Negative Reinforcement (Don't Read If You Cant Take It)

So in my experience on the forums and with friends lists there seems to be a general idea that us fat people tend to get offended when we are called fat.

I learned something a while ago.

I use to get offended when people called me fat, you know it hurt deeply *right here* points to heart -. Then I came to a realization; I was and still am fat.

Guess what ? I am not big boned, I am not husky, fluffy, overweight, obese, metabolically challenged, horizontally challenged, chubby, chunky, corpulent, generously proportioned, hefty, gravitationally challenged, oversized, stout, stocky or Plus Sized... I am FAT ... Capital F, A ,T - FAT

While some of the above are more or less entertainment but many of the above are used to disguise, to desensitize and to avoid the big F word.

When I accepted that word, I did something about it. No I am not done, I am still fat, but at least now I don't have some misguided sense of delusion that the world made me obese, no I made me FAT.

So, what are you going to do about it ? Are you fat ?


  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Yup. I'm fat. Of course, I truly use the word "obese" to mean the same thing. Because all it means is "way too much body fat to be healthy." and "morbidly obese" is shorthand for "medical problems because of too much body fat for too many years."

    It's not a euphemism. It's a medical term.

    Me? I'm obese. Or fat. Same deal.
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    Amen brother!! I'm F***ing FAT and I'm working on it everyday!
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    Preach It! :bigsmile: lol. Accepting that I was fat is what got me to finally lose weight. I've never done anything better for myself :smile:
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Ok. I disagree (there has to be one, lol)

    (Here comes the geek) We are not fat. Fat is the substance that causes us to be Overweight or Obese,

    I have never heard any medical expert call me fat,,,, obese yes, fat never,

    Fat is the substance that we are trying to get rid of to not be overweight,
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I'm fat, but I'm trying to change it.
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    I'm i rite fat ****er me, clear in my mind. Nice peice by the way.
  • Yup, I'm fat too and sick of it and I'm doing something about it....:bigsmile:
  • runtrx
    runtrx Posts: 17
    Ok. I disagree (there has to be one, lol)

    (Here comes the geek) We are not fat. Fat is the substance that causes us to be Overweight or Obese,

    I have never heard any medical expert call me fat,,,, obese yes, fat never,

    Fat is the substance that we are trying to get rid of to not be overweight,

    Adipose tissue is more of a "geeked" term. And technically you dont get "rid" of it, you use the solidified energy stored in those cells and shrink them.
  • I am fat! I look at myself and see it. I am also obese, and I find that word the same as fat. I have to do something, and I am doing something right now!
  • snaggly
    snaggly Posts: 48 Member
    Heh, heh... I like this! Say it as you see it - I could not believe the photo of myself which I took last month. Not good!
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Ok. I disagree (there has to be one, lol)

    (Here comes the geek) We are not fat. Fat is the substance that causes us to be Overweight or Obese,

    I have never heard any medical expert call me fat,,,, obese yes, fat never,

    Fat is the substance that we are trying to get rid of to not be overweight,

    Adipose tissue is more of a "geeked" term. And technically you dont get "rid" of it, you use the solidified energy stored in those cells and shrink them.

    Ok, I bow to your knowledge, lol
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I am still fat, but at least now I don't have some misguided sense of delusion that the world made me obese, no I made me FAT.

    By far one of the most awesome sentences I have ever read
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Oh good I am glad too see people understood where I was going with this. I was waiting for the hate posts. I love motivation like this call me a masochist or don't but the sooner I realized that I was indeed fat, it motivated me to change it.
  • slimgal613
    slimgal613 Posts: 52 Member
    When I accepted that word, I did something about it. No I am not done, I am still fat, but at least now I don't have some misguided sense of delusion that the world made me obese, no I made me FAT.

    Love this! I am one else is!! Sorry...dont' know how to do the quote thing yet. haha
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yup - I'm fat. It wasn't until I stopped sugarcoating things and making excuses that I started to lose weight for real. I've been lying to myself for a looong time now about my sad situation. Finally I just woke up one day and said "God I'm fat! Time to do something about it". Now when people use the word "fat" around me I don't cringe anymore. I just view it as a fact and move on. Thanks for saying what I've been thinking!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have seen on TV that there is going to be commercials addressing childhood obesity. People are outraged because they are using overweight children to get the message in your face. There were people saying how it was not right and it was a form of bullying. The families and children had no problem with it. Of cource the people who were all opposing it were all thin.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    good stuff man! "negative reinforcement" and tought love are the way to go to success! if you keep throwing pitty partys n whining ur going to get nowhere!!! life is tought and anything thats easy is not worth having!! so suck it up, quit whining and do what you got to do!!!

    keep up the good work brother!
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    So in my experience on the forums and with friends lists there seems to be a general idea that us fat people tend to get offended when we are called fat.

    I learned something a while ago.

    I use to get offended when people called me fat, you know it hurt deeply *right here* points to heart -. Then I came to a realization; I was and still am fat.

    Guess what ? I am not big boned, I am not husky, fluffy, overweight, obese, metabolically challenged, horizontally challenged, chubby, chunky, corpulent, generously proportioned, hefty, gravitationally challenged, oversized, stout, stocky or Plus Sized... I am FAT ... Capital F, A ,T - FAT

    While some of the above are more or less entertainment but many of the above are used to disguise, to desensitize and to avoid the big F word.

    When I accepted that word, I did something about it. No I am not done, I am still fat, but at least now I don't have some misguided sense of delusion that the world made me obese, no I made me FAT.

    So, what are you going to do about it ? Are you fat ?

    Love this. I was reading a post yesterday about how women hated to be called voluptuous because it made them feel like someone was calling them fat. My first response is "well, are you" and my second is "if it bothers you change it" . It may not be the nicest description in the world but if you're Fat then you're Fat, if you are thin, then you are thin. It wouldn't bother you if someone described you as thin if you were would it?

    Anyway, I agree whole heartedly. I use to avoid talking about how big I've gotten but that doesn't change it. Accept it and either embrace it or change it. It is what it is and if you don't like it then do something about it. And I'm doing something!
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    F-ING FAT here too so what at least im still hot and i get laid me than most "skinny people" go me even at my smallest im still fat oh well life goes on at least im healthy and becoming more and more happy!
  • I'm fat. I know I'm fat because I wasn't always fat. I'm also a chick... So when I called myself fat in front of my girl friends, it was like I insulted my own mother unforgivably. lol There are people who are a lot fatter than myself, but that doesn't make me LESS fat. Just not AS fat. It might have a slimming appearance if I took a picture with a bunch of people bigger than me... I guess I always have that to fall back on if I'm not at my ideal size when I get married. :wink: