
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Somehow I missed posting yesterday - I am trying to be more consistent so was cross with myself when I got into bed and realised that I hadn't been in to MFP. I had been in and tracked, so I suppose that is the most important thing.

    Lovely bright sunny day here at the moment, but a lot cooler than yesterday. +1 yesterday and -9 today.

    When I first came to Canada and had my first permanent job, when winter came around my boss asked me if I'd like to learn curling. It was all arranged that I would go on a specific Saturday but a few days before, my boss asked me to make travel arrangements for him to go to Geneva for a meeting, leaving on the Friday. He said that I wasn't to worry about the curling because his wife (whom I had met) would teach me. A day or so later, he told me that he hadn't remembered that they had a match on the Saturday. I said I understood and that I'd leave it for another time. He said "Oh no, we need you because I won't be there to be on the team, so you will be needed as lead." So there I was, the first time ever playing a game, on a slippery surface in a match. I don't remember the score, but I do remember how painful my knee was where I kept bumping it on the ice when I was delivering the rock. It was painful for a very, very long time afterwards, and I never curled again. Now, in summer, I lawn bowl which has very much the same principal.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Good morning ladies, I haven't had much time to post lately, but I've tried to read through everyone's posts. I hope you are all having a great weekend.

    I'm still dealing with my dog's health. She seemed to be getting better and then just slid back. The vet has talked me into 4 more days of anti nauseous pills and we will see if that helps. She's lost 5 pounds since mid-December. That would be great if it was me but not good for her. Just taking things one day at a time.

    My oldest boy has gone back to university and the house is settling back to the new normal. Everything is so much quieter with only one son home. And it turns out that the youngest is not the mess maker in the house - the award for that definitely goes to the oldest.:laugh:

    Have a great week ladies.:flowerforyou:
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I don't have any advice re: "the last 10 lbs" since I haven't been at that point ever, lol.

    May I join your merry band? Here's my intro:

    Hi, everyone. I've been on MFP for 165 days, yay me. I feel I need to commune w/my peers; this aging thing combined with this weight-loss/fitness thing has created some weird concerns that crop up from time to time, thought I'd see how others were dealing with our special issues. I'll post by and by w/specific questions as they arise.

    I'm 59 yrs old & as of today have lost 23+ lbs with at least 15 more to go. Feeling good, know I need to exercise more intensely as I lose, but find it hard to push myself & dedicate an hour a day when I have so much else to do (work, home, disabled adult child, etc.) Looking ahead, I hope to get a handle on entering "cronehood" and what this means physically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally (right now one big issue is feeling too old to be effective in my job & too old to start a new venture.)

    At book club the other night I realized that as I lose and have to buy smaller clothes, I've become focused on superficial things as if I've suddenly gone back in time to get a do-over as the junior high school girl I couldn't be because I wasn't cute & thin? Or perhaps it's just a break from all the day to day stuff I have to deal with?

    Whatever it is, I do hope to get a handle on becoming an age-appropriate, fit, confident, & dare I say sexy older woman soon!
  • Hello everyone. I will be 59 in 2 months and have an additional 65 pounds to lose. I have lost 46 lbs since August on Medifast. However, I just can not bear the thought of another soy based meal ! I started this program (MFP) a couple of weeks ago and have gained back 3 lbs. I know part of this is fluid gain but, it is discouraging. I have a hard time consuming my 1280 cals a day. Any advice and support will be appreciated.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I too was on medifast. 2 years ago I lost 32 pounds but gained it back. I now just try and watch what I eat and exercise of some form. And I know it isn't coming off fast. So just stick with it. So just rant and rave on the tough days. And shout with delite on the good days. We'll be with you every step of the way.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to all the new comers. You join by simply posting here. There is a lot of help, support and sound advice here. Many of us have been members for years and we have learned a lot from each other and in general.

    The last 10 pounds is the hardest. I was there once and hope to be there again in 2012. I do know it is harder and takes longer.

    Congradulations to all who are doing well. Warm thoughts and hugs to all who need them.

    Groups vs forums: I post here and in a group for people under 5'4" and I am in a challenge group. I must say even though it is hard sometimes to keep up with all the posts here, I do like this better than my group which is all fragmented into topics. I am keeping an open mind on the groups as many of my MFP friends seem to like them.

    We are suppose to get a big snowstorm today and into tomorrow. Since we still have a foot from our last storm, this should be interesting. Being a skiier, I hope we get dumped on, but not enough that I can't get out to go to work tomorrow. lol

    Last week I "did good" on logging, doing my squats, using the elevator and watching what I ate. Unfortunately, I could have done better on avoiding the candy dishes at work. Finally remembered to buy a new small notebook for meal planning. Today is homemade manicotti with sausage on the side.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there, I just read in my Prevention magazine to try Ice Cream...yes they said Ice Cream....apparently the dreaded 'brain freeze' will kill the migrane... in Canada our brain freezes come from 7-11 slurpees - :wink: might be worth a shot if you've tried everything else - ya never know! :drinker: good luck!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Curling: Barbiecat – glad to know that my rant about curling gave you an insight to the game. Believe me, what you are seeing on TV is a lot more professional that what goes on in our Thursday night ladies league. We probably have more fun, though! Genealace, I am sorry your curling experience was not more fun, at least it was memorable.

    Books vs. TV: Mixdouble – ‘tis true indeed that books are more interactive than TV. I have a pile of Christmas books waiting for me and I think I’ll opt for the upstairs comfy chair and a book this week, rather than TV and the glass of brandy (see below).

    Okanagan Wine: Kackie – I live in the Kootenay Valley, a 5 hour drive east of the Okanagan Valley. I spent my teenage years in Kelowna, which is a city in the heart of the wine-growing region. My parents still live there. We often visit the wineries. Friday night’s treat was a bottle of Red Rooster Meritage Reserve 2009.

    I made a really good “pork loin with caper and lemon sauce” from a WW 200 calorie cookbook last night, and then upped the ante by channeling my inner German and serving it with spatzle, green beans w/ bacon bits and a Latitude 50 white wine. J’boy said it reminded him of the food we had in Germany, so that was a success. I was within reason on the calorie count until I settled for an after dinner brandy… or two. Brandy is a bad habit.

    Hey – I bench pressed 40 pounds x 5 reps. Very little old lady. Stay posted for record-breaking news as I build up my upper body strength.

    Salad sistahs – mixed greens, dried cranberries, raw sunflower seeds, ½ an avocado, balsamic vinegar, a sprinkle of sea salt. Sigh. Bliss.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I like this format rather than a group. It's more friendly, somehow, to go through each post rather than looking at different topics.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Your new focus on what you think of as superficial things is pretty normal and pretty healthy. Years ago I had a really serious back injury. I spent three months getting rehab, and during that time, I lost 25 pounds and bulked up from all the PT at a gym. One of the physiotherapists there told me she loved watching the transformations in people when they losing weight and become stronger, and she said that people always seemed to take a renewed interest in their appearance after losing weight and getting fit - even the guys.
    I don't have any advice re: "the last 10 lbs" since I haven't been at that point ever, lol.

    May I join your merry band? Here's my intro:

    Hi, everyone. I've been on MFP for 165 days, yay me. I feel I need to commune w/my peers; this aging thing combined with this weight-loss/fitness thing has created some weird concerns that crop up from time to time, thought I'd see how others were dealing with our special issues. I'll post by and by w/specific questions as they arise.

    I'm 59 yrs old & as of today have lost 23+ lbs with at least 15 more to go. Feeling good, know I need to exercise more intensely as I lose, but find it hard to push myself & dedicate an hour a day when I have so much else to do (work, home, disabled adult child, etc.) Looking ahead, I hope to get a handle on entering "cronehood" and what this means physically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally (right now one big issue is feeling too old to be effective in my job & too old to start a new venture.)

