
  • Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing on?

    May I have your attention, please?

    Actually, half a pound below goal.

    ::shouts for joy::
    ::jumps up and down::
    ::does her Snoopy happy dance::
    ::considers a back flip but decides she doesn't have time for rehabilitation::

    OK, deep breath. In, out, in out. I'm OK now that I have that off my chest.

    Carry on


    You just amaze me - what an incredible weight loss. I am so happy for you. It takes incredible will power and inner strength to achieve what you have done. Awesome!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I use Designer Whey Protein powder. I use chocolate with frozen cherries and I use strawberry with all kinds of fruit. I bought big tubs at Amazon and it wasn't so pricey.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Congratulations Virginia :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    My heart rate monitor is a Polar FT4. It has the chest strap as described above. It displays my heart rate in BPM or % of maximum, records & displays duration of workout and calories burned. Keeps up to 10 workouts in memory bank. Probably has more features I have not found yet. Functions nicely as a watch as well. I've only had it since Friday but we've had two good workouts together and I can tell it's going to be a big incentive to keep me moving.

    Kackie, your weekend with college friends sounds like so much fun. Play on! :laugh:

    Smwert/Susan: I don’t bake very much any more because I can’t resist my own goodies. :noway: J’boy doesn’t need them either, so things like cookies and desserts just don’t happen around here anymore. I wish I had the willpower to bake and not eat, but it is what it is.

    KC: This morning I did a set of crunches and pushups on my exercise ball while waiting for the expresso to brew, I’m channeling your before school workout activity. Tomorrow, two sets.

    Laura, so glad to hear you’re not dizzy. Can’t agree more about the water, it's a key to weight loss for me.

    Cindy, your night at the Detroit Institute of the Arts sounds fantastic. Access to music and the fine arts is limited in my small town, and I miss it. Hoping for good news about your brother.

    A new school week. I have a treasure box equipped for the classroom, following suggestions from you wonderful folks and my students which includes but is not limited to: pencils, erasers, little ninja guys, little parachute men (remember those?), stickers and tiny toy trucks. I am very fond of random reenforcement, which means they don't know when I'll add a prize to the mix. For the most part I think they should do the right things and work hard because it feels good, not because Mrs. Teacher is cracking a whip or holding a carrot under their noses. If I offer incentives or prizes all the time I have to keep upping the anti, by the end of Grade 7 I'd be giving away iPods and free trips to Disneyland!

    Have a great Monday.

    Hasta pronto,

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Thank you for your post. I thought it was high too. The only one I've tried so far is from Life Time Fitness, vanilla. I'm not going there right now because I am in a walking boot. We have a Costco membership if there is anything there. I want to add it to my steel cut oat too, I don't eat much meat until dinner, I usually have hummus as an afternoon snack. Want to have a smoothie instead. TIA for any thoughts!!

    Whey proteins tend to be the most affordable. Look for whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate or casein proteins. Some are a blend. Isolates are the most digestible for use at workout time, but for general protein supplementation they're all as digestible as meat proteins.

    At Walmart they have Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey, which is a blend, for $14.98 for a 2 lb tub, the cheapest good quality protein I've found. Love the chocolate, never tried the vanilla. GNC has some of their own brand that are good and not as expensive as the Isopure.

    PS: Steel cut oats - just got turned on to those by another post here. Made a crock-pot version and had them for the first time Saturday morning. Definitely a winner. Taking tips for preparation, add-ins, whatever as I'd like to make them a habit.

    To do the quote thing: hit "Quote" under the comment you're replying to. The quote will show up in the text box and you can go below the word quote in brackets at the bottom and add your own reply.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all...had a lovely weekend, on saturday my family was over for some food, drink and games(mostly MEXICAN TRAIN)...did log went over, but on sunday wa back to normal and just slightly under in the calories, no workout yesterday had to get the house back to normal, so active in that regard, but did not post any calorie burn....today is biking and weights(no spinning )and then home to continue the shredding of old papers and stuff....have a lovely day all:flowerforyou:

    @michele ...great that you are back on track....and i agree that heavy carbs/sugars also make me feel out of sorts the next day

    @wizzywig....hope you got your steps in....i wear one when i travel to keep me in checck...

