MFP pet peeves.....go on, you KNOW you have one!



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Mine is the "fitness police" who troll the forums and think they know everything.... they know what worked for them, not for everyone. Yes, I find it awesome to hear their stories, but no I don't need to read a post with 50 people jumping on one person who asks about a cleanse or something that isn't the "fitness police" preferred method of losing weight!

    Edited for typos - I'm horrible at that! haha

    I think all of the people you are talking about are on my friends list and I am one too.
    I call these people "those who know what they are talking about" Since they post reputable sources to educate users so they do not make unnecessary choices they might regret or waste money on.

    You're telling me that doing 20,000 tricep extensions with a 2 lb. dumbbell isn't going to help me at all?

    Seriously, people who don't like knowledgeable people giving advice should not ask for advice.

    So true.
  • Dkittery
    Another is the people whose profile shot is pornographic. Like the guys with the 6-pack abs whose slacks barely cover their privates. I realize that I may be in the minority on this one....LOL

    Or the gals who have to show off a bunch of cleavage......yeah, we know you got boobs, big whoop!

    I'm actually okay with that...


    I'm ok with 6-pack abs!!! :):)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I think my biggest pet peeve is when overweight people looking for help losing weight call all the knowledgeable people who have reached their goals "fitness police."

    Let the flaming begin.

    This also. !!!! No flaming from me
  • mistersmithsbox
    - Apparently, most people here have never eaten fast food EVER since everyone and Jesus says how gross it is. Come on. Really?
    - People who like to act as if what worked for them works for everyone. No, dammit. I can't do squats. I've heard they give you a fantastic *kitten* and would love to, tho.
    - People who, whether meaning to or not, imply that there are foods in this world off limits.
    - Those that seem to skim posts and miss the restrictions put forth in said question. (I don't know how many times people tell me to eat shrimp. I said no shellfish. I said kosher. What else do I have to say? Make a big sign that says "WEIRD EATING JEW GIRL!"??!)
    - Those who deem some activities worthy of being logged and others not.
    - People who imply that obesity and weight problems are the worst thing in the bloody world. I'm sure war might be more important.
    - How damn normal everyone seems. (But that's just my own insecurities. I'm a mental case. Whatevs.)
    - Snark for snark's sake. It's not cute or helpful.
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    I hate that one, too! Drives me crazy.
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    Mine is how many people say they wanna "loose" weight instead of "lose" weight. I know misspellings are all over the Internet (their/they're/there, your/you're, etc.), but this one is rampant on MFP. And when you're a proud member of the Spelling Police, it really stands out. :)

    That has to be one of my biggest pet peeves!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Since I didn't list them I think my pet peeves are:

    ~When I provide reputable sources to back up information and a poster says "Lyle Mcdonald? Who is that? Why should I believe him?" Not all that bad and I don't blame them occasionally, but I facepalm xD

    ~When women say they are lifting heavy, but are only using 5 lb dumbbells and doing 40 reps

    ~The words "tone" (AKA spot reduce as most think it mean) and the phrase "everyone is different" You aren't some special snowflake xD Of course we are not equal, but this sums up my exact thoughts:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    People who snivel and make excuses.

    People whose ego has its own gravitational pull.
    Is that how I come across?
    A perfect guy like me should not be subjected to.....
    On second thought maybe I need a kick in the rear.....:blushing:
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    - Those that seem to skim posts and miss the restrictions put forth in said question. (I don't know how many times people tell me to eat shrimp. I said no shellfish. I said kosher. What else do I have to say? Make a big sign that says "WEIRD EATING JEW GIRL!"??!)

    I just had my hysto, and I post in every single exercise or diet question. "I JUST GOT A FCKING HYSTERECTOMY. WORKING OUT IS BOTH PAINFUL AND HARD, not to mention, not recommended until I'm eight weeks post-op." People love to ask, "WHY AREN'T YOU EXERCISING?!" Same with people who ask why I log cleaning/cooking.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    People who claim to be again Brotology, yet pretty much talk like them all the time, without realizing it. Brologists.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    "it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change" I always post this on these type of threads but, it keeps happening! I am changing my lifestyle but, I am at a calorie deficit so when I use the word diet that is what I mean. Do not correct me with your BS when I am looking for or giving advice on dieting.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    When you see the same question asked 900 times. "Why am I not losing weight!?" "Should I eat back my exercise calories?"
    Or when super common sense stuff is asked..."How many ounces is in a cup?" GOOGLE IT.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    no offense to anyone, but it drives me crazy to see 100 pound girls who want to lose 10-15 pounds..dude, are you trying to be annorexic ?? you are probably already under weight..why lose more..i hate that crap
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    People who claim to be again Brotology, yet pretty much talk like them all the time, without realizing it. Brologists.

    Ohhhh I think I know who you are referring to! :glasses:

    I'll add one of my own to this - People who walk into (or what the hell, click on) a thread such as this without an ounce of a sense of humor and get offended. ORLY?!? Yes, this place is flooded with trolls, all of whom [sidenote - i don't know when to use who and whom. I suck] I find hilarious. If you don't find them hilarious...well....

    ...insert something witty here....
  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
    people who fight about whether its right or wrong to eat meat and dairy..... I mean really???
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    Mine is how many people say they wanna "loose" weight instead of "lose" weight. I know misspellings are all over the Internet (their/they're/there, your/you're, etc.), but this one is rampant on MFP. And when you're a proud member of the Spelling Police, it really stands out. :)

    I hear you. My pet peeve is misspellings too!
  • fkeehnen
    fkeehnen Posts: 9 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • twhitney
    twhitney Posts: 65 Member
    Mine is how many people say they wanna "loose" weight instead of "lose" weight. I know misspellings are all over the Internet (their/they're/there, your/you're, etc.), but this one is rampant on MFP. And when you're a proud member of the Spelling Police, it really stands out. :)

    I hate that!
  • mistersmithsbox
    "it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change" I always post this on these type of threads but, it keeps happening! I am changing my lifestyle but, I am at a calorie deficit so when I use the word diet that is what I mean. Do not correct me with your BS when I am looking for or giving advice on dieting.
    This ALWAYS pisses me of. I feel like I'm being fed lovey-dovey unicorn droppings. It's a diet, man. Even if I'm stuffing my face with ice cream and coke, it's a diet. Just because it's gotten a bad rap (the word) doesn't mean it isn't true. How's that for some grammar Nazism?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    "My trainer told me [insert some nonsense or broscience here]".

    Even worse when it's a friend or a coworker rather than a trainer.