Mean women at the gym



  • amywils77
    amywils77 Posts: 22 Member
    What's the saying?? "Karma is a bigger b@#$% than I'll ever be!"
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I would love to have had you deck her but I wouldnt want you to get in trouble. There really wasnt much you could have done. The problem is when people are in a situation to where they can, they dont act. These prissy *****y girls are rude and put everyone down because they know no one will stop them. I was a betting man, girl, you so could take them down. You did the right thing, you dont want your membership revoked and possibly go to jail.

    They always get their way and no one does anything about it. The guys they date or the string of nice guys who they use and mislead them into thinking they will get out the friends zone are usually weak minded and let them run all over them. These type of women are bullies to everyone. They really think they are princesses. I know the cinderella story, im thinking they got the princess mixed up with the evil step sisters. One day, they will wake up with a pitchfork in their *kitten* when they go to hell.

    I get alot of women who message me on how they get treated by women, its really sad.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I pretty much don't waste a minute of my time on mean people, especially those showing their stupidity, in such a manner.

    Lifes to short to bother even addressing a person that would make such a comment. Its not like anything you could say here is a "win", and certainly will not "teach" her anything. If she would make the statement you said - she is certainly not in the mode to receive an education from anyone, no matter how it is presented. :) And likely bucking to start a fight.

    SHE obviously has issues, why let her negativity and horrid attitude pollute your life. Not worth playing into her drama lama game.

    I can't choose what other people say or do - but I can choose whether I want to allow it to effect me, my day, my mood, my life. I choose not to let it do so.

    In that situation, I would roll my eyes, ignore her, and keep doing what I am there to do. I am working out for me - no one else.


    But I'm not in the cardio section much.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Wear ear buds, listen to loud music, and ignore everyone else. Who cares what anyone else says or thinks! You are at the gym working out which is still more than what most people are doing!

    This is what I do at the gym. I'm in my own little world and if someone were to say something nasty, I wouldn't hear them anyways.

    I'm sorry you had someone make such a nasty comment. Totally unnecessary and it shows her lack of character, not that it makes it sting any less.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I laugh at people. Nothing pisses someone off more than being laughed at.

    Point AND laugh to piss them off even more. LOL
  • kristinekilgore
    "But doing it that way (point to the other girl) obviously makes you a raging b*tch."

    Like that... I can't believe that!!! Your at the gym to better yourself and feel good. People like that should not be in the gym. I'm sorry you had to experience that! Keep it up and forget about that person, because obviously she is miserable enough to have to tear down others. Keep doing whatever your doing, no matter what!! Don't let her bring you down to her level.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm not sure where to post this so. Yesterday at the gym these two girls were working out on the aerobic steps. one girl says to another while explaining a step "you can do it this way, or you can do it the p*ssy way like that" and then points at me. It took everything in my body not to walk over and deck her. How do I handle a situation like that?
    For ladies, I can't say.
    If a guy ever singles me out like that, I hope pain is something he enjoys.
    I hate bullies!

    You serve like an old woman.
    Actually, I serve WORSE!
  • KLK1986
    KLK1986 Posts: 89
    I would have flipped her off and moved on :)
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm not sure where to post this so. Yesterday at the gym these two girls were working out on the aerobic steps. one girl says to another while explaining a step "you can do it this way, or you can do it the p*ssy way like that" and then points at me. It took everything in my body not to walk over and deck her. How do I handle a situation like that?

    You walk over and deck her.
    No. I'm kidding.

    I'm not gonna lie, I'd have a hard time not lashing out.

    But maybe just get earbuds and jam out so you don't have to listen to snarky bias.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Exactly. Unfortunately this type of behavior is "our' fault, meaning as a country. Many people think they are entitled to say whatever they want, whenever they want without any regard to other people and their feelings. In my opinion some of this comes from the "my child needs to express him/herself" parenting style.

    The best thing to do in this situation is to ignore it. Don't feed into it by making a comment back or confronting the person. You don't know this person, and based on her comments and potty mouth, you don't want to know her. Generally, I would say that it would do little good to respond/correct/comment because otherwise the person wouldn't have made that statement in the first place. There will always be ignorant people in the world, so your best bet is to let it go and focus on your own goals.
    I pretty much don't waste a minute of my time on mean people, especially those showing their stupidity, in such a manner.

    Lifes to short to bother even addressing a person that would make such a comment. Its not like anything you could say here is a "win", and certainly will not "teach" her anything. If she would make the statement you said - she is certainly not in the mode to receive an education from anyone, no matter how it is presented. :) And likely bucking to start a fight.

    SHE obviously has issues, why let her negativity and horrid attitude pollute your life. Not worth playing into her drama lama game.

    I can't choose what other people say or do - but I can choose whether I want to allow it to effect me, my day, my mood, my life. I choose not to let it do so.

    In that situation, I would roll my eyes, ignore her, and keep doing what I am there to do. I am working