    @smwert....in the same boat called "sabotage me"...this will be a better week

    @kckramp....good news on your weight lost....andy loss is a good loss,

    @jam0525.....happy birthday to your son...how lovely that you and your daughter workout togthere..your are a great role model for her

    @susanpv....i mentioned it before , but worth mentioning again....CONGRATULATIONS on your grandson

    @virginia...i think i might like to try the DVD....though i have stop walking for exercise due to a bad hip(dr appt on the 31)but i would like to add some change to my workouts......and YAY!!!!!!on getting to goal....i am sorry for what your daughter went through but she is now with you and in a loving home

    @laura80111...happy you are feeling better

    @rjadams...what an acomplishment for ritter, our 9y/o still has accidents

    @realpure...welcome...i am in the after 5pm club with you....one of my tricks is to brush my teeth as soon as i done with my dinner..most of the time it works...good luck

    @mazaron...sounds like a fun night....i love my HRM as well...i like knowing the calories i burn, as accurately as possible...i know when i go over, i do push myself a bit and try to stay a bit over for a while, to build up endurance(i read that some where

    @barbiecat...i am going to try the book "thin"...some re-inforcement is always welcome...maybe in an audible book so i can take to the gym

    @tiarapants....how busy you are with the babies, must also be fun...

    @determinedina....a grandchild birthday awesome ...and pizza wow whats not to like....

    @deb_rn...dinners out are great but boy do we pay the price the next day...good job on tweaking the numbers

    @cindyw7......prayers for your brothers speedy recovery

    @justkate...welcome...this is an awesome group of ladies...we are here to share in your journey...good luck

    @kackie....what a lovely weekend you had....to with family and friends thats what its all about...

    @realpure...i use the GNC brand (i like the vanilla ice cream)i think its called...i tried the chocolate but didnt like the taste
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    So at what point is a new topic started? There's a page limit or something? I guess i didn't know because for two weeks I have thought nobody has posted and thought... wow, that's odd. Not like I was missed though, I mean you have to come and post every day and pester folks and get to know people first, and i haven't done that. :) In any case.... hah! I found you all again. And you thought you could hide.....

    Drove two solid days this weekend. Got home around four yesterday afternoon and then went out and ran with my daughter. We managed seven miles. I am TIRED today. :) Better get some energy, the grandkids are showing up today.
  • Good Morning Everyone! Thank you for all the welcome notes...... really means a lot to me!!! I look forward to getting to know all of you. I will have to check out all the great suggestions. I didn't have the greatest weekend. Too much temptation. Kids are home again today for a teacher work day. We need to get out of the house. I always do better with a plan, so I think I'll plug in some meals before we head out so I'm not out of calories when we get home.

    Does anyone here add protein powder to smoothies? I'm finding that I'm hungry going into late afternoon. I want to add protein to my AM snack that will help with my later afternoon munchies. I was looking a isopure? At GNC.

    I have a Premier Protein Chocolate shake with a banana and frozen raspberries blended in my Bullet pretty much every morning. I love it. My BFF callis is a chocolate vitamin supplement because there's so much good stuff in it. :happy:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So at what point is a new topic started? There's a page limit or something? I guess i didn't know because for two weeks I have thought nobody has posted and thought... wow, that's odd. Not like I was missed though, I mean you have to come and post every day and pester folks and get to know people first, and i haven't done that. :) In any case.... hah! I found you all again. And you thought you could hide.....

    Drove two solid days this weekend. Got home around four yesterday afternoon and then went out and ran with my daughter. We managed seven miles. I am TIRED today. :) Better get some energy, the grandkids are showing up today.

