ever been told you werent good looking?



  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND! Same thing happened when I was a little younger and with my cousins. I was the ugly duckling of the group :( Guys say I'm "hot" just to see how far I would go. I just laugh and tell them "yeah I'm more like luke warm"

    I'm sad now all over again

    You've been getting wrong information from all of these people...from your pic, you are very pretty. You have a wonderful smile, too. So, I don't get why people would say that to you, except if they have some other motive.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am thankful she was honest.

    How unloving was it of me to let myself go, knowing that when we married, I was a guy in peak condition?
    Love is neither blind nor unconditional.
    We've been married 28 years and she's in peak condition and expects to be equally yoked.
    If I had not lost the fat, she would have divorced me for sure.

    And I would have had ONLY myself to blame.
    Further, not that it would ever be, but if she was the fat one, same deal.

    I could never be married to that.
    In the dark, all cats are not grey.


    Thank GOD my husband doesn't think this way!

    seriously!!!!!!!!!!! my husband loves me for me and THANK GOD for my husband not thinking that way!! luckily some people out there know beauty isnt just whats on the outside

    The only thing I could think of is how shallow is this marriage? What happened to "for better or for worse"? This is one of the reasons why divorce has risen - people just don't understand that love is deeper than the looks of your mate.

    Tell me about it! But, somehow they've made it 28 years...
    And the reason is HONESTY about what we each need in a relationship.

    My wife needs a fit husband, because fat is a major sexual turn off.
    REALITY - hello.....
    And rather than kill me with kindness and lies, she told the truth.
    People who don't value truth are the ones getting divorced, cheating and in unfulfilled relationships.

    Think People!
  • TaraEpersaud
    Not to my face but I learned not give a damn what other people think of me:)
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND!

    There's no way you are the "ugly friend", you're beautiful.

    This!! You are stunningly beautiful.
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm always the girl with the pretty face and "it's a shame she's so fat" - my husband's friends decided to share this with him one day. I'm always the fat friend and the one that guys want to be friends with just to get with MY friends. It's annoying. This weight loss journey I'm on is for a few reasons.

    1. I want to be here for a long time for my kids and my husband

    2. I want to not be the fat friend for once


    3. I want my kids to realize that being healthy can be fun and enjoyable.
  • lorihdavis
    Don't be upset. Her words are meaningless. She is obviously unstable.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm sure plenty of people have thought it, but no - I've not been told that.

    Sounds like she's got an elementary school type crush on you.
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    The mirror tells me everyday but hay ... I have other qualities that many people don't have so swings and roundabouts.

    When god gave out looks I could have sworn he said books and got to the back of the queue.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I tell myself every day lol
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    I'm always the girl with the pretty face and "it's a shame she's so fat" - my husband's friends decided to share this with him one day. I'm always the fat friend and the one that guys want to be friends with just to get with MY friends. It's annoying. This weight loss journey I'm on is for a few reasons.

    1. I want to be here for a long time for my kids and my husband

    2. I want to not be the fat friend for once


    3. I want my kids to realize that being healthy can be fun and enjoyable.

    Also take the satisfaction that one day you will be able to say ... I'm not pretty and fat now, I am gorgeous with a stunning figure.
  • UltraRoyal
    okay seriously....everyone that is posting that they have been called ugly.....IS NOT UGLY......holyyyyyy jeeze!!! LIKE who is calling who ugly?!?! And on top of that everyone has their own look and everyone has their own taste. I see people that ya they look good...but their not my type or there is no attraction. Its all individual. Overall, its what you think about yourself, tell yourself and know that you are beautiful. Im attracted to confidence and people that know themself.

    When I was younger I looked like a repitle (worst eczema ever!!!!) and I was uuuuuugly....after awhile I just stop caring what everyone thought and said, I focused on myself and confidence, took awhile but now I am happy with myself....and if you dont think im attractive.....well hey, thanks for your opinion......and on to the next!
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    I'd given this guy a ride home and we sat in the driveway talking (I didn't know him all that well...we'd see each other for a week once a year for about 5 years...he was a friend of a friend who'd come for a week vacation once a summer). He said "I don't understand why you don't have a boyfriend." And I replied, "Well, I think it's because not many people find me attractive." And his reply..."Yeah, but you're really smart." So, he didn't flat out tell me I was unattractive, but he didn't argue with it, either. When I gave him this sort of shocked look, he said, "I mean, I'm in no position to lie to you." Nice, eh?
  • 1215ladybug
    I've been told I was unattractive many times. I am the "smart"sister in a family of (3 sisters and 1 brother) beautiful thin people. I would love so much to be one of the pretty people. I am working on my self esteem, which includes losing weight.
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm always the girl with the pretty face and "it's a shame she's so fat" - my husband's friends decided to share this with him one day. I'm always the fat friend and the one that guys want to be friends with just to get with MY friends. It's annoying. This weight loss journey I'm on is for a few reasons.

    1. I want to be here for a long time for my kids and my husband

    2. I want to not be the fat friend for once


    3. I want my kids to realize that being healthy can be fun and enjoyable.

    Also take the satisfaction that one day you will be able to say ... I'm not pretty and fat now, I am gorgeous with a stunning figure.

    Aww thank you so much!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member

    I have never been a guy magnet. Even considering when I was the most fit and I thought I looked good. It is great that you are experiencing more attention. I would take it as a compliment... all the attention.

    As for the chic you are posting about.... it appears she is playing games. Glad you already have a feel for the type of person she is.

    Sorry she said what she said, even as you noticed her actions don't line up with her words.

    Congrats on your loss of 50lbs! Absolutely awesome!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    How mean. Obviously she doesn't feel good about herself. Remember it is not how you look but, what is inside.
  • kellydisney
    First, I'd tell this girl to go f*&^ herself and I'd only 'hang' out with her if she were there and someone else invited her.

    I was never told I wasn't good looking but I was called fat in school. What's funny is, the people who said it were always ugly so while it hurt, it didn't hurt that bad. You can always lose weight but you can't change ugly! ;) When I lost weight after college I was already dating my now husband. Naturally that's when everyone started asking me out and noticing me. I like the fact that my husband loves me regardless of my weight issues. Though now after a baby I have to lose all that weight over again! Good times lol
  • hennaed
    hennaed Posts: 14
    Yup. All the time. I'm ugly. Sad but true. Oh well, I guess.That's why I settled for the loser I'm married to and spend everyday miserable. I let other peoples opinions define my life. Want to see what I look like? There's another pic in my profile. Enjoy.
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    have you ever been told you weren't good looking? if so, did it bother u? or did you think they were an idiot..
    a person who i used to hang out with just as friends - she told me that i wasnt even good looking.

    it didnt really bother me, but i was shocked to hear her opinion so bluntly like that haha.
    the weird thing is, now she wont leave me alone! she is blowing up my phone with txt and "oh lets hang out this weekend!"
    she seems desperate now to "hang out" and i always tell her im busy - ill hang out with her as a group, but it would never be a date, i would NEVER date her because of her shallow personality and she kinda sluts it up....

    its just amazing to me how much more attention i get from people these days as opposed to when i weighed 50lbs more than i do now.


    blimey she must have needed her eyes testing:blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm only told I'm sexy/beautiful/pretty when someone wants a booty call.