    At book club the other night I realized that as I lose and have to buy smaller clothes, I've become focused on superficial things as if I've suddenly gone back in time to get a do-over as the junior high school girl I couldn't be because I wasn't cute & thin? Or perhaps it's just a break from all the day to day stuff I have to deal with?

    Whatever it is, I do hope to get a handle on becoming an age-appropriate, fit, confident, & dare I say sexy older woman soon!
  • purk59
    purk59 Posts: 2
    Hi I have been a member for quite some time and am ready to go and lose weight. I am excited as my husband has joined also it's so much easier when we are losing wieght together. It seems so much harder to lose than when I was young! I started loggin four days ago, went to my SIL birthday last night and went over my calories for the day. One strategy I plan to use is to get right back on my plan and try to find solutions to tough situations. This month my goals are to exercise 30 minutes 6 days a week and stick to my calories.

    Good Luck,

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I like this format rather than a group. It's more friendly, somehow, to go through each post rather than looking at different topics.

    i agree....i also enjoy reading all the posts
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Just spotted this and I would like to join in.
    My goals for this month are to plan and log my food, to start weight training again, and read more, ooohhh and finish the quilt that has been sitting by the machine for the last few months.
    Nice to meet y'all and happy new year:flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Aggh! Lost my post!!! I'll do a new one tomorrow.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Halinah1
    Halinah1 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in too please! :smile:
  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm 51, fairly new to this site, and wanting to join in with all you wonderful women in my age group! I've been reading through all the pages (phew!) and although there are quite a few, I'm still loving it. I'd like to lose about 50 lbs., and am thrilled about finding like-minded friends here who can encourage and help me along this journey. I have got about 43 more pounds to go, and am excited that the first bit has gone so well. I guess that's usually the case, right? Any suggestions and helps are greatly appreciated...

    Right about losing it fast when you first start!!!At least that was the way with me. I was able to lose 30 pounds the first six months by staying at 1200 calories a day. I started exercising (walking the dog) about one mile a day, and have worked it up to now sometimes doing 6 miles in one day. I just joined this group as well, and nice to be able to go to a thread with women around the same age.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Sherry here. I am glad I found this site and I can download to my phone. Easier to see what you put in your mouth. I am 57 with a 3 yr old grandson and a new grandaughter on the way. I don't want to be the grammie that can't get on the floor and play. I have a few major things to attend this year and Ineed to get this weight off. Started exercising slowly, bought an eliptical for Christmas and started wii fit yesterday. Sucks to have a computer icon say you are obese. Reality check cause in my head im still a size 12/14.:love:
  • This sounds GREAT! I am 53 years old, 5'4" and weigh 166. I am currently wearing size 8/10, but I still have at least 20 lbs. to lose, according to WW guidelines, BMI and so on. My all-time high was 217 on Leap Year in 2008. I have maintained in the 160s for almost three years now, but I want to continue until I am about 140 (or less). I am hoping to achieve this goal by my 54th birthday on August 18 of this year, which would mean an average loss of about one pound per week. Best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy and prosperous year! (carole in Boston, xO)
  • amckenna
    amckenna Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined this group three days ago and I have managed to log all of my food. I think the main reason that keeping a food diary works for me is that I stare at the Hershey's kiss (there are several sitting in a bowl in my kitchen), but I am too lazy to look it up and log it in, so I don't eat it. Now, my first thought when I want to snack is: do I really want to have to add this to my food log?

    I guess I am just letting my basic laziness work for me!

    Also, if any of you are looking for a filling, low calorie breakfast item, try Vitamuffins Chocolate Vita Tops (I buy them at Target). I can have one of these 100 calorie muffins and make it to lunch.

    I am thankful that I have such a great support group. Have a great beginning to your week.
  • Mmmmm ... Vitamuffins Chocolate Vita Tops sounds pretty yummy right now. Hope you're all having a great weekend. The weather here in Niagara, Ontario is unbelievable ... went out walking yesterday and today. It's more like spring then winter. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!