    There is a 500 post limit. When we hit 500, and you look on "my topics" you will see that there is a padlock in front of the topic. If you look at the last post, in small script, it will say "continued at this topic". Click on that link, and you will find us, not really hiding from you, but waiting in eager anticipation, hoping that you make the leap to the other side with us! Make a post, and you are back in business, with the proper thread showing up in My Topics. I hope this helps. Mary
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou: and thank goodness it's a new week as I totally lost my focus last week as far as food goes. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    The dastardly pnut butter cookies are almost gone:devil: and I am so over them...I will get back to losing the rest of this weight now because I too want to have the joy :bigsmile: that Virginia had when she reached her goal...congrats to you, can't wait to see your glamour shots now! A fedora, my how sexy!

    I have a wonderful decision to make, we are going to plan to go away for my 70th birthday in May and not sure what we are going to do..thought about going to Washington D.C. for a few days or possibly along the Florida panhandle to the beach or another thought was to go to Cleveland to see the Rock and Roll hall of fame but not a whole lot else to do there, we've even talked about Vegas, so not sure what we will finally do, will do a little reading and try to make up my mind. We have an upcoming trip pending to some friends in Dahlonega, GA in April so might just continue on from there somewhere.

    Bought a cute jacket on sale yesterday online at Chico's now just have to get the jeans and a tank to go under..the jacket is shades of aqua with silver hilights in it..actually the color group is called beachglass...and they have ankle length straight leg jeans in that color too. Now that there is more room in my closet I can shop.:love:

    Haven't been able to get back into logging in all my food like I did before...I know it is key and really need to make myself get back in that habit.
    Have a great day everyone...xo:heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Virginia - Happy happy dance for you!! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    I just tried a new recipe for a "mug muffin" this morning. Here is a link to the post about it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/291144-2-minute-microwave-mug-bread?error_user_id=126547&error_username=msh0530
    It was pretty good, and I will make it again. I am not much of a morning person, and have to be very organized the night before to combat this, so last night, I got my mug out and mixed the dry ingredients in it. This morning, I only had to add a tablespoon of my homemade applesauce and an egg, and pop into the microwave for 90 seconds. I emptied it out into a plastic container, sliced it, and ate it after I got to work with a little lowfat strawberry cream cheese. It is really more like bread than a muffin. It is also gluten free, if anyone is on a gluten restricted diet (which I'm not.) In the post, the calorie count is pretty accurate, but her fiber/carb info is a little off. Here is what I got when I entered it into my recipes: 196 calories, 10 carb, 14 fat, 12 protein, 8 fiber

    I ate it about an hour ago, and I think that it is going to be enough to keep me from getting hungry before lunch - we'll see.

    Have a great Monday! Mary
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Thank you for your post. I thought it was high too. The only one I've tried so far is from Life Time Fitness, vanilla. I'm not going there right now because I am in a walking boot. We have a Costco membership if there is anything there. I want to add it to my steel cut oat too, I don't eat much meat until dinner, I usually have hummus as an afternoon snack. Want to have a smoothie instead. TIA for any thoughts!!

    Whey proteins tend to be the most affordable. Look for whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate or casein proteins. Some are a blend. Isolates are the most digestible for use at workout time, but for general protein supplementation they're all as digestible as meat proteins.

    At Walmart they have Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey, which is a blend, for $14.98 for a 2 lb tub, the cheapest good quality protein I've found. Love the chocolate, never tried the vanilla. GNC has some of their own brand that are good and not as expensive as the Isopure.

    PS: Steel cut oats - just got turned on to those by another post here. Made a crock-pot version and had them for the first time Saturday morning. Definitely a winner. Taking tips for preparation, add-ins, whatever as I'd like to make them a habit.

    To do the quote thing: hit "Quote" under the comment you're replying to. The quote will show up in the text box and you can go below the word quote in brackets at the bottom and add your own reply.

    Thank you Virginia! As for Steel cut oats, have commited to starting most days with them. I use whatever fresh fruit I have on hand and a small number of nuts (6 pecans or walnuts) Was using a lot more until I got here and saw how many calories they add. I also like pumkin seeds on it. I don't use sugar but find that the fruit sweetens enough for me. You are an inspiration!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Thank you Magnolia. Off to do some protein powder shopping. Kids home today, need something to keep me from snacking with them. :blushing:
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing on?

