ever been told you werent good looking?



  • susanloveszumba
    i was raised by my mom as the ugly one compared to my sister. just yesterday my mom was trying to convince me that i am pretty. so strange that now she is trying to reverse the damage that she did to my self esteem so long ago! it doesnt work well in that order!
  • susanloveszumba
    I'm only told I'm sexy/beautiful/pretty when someone wants a booty call.

    been there!!!
  • SwagataaDutta
    SwagataaDutta Posts: 7 Member
    i told my colleagues that i was the most sought after gal in college, but they didnt believe , coz they saw me as this fat, ugly gal....now that i have lost weight and look good again, all of their attitudes have changed! They are in awe of me now and accept that i really look good!!
  • UltraRoyal
    @DeeJTj.......shes not worth knowing, so keep her on the lock off. She showed her true self. And you look good to me....
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I have been told I'm unattractive or plain or ugly since I was in elementary school. Even now being married, my husband's dad has informed me if I have another baby I won't be allowed to eat at their house (our two kids are only fourteen months apart and the baby is eight months old). When we were dating he informed me that it was good his son found a plain girl so he wouldn't get too distracted. In my family I consider myself the "ugly" sister (there are five of us).

    People are crazy. You're very pretty...I don't understand why anyone would say that to you.

    I'm also from a family of 5, so I understand comparing yourself. I'm pretty sure my mother thought I was the least attractive of my sisters. My youngest sister especially was very cute, and people used to tell me all of the time. And, the girls would crawl out of the woodwork for my one of my brothers.

    In any case, I think the whole family dynamic can play tricks with your mind.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I've never been told I was ugly. However, I have been told multiple times that I have such a pretty face and if I would just lose some weight I would be beautiful. I am often called cute. Only two people in my life have ever told me I'm beautiful. My mom and a really good guy friend. My boyfriend thinks I'm pretty though so that's all that matters to me. Honestly one of the small reasons I started this journey was so I wasn't the fat friend anymore...
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,881 Member
    The girl that told you that is wrong and was most likely lying to get your attention.

    Not a great way to get attention but that would be the equivalent of a little boy pulling a girl's ponytail - acting mean to get the person's attention. She's obviously immature and insecure and you can do better.

    The truth is that you're very good looking.

    Don't let that get to your head because there's more to being attractive than just good looking. You also need a nice personality to go with it. (Intelligence, sensitivity and a good sense of humor are pluses too.) With that combo... look out!
  • foodjunkie26
    Yes...since I was a little girl. I had a horrible time at school from all the kids and then I would come home and hear it from my mom. Now that i'm married I still hear it from my husband every now and then when he is upset:( I guess thats why I always take photos from a distance and the main reason why i'm trying to lose weight and get in shape. Every holiday at his family's house is my worst holiday. His aunt will catch me getting a plate of food and she will scream in her "degrading voice", "WOW! If anyone wants any food they had better get it now...Debra is in the kitchen". Or she will bring desert and say, " You better hide this from Debra r there won't be none left". My least favorite is..."Matthew Debra must be saving all the food in the house for herself because you are way too skinny".
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I've been the idiot before that has called someone ugly. It usually happens when I want to distance myself from someone. Obviously, for every person I thought was "ugly" there really was someone else out there that thought they were hot stuff. I can think of three guys off the top of my head that I find utterly unattractive, but each one of them has a gorgeous woman that finds him to be the hottest guy ever.

    I have been told over the years both pretty and ugly comments. In high school, everyone said I was a "dirty scrub." More recently, the ugly comments are more along the lines of "are you pregnant?" I have also gotten lots of pretty comments though. My hair seems to be popular, but even then, when I was a child I got "I'd rather be dead than red in the head" comments all time. I get a lot of comments about my skin, both good and bad. My face shows very openly whether or not I feel healthy. I try to wear makeup so that it's more consistent, but somehow everyone can figure out when I look tired or sick. It's like my pale skin turns gray or something.

    I could probably go on and on all day about every nice or horrible thing anyone has said to me, but the moral of the story is that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. It is incredibly subjective. I hope that each of us can find the people that think we are beautiful and keep them close. Disregard what anyone else has to say.

    I look the way I look as a result of what I want to do. I think I might grow my hair longer because everyone seems to like that, and I try not to wear holey or ill fitting clothes, but otherwise, I do what I want and I don't care what others have to say about it.
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    I was told I was chunky since I can remember, I guess when you get past a certain age is not cut anymore...girls at school would make fun of me and try to hurt me in the bathroom.. guys well lets just say I had no boyfriends in school.. I woke up one day 2 years ago and stopped saying i was going to do it and just did it.. I just wish I would have done this years ago..that is what keeps me going.. I don't want my kids to go though what I did.. :happy:
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    when i used to be chubby they said i was cute now that i workout and look like i workout they say you look hot.
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Big boned--handsome face "but"-- the usual things people say to fat kids that they think are compliments
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    I'm only told I'm sexy/beautiful/pretty when someone wants a booty call.

    Hmmm . Simple answer to that. The booty store is closed for renovation.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    again, i am really surprised at all the responses! i was expecting this thread to die early!

    most of you say how you have been told you were ugly or whatever yet you have husbands and wives.. im 27 and not married... i think im single for life!

    but i dont think something is wrong with me... im just sayin.. some of you guys seem to be VERY hard on your own opinion of how you look and you have NO reason to feel anything but GREAT about yourself!

    I wasn't married until 30.

    Hey young ladies please stop making me jealous. I'm already 33 but still single & my ex-fiance had just left me for another woman for the 2nd time around. :(
  • allisonshaw710
    allisonshaw710 Posts: 52 Member
    My mom tells me I'm a "diamond in the rough" - I think she means it as a compliment/motivator, but I just think "why am I in the rough?"
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    I am always told that when they can't find a valid insult. Always resort to either "fat" or "ugly", sad really.
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    I'm very not a looker - got a funny face and not in a good way. Plus I'm fat - ugly and fat is a bad combination! (The fat thing is changing though, one kilo down and only about a billion to go.)

    BUT I'm nice, I'm friendly, I can sometimes throw out a good joke or two, and I'm lucky enough to be around people who value character above appearance. Some insults were thrown my way as a young'un, but nothing that I really took to heart. Now if I get any comments it's on my good qualities. I have quite a robust little self-esteem!
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    Yes a lot of times because of my weight. My ex boyfriend didn't want me anymore because of my weight and he was fat himself. Crazy how I ended up marrying someone that was half his size and better looking.
  • jmvmisc24
    jmvmisc24 Posts: 85 Member
    Im not very fat but i have been told my weight is a problem for some guys. ALso i have a health condition called strabismus that occurs when i intensely exercise or stress my body. i had surgery to fix it and yes people treated me like i was more of a person. When the lazy eye crops up people just want to laugh and taunt or not meet me in the eyes.
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    All the time when I was younger....ppl probabaly thought it when I got older. Since losing 150 lbs guys and I've noticed girls treat me better. I get hit on and women seem friendlier but then I get the snarky stares sometimes.