh*

    Before I joined the gym, I worked out mostly by walking on the boardwalk or beach (i live about 3 blocks from the ocean). One day, I'd gone back and forth within myself about whether or not to work out. It was a gorgeous sunny day but I was feeling extremely lazy. I then watched an episode of Biggest Loser I'd DVRd the night before and was highly motivated to get off my *kitten*, which I did. Unfortuntately, my timing was pretty bad: I made it the three blocks to the boardwalk and walked about one block on it before the sky opened up and p*ssed on me. It was raining way too hard to see more than a few feet in front of me let alone actually jog (I'm very clumsy) so I just angrily walked as fast as I could home. About two blocks from home, I came across a criminally gorgeous man waiting to cross at the light and persevere through his run. He said hi, talked about the rain a little bit, and was VERY smily. I was feeling pretty good because this was not a man that I normally would ever have expected to pay me any attention, so I thought "hey--this working out is clearly working!" Then I looked down and realized the light pink hanes t-shirt I was wearing was COMPLETELY soaked through, as was the white sports bra I was wearing underneath. I then slunk the rest of the way home in shame...but not before walking past about 25 teenage boys on a crew team out for their run.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I think this is hands-down the best thread I've ever stumbled across on this site!

    I have two actual gym stories (though reading through all of these have me a little freaked out about what COULD happen: it was realllllly cold yesterday morning, but I didn't want to put on a hat and have my hair extra frizzy when I took it off at the gym (I personally wear junkie stuff, crappy hair, and don't try to look cute at the gym, but the more I go and see all the chicks who are really into flouncing, I am annoyed that I am getting a bit self-conscious as a result), so I opted to pull my hood up instead. When I got to the gym, my hair was just as frizzy as it would have been if I'd warn my hat. There was a woman there getting ready for work, hogging up the section of the mirror with all the products, so I just quickly grabbed the hairspray and went over to the sink area to use it. As soon as I'd sprayed it ALL over my hair I thought to myself "I guess they switched hairspray brands. I like the smell of this." Then I thought about it for a second, looked at the bottle, and realized I'd sprayed hydrating body mist all over my head. I was fairly positive mirror hog knew what I did, so I just owned it and left the locker room. On the bright side, it did a pretty good job.

    A couple of months ago when I hadn't been at this gym very long, I was wearing some grey workout pants and was on the recumbent bike for probably about 30 minutes. Something I should mention: the therm at my gym is perpetually set to 73, so even if you're just wiggling your fingers, be prepared to sweat like a beast. Anyway, after my ride, i came back to wipe down the bike and noticed the seat looked like I'd hosed it down. I felt sweaty all over, naturally, but this was absurd. When I checked myself out in the locker room, it clearly looked like I'd peed myself extensively. I blow dried my butt for minutes until it was dry, but the sweat session had been so intense that an outline was still clearly visible as I had to cross the entire gym floor to the exit. *sigh*

    Before I joined the gym, I worked out mostly by walking on the boardwalk or beach (i live about 3 blocks from the ocean). One day, I'd gone back and forth within myself about whether or not to work out. It was a gorgeous sunny day but I was feeling extremely lazy. I then watched an episode of Biggest Loser I'd DVRd the night before and was highly motivated to get off my *kitten*, which I did. Unfortuntately, my timing was pretty bad: I made it the three blocks to the boardwalk and walked about one block on it before the sky opened up and p*ssed on me. It was raining way too hard to see more than a few feet in front of me let alone actually jog (I'm very clumsy) so I just angrily walked as fast as I could home. About two blocks from home, I came across a criminally gorgeous man waiting to cross at the light and persevere through his run. He said hi, talked about the rain a little bit, and was VERY smily. I was feeling pretty good because this was not a man that I normally would ever have expected to pay me any attention, so I thought "hey--this working out is clearly working!" Then I looked down and realized the light pink hanes t-shirt I was wearing was COMPLETELY soaked through, as was the white sports bra I was wearing underneath. I then slunk the rest of the way home in shame...but not before walking past about 25 teenage boys on a crew team out for their run.

    Ah man talk about embarassing!
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I can't believe some of these stories! I don't think anything could really be as embarrassing (at least for me) than to just fart loudly in front of everyone. So far I've not done this but I am so afriad of doing it that I take two gas pills before I go..just in case lol
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    Some fellas from Team Quest were working out at my gym and I was watching their workout. They're crazy strong so I was totally enthralled. They moved and I turned to follow but it was too much turn for my body and I fell off the elliptical onto the elliptical next to me and then onto my *kitten* on the floor.

    I would totally do that, that is funny!!!!!!!
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    Bench pressing and couldn't bring the weight off my chest. Yelling for help and it took like forever for someone to come and help. He lifted off the weight with one hand like it was a paper weight.
    You can either:
    1. tilt the bar to one side and dump the plates
    2. drag the bar down your torso and thighs to dump the bar on the ground

    Thanks, this is soooo important
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Falling off the treadmill. I was so embarrassed. :cry:
  • KacieHetrick
    KacieHetrick Posts: 259 Member
    I was at Zumba and had lost 30 lbs rather quickly...didn't realize how big my pants had gotten...Yep, I mooned the entire row behind me with my red silky underwear that probably contributed to the yoga pants slipping off! :/ I just pulled them up and kept on jumping! :D Worst part is before class the instructor told everyone to watch me because I "work it" and burn a lot of calories with my intensity! All I heard were giggles, but I was laughing too so I guess they weren't just laughing at me! LOL
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.

    OMG, that is so funny!!!!!
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    hahahaha. That was a good one. I fell on the treadmill when I started to run
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hving a bad day, and I needed the good laugh these provided! Thanks for sharing everyone.

    Unbelievably, I have not had an embarrassing gym moment--I'm sure my time is coming. But I did fall in the pool during my son's swim meet. (Yes, while it was going on--in front of oh, maybe 300 people). Needless to say, I made the quickest exit out of the pool that I'd ever made before. And it's hard to cover up your mistake--you're dripping!
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    Oh my gosh I'm only on page three of this and I have to stop reading because I am at work and laughing and crying at my desk. I don't go to the gym but I do go to taekwondo and in some cases that might be worse. Worse because instead of a room full of strangers I'm in a class with people I know and will definitely see again.

    In one of the self defense classes where we do some jiu jitsu my instructor had me twisted up and was sitting on me. He thinks its funny because for some reason when I can't breathe I get a case of the giggles and then I REALLY can't breathe. Well one time he didn't just squish the giggles out of me - he made me fart.

    On another occassion when he was demonstrating how he wanted us to knee the bag. I held the bag for him. He kneed me so hard I literally peed a little. Note to self: Don't pick a fight with the instructor. He will literally kick the pee out of you.

    When sparring I've actually had the snot punched and/or kicked out of me.

    Accidentally made contact with one of my fellow students. We were doing the move where if someone does a two handed choke from the front you "pluck" their hands and at the same time knee to the crotch. Yeah we're not actually supposed to knee them. I hit her so hard she went to the ground. If she had been a guy I would be dead. I felt SO bad.

    I punched myself in face breaking a board with an upset elbow.

    Basically I prove that martial artists are not necessarily synonymous with grace. :embarassed:
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Hving a bad day, and I needed the good laugh these provided! Thanks for sharing everyone.

    Unbelievably, I have not had an embarrassing gym moment--I'm sure my time is coming. But I did fall in the pool during my son's swim meet. (Yes, while it was going on--in front of oh, maybe 300 people). Needless to say, I made the quickest exit out of the pool that I'd ever made before. And it's hard to cover up your mistake--you're dripping!

    More details PLEASE!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
  • threw myself over the bench press trying to get dumbells that weigh more than my own body weight up lol i swung them too high...luckily not alot of people there seemed to care
  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    going on the stair master and setting it to a high setting then falling off because I couldnt keep up hitting my shins on the way down. What can I say I wasn16 and wanted to look "athletic" I failed to succeed that day!
  • saturatex
    I just laughed so hard at that! haha
  • EJWoolcock
    LMAO these are great. I have two stories

    Working hard at Body Pump and the instructor tells us to keep the bar close to the line of the body. I went a bit too close and totally whacked myself in the nose when bringing the bar up. It brought tears to my eyes!

    My other experience was on a treadmill as well. I had forgotten my drink bottle so I had to buy a bottle that didn't have a pump top, it was a screw top bottle. As I'm running along on the treadmill I open the bottle to have a drink and promptly dropped the lid which went flying backwards and disappeared. So I'm running with a full bottle that I couldn't put down as it would have spilt everywhere with the vibration of the treadmill. I tried to hit the stop button on the treadmill but instead caught the headphones with my arm and pulled my CD player off the treadmill and now I'm running holding a full water bottle with my CD player hanging in mid air trying desparately not to fall off!!. What a mess!! I'm sure it was pretty amusing to the others around me!
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    Once at a gym I was going at it really hard sweating like a pig, i noticed some girls laughing and looking at me and me being insecure was like "oh **** what are they laughing at" so I ran to the toilet and looked in the mirror and I had a massive sweat stain urm down there so i looked like I'd pissed myself.

    Though i hadn't finished my workout so i just tied my hoodie round my waist and went back in red faced and carried on.