    May I have your attention, please?

    Actually, half a pound below goal.

    ::shouts for joy::
    ::jumps up and down::
    ::does her Snoopy happy dance::
    ::considers a back flip but decides she doesn't have time for rehabilitation::

    Yee Hah! Doing the happy dance with you.....

    OK, deep breath. In, out, in out. I'm OK now that I have that off my chest.

    Carry on

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Sorry I was MIA over the weekend but it really was a hectic week with DBF and the furnace. They had to come back again on Saturday (no charge), but the engineer still needs to come back today or tomorrow to replace a part that he installed, but which isn't working to be effect.

    DBF had a comfortable night, but with all the fluids he has been receiving over the last few days, he is not getting rid of enough so they are going to give him a diuretic this morning to help flush out some of the excess.

    He was awake and was able to respond to the nurse by nodding and shaking his head, and did indicate he had pain in his legs so she had just given him some pain meds. I’ll go in to see him this afternoon.

    So things are progressing very slowly and we are hoping that his breathing tube will be removed soon. He gets anxious that he needs a drink, but obviously can't have one at present.

    Had a whole pile of phone calls to make on his behalf today, but I think everyone is now up to speed.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning everyone! Ooops, good noon I should say! Goodness I cannot keep up with all the conversations! I was away this weekend and feel like I've lost half a lifetime of conversation! It was a really tough weekend for food, though I did pretty well for the most part! I was at a retreat and the meeting room had a table full of snack foods! All the yummy decadent, fattenting things I've successfully avoided recently - and actually I only 1 tortilla (lime flavored tostitos!) and an occassional handful of tropical fruits and nuts over the 3 days! And I lost 1 pound, so I'm feeling quite smug :happy:

    Virginia my congratulations to you too! How spectacular!!

    For those of you who have decided to add steel cut oats, but may want a lower carb option, can I suggest FLAX! Sensato High Fibert Hot Cereals are quite good, low calorie, very high fiber and about 1/2 the total carbs of most other hot cereal options. Dixie Diner makes a great hot cereal option as well! I have them for breakfast and snacks, especially when I am craving sweets! I low carb, so this matters in my daily carb counts!

  • Would love to join this forum. I am a 54 year old Grammie who has been on MFP for 1 year and
    lost 72 lbs. If you are interesting in being my friend, please add!!
  • normajeanmobean
    normajeanmobean Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I am new to this (well, actually I joined a year ago and didn't get very far in the few days I did this) but I wanted to say that I am looking forward to making new friendships on learning from everyone as well as sharing my experiences. I live alone and my kids are grown. I've been eating like crap for the past year and need to get my health in order before my knees completely fail me! Here we go!!!! :)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just a quick run by posting.

    This afternoon I was just about to top up the grandtwins water cups when their dad arrived home. He said, let's put some orange squash in it for them for a change (not something my daughter or I have ever done, but he's their daddy). Anyway, they absolutely loved it and drank it down quickly. I'm not kidding - within five minutes they were hyper! Rushing around and going just a little crazy. Teddy got so carried away that he banged his head. I had never seen anything give such a quick reaction.

    Water or milk in future, methinks!

    Back soon.
    Amanda x
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    well Happy Monday, I had to call off work because I have been babying my toilet had a small leak and I just kept turning the water off to the toilet, well today I guess it had enough and the water wouldn't turn off, I guess I stripped it so now waiting for a plumber. There goes today's pay. So wish I had a handyman around to do odd jobs, hard to find people you can trust. Will try to get some exercise and water in, it is a cold any rainy Monday
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing on?

    May I have your attention, please?

    Actually, half a pound below goal.

    ::shouts for joy::
    ::jumps up and down::
    ::does her Snoopy happy dance::
    ::considers a back flip but decides she doesn't have time for rehabilitation::

    OK, deep breath. In, out, in out. I'm OK now that I have that off my chest.

    Carry on


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: