January 2012 Ironman Challenge



  • richo_swguy
    richo_swguy Posts: 1 Member
    Great idea: I'm in!
    --0/26.2 miles -- Running/ Walking
    --0/112 miles -- Biking
    --0/2.4 Miles -- Swimming

    I think the swimming and running I'll be fine with. But the biking... That's tough in the winter time. I have a trainer for my bike, but it's sooo boring to ride indoors!
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Let's start the new year with a new fitness challenge:

    For those who are starting the new year with new resolutions, welcome!
    For those who have been playing along since October, welcome back!

    The challenge is to complete Ironman Triathlon mileage in the 31 days of January as follows:
    --Running/ Walking 26.2 miles
    --Biking 112 miles
    --Swimming 2.4 Miles

    We'll use this forum all month to log and report our mileage. You can log daily or weekly-- whatever keeps you motivated!

    You may modify your mileage goals to suit your specific circumstances (e.g., no bike, no pool access, etc.) but you must SET and declare those goals at the beginning of the month, and it must still be a combination of running/walking, biking, and swimming.

    Happy New Year to all!

    I'm in!! What an awesome challenge!!!

    --Running/ Walking 26.2 miles
    --Biking 112 miles
    --Swimming 2.4 Miles

    I'm so excited about this! So do we report everyday???
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm in as i've just started my ironman training, not added my training plan up but pretty sure its over the 2.4m, 112m and 26.2m but I'll keep those goals and log against with the hope of over-achieving (its a nice January start)

    So far achieved

    Swim: 250m
    Run:4 miles
    Bike: 0
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I joined the December Challenge but then quit keeping track of what I did. My Bike is still broke, but I have an indoor triathlon in two weeks which means I'll be logging some stationary bike time. No promises on reaching the 112 miles on the bike. The other two should be fine. I think that should be a NYR for me: to actually keep track of distances for my exersice.
  • cmdavid1
    I am in too! New to this site, new to counting calories, new to regular exercise. I don't even have my picture posted yet......BUT I'M INSPIRED TO CHANGE and so far HAPPY WITH MY PROGRESS!

    walk/jog 26.2 m
    bike 112 m
    swim 2.4 m
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    Good to see so many new faces joining the challenge!

    Anymore takers for an awesome way to get fit an burn calories? January Is still young, kickstart your 2012 the ironman way :wink:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I finally found this thread again!

    Goals for January:

    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 56 miles (Half IM distance...I know the wind chill will keep me from getting out a lot)
    Run: 75 miles (81 miles on my training plan but realistically know I'll get sick and miss a run or two)


    Swim: 0 miles
    Bike: 0 miles
    Run: 8 miles
  • murdy745
    murdy745 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in----An old college teammate owns a tri team in Kansas City (I am in Texas) -She specializes in training people for full and half im's....I am signed up for OKC next September at Redman..My goal for this month is to complete all her workouts accordingly :)
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    Count me in. I've been major slacking since I've been dealing with heartburn for nearly three months now, so we'll see how it goes. I'll think about my goals and post them in the next couple of days! :) Good luck to everyone and Happy New Year!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    1-1: 5 miles (2 stairmaster, 3 treadmill). + raquetball.
    1-2: 2 miles sloshing through the snow & cold outdoors. +raquetball.

    Total to date:
    Swim 0
    Walk/some jog: 7
    Bike 0

    glad to see all the new people :smile:
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member

    walk/jog: 8.5 miles
    swim: 0
    bike: 0
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Back again this month. Hopefully this will be better.

    Goals -
    Swim - 3 miles
    Bike - 56 miles (when using the indoor trainer assuming a speed of 14mph) (changed to 56 after someone else mentioned it is HIM distance, good idea)
    Run - 55 miles.

    12/01/02 - HIIT intervals on bike, total 5 miles.

    Totals -
    Swim - 0
    Bike - 5
    Run - 0
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    January goal:
    Swim 2.4 miles
    Bike 300 miles
    Run 50 miles

    01/01 - Ran 7.03 miles, Bike 12.07 miles
    01/02 - Ran 6.28 miles, Swam .42 miles

    Swim = 0.42 miles
    Bike = 12.07 miles
    Run = 13.31 miles
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    My Goals
    2.4 mile swim (3.86 km)
    112 mile bike (180 km)
    26.2 mile run (42.4 km)

    Jan 1 - REST
    Jan 2 - .25 km swim, 8 km bike

    .25 km swim
    8 km bike
    0 km run
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I'm back!

    My targets for this month is same as the last, i fell short, although not by much last month; completely blame myself for it, but i did enjoy the holidays :D

    Anyway, Holiday done! Now to the real stuff!

    Targets for the month...

    Swim: 2 Miles
    Bike: 50 Miles
    Run: 60 Miles

    2/1 Run 3.48

    Swim - 0
    Bike - 0
    Run - 3.48

    Good to see so many back, and new faces on this, happy Iron-manning all! :)
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    --Running/ Walking 26.2 miles
    --Biking 112 miles
    --Swimming 2.4 Miles

    1/2/12: walk/jog= 8.5 miles
    1/3/12: walk/jog= 4.5 miles (total 13 miles)
    biking= 9 miles
    swimming= 0
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    1/3: 5 miles jog/walk intervals on treadmill + 1.25 swim

    Total to date:
    Swim 1.25
    Walk/some jog: 12
    Bike 0
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    so far

    5.5 m run
    7.5 m bike
    0 swim
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    January goals:
    Swim 10 miles (Way less than January last year (30+) but I haven't swam in some months.)
    Bike more than 180 miles (30 more than December)
    Walk/Run at least 26.2 miles (about double December)

    Tomorrow is a travel day (700 miles) so I'll probably only get to walk 10 minutes each time we stop for gasoline...


    1/1 Bike 6.36 mi 30:30 min (trainer)

    1/1 Walk 1.55 mi 30:00 min (treadmill)
    1/2 Walk 3.00 mi 60:00 min (treadmill)
    1/3 Walk 3.13 mi 60:00 min (treadmill)
    Total 7.63 mi
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    12/01/03 - 3 mile easy run.

    Totals -
    Swim - 0
    Bike - 5
    Run - 3

    Goals -
    Swim - 3 miles
    Bike - 56 miles
    Run - 55 miles.