Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • CaptainM13
    CaptainM13 Posts: 1 Member
    So..I'm pretty late starting in on this lol a year after everyone else posted so i hope there are still people on here to share their experience. I'm on day 3 of week one of Ripped in 30 and it's intense. I lost around 20 pounds just by eating less before I started working out daily. I'm trying to only drink water, and skim milk and burn more calories in a day than I eat..does that sound about right? According to Jillian, I am a pear. Pears gain weight in their thighs, saddlebags (hate that word) and butt. I have a big butt for my height, and get comments all the time, but good ones because I have a small waist to accompany it. But, I HATE my thighs, all over fat and cellulite...will this work for me in 30 days? I am 18 and have never worn a bikini because I'm not comfortable enough and I want to so badly...I just want to know this will work
  • tlbaughman
    tlbaughman Posts: 1 Member
    Your input is VERY encouraging. What an inspiration your perseverance is to those of us on day 1 of Week 1....I have done other DVD workouts of Jillian's, but I can honestly say that this time I was actually "afraid" to start the DVD just knowing what possibly was ahead...But I did it! I kept telling myself..."I'm not going to die"....Sound familiar:) Thanks again!
  • I'm on week 4, about 1/2 way through. I agree with some others that week 3 is more challenging, but wk 4 is no joke. The burpees + jumping leg crosses just about kill me. I find it a little light on the abs though,
  • i was actually in target the other day and was contemplating whether or not to buy any of her dvds, as i have trouble sticking with any kind of dvd workout. but everyone on here seems so pleased with the results they get and how they feel afterwards that now i definitely need to get it! which one do you recommend for someone just starting out?
  • I have the Ripped in 30, which I really like. I've heard a lot of good things about the 30 day shred, which I've heard is easier, so if you're just starting out, maybe that one would be good. I also have No MoreTrouble Zones, which is my favourite of hers.
  • clur85
    clur85 Posts: 187 Member
    I am half way through Ripped, did 30DS before Christmas and loved it, but I am loving Ripped even more! I blogged about 30DS and doing the same for Ripped to keep me motivated and to hopefully inspire some people to stick at it! www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/clur85
  • agidavis
    agidavis Posts: 36 Member
    I am on week 4 day 2. Each week is hard in a different way, but this is the first week that i can see sweat dripping from my forehead. Haven't lost anything on the scale but can feel a lot stronger. I think if i could start from week 1 again i would try and follow her food plan, they say flat belly starts in the kitchen, I don't know if i could ever go back to the hour long dvds this is way to convenient... Good luck everyone!!
  • reneeramirez4christ
    reneeramirez4christ Posts: 112 Member
    I'm on day 3 of Ripped in 30, and I'm loving it! For those of you who have done it, did you do it by following the meal plan too?
  • MamaChunk
    MamaChunk Posts: 46 Member
    I am getting ready to start it. I hope it works for me!
  • I am on week 1 day 4! Love this workout, can't wait to see results!
  • raregian
    raregian Posts: 2 Member
    First day of week one and I almost threw up it was so intense! I am really excited though and look forward to tomorrows work out.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I did day 1 of level four today. It's such a great workout...fast but effective! Next week I am going to start 30DS, then once that is done I'm doing 6 week 6 pack, and finally I'll order Body Revolution. Hoping this all gets me not only to my goal weight (13 pounds to go) but also in much better, more toned, stronger condition.
  • DontEverGiveUp
    DontEverGiveUp Posts: 18 Member
    Hello. Would someone be able to tell me how many calories are really burned during the JM Ripped in 30 minutes? I just started Day 1 in week 1 and have no clue what I burned. Wondering if there is a website that would calculate that or if anyone has an idea? Thank you!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Hello. Would someone be able to tell me how many calories are really burned during the JM Ripped in 30 minutes? I just started Day 1 in week 1 and have no clue what I burned. Wondering if there is a website that would calculate that or if anyone has an idea? Thank you!

    I wear a HRM to get my calories burned. Each level has been slightly different and I usually burn more the beginning of the week than the end as I get used to it. I seem to average around 275 burned though. But, I have a fairly high heart rate so I may burn a bit more than others doing the same workout. Sorry I'm not much help!
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I just bought "Ripped" yesterday and did it for the first time last night...great workout!! I can feel it a little this morning, but it's that "you had a good workout" feeling, not painful. I am going to do it every other day, mixing it in with my running training. Is anyone also doing the 30 Day meal plan combined with the DVD? I looked at it online, but need to print it out today. I have been plateaued for about 6 months, so hoping that this will jump start me again...also getting company and a little vacation the end of April and I want to look good!! Let me know how it is going for everyone. I am very interested in results and also who is doing the meal plan. I need to take measurements today, so that I can track inches results.

    I am doing in conjunction with Half Marathon training, and so only doing this 3 times a week, and not doing meal plan. But i started week 2 this week, and jsut for the heck of it measured from the start, and don't think i see much difference yet, but maybe by the end i will...
  • CuteMonkeyGal
    CuteMonkeyGal Posts: 138 Member
    Bought myself this DVD for my birthday in September. I finally decided enough was enough for being tired and not feeling good, so I opened up the package and popped it in. After week one, day one, I can definitely see that this will be a good workout. I didn't even know I had muscles under all my tummy rolls. lol :)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Today is my last day of the RI30 program! I did all four weeks, five times each week. Love this program! I lost a few pounds but more than that in the last three weeks of it (didn't measure until after week 1) I lost 3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my hips, and an inch and a half off of each thigh. It really works! On Tuesday I start 30DS and will do that 5 times a week for 6 weeks to get through the whole program. Best of luck to eveyrone on here working through RI30!
  • Hi, I just started the JM ripped in 30. So today will be day 2 of week 1. So glad I found this topic so I can hold myself accountable. Nice to meet all of you!
  • tapiagonzalez
    tapiagonzalez Posts: 54 Member
    I wanted to start a board about the new Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD. I was thinking we could help each other and show results and success stories!

    Here is what I have done..

    I did week 1 for 8 days and am now on my second day of week 2. I have lost 1.5 lbs and can definitely see a difference in the shape of my body. I am aiming to lose 15 lbs. I am well on my way!!

    I just bought this DVD last night and will be working out to it TONIGHT!!!! I hear it's very HARDCORE but, looking forward to it!!!!
  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    I also just got this dvd, not sure how much I'll use it, i'm thinking 3ish times per week on top of the other stuff I'm doing, then progress the levels every other week. Anyways nice to see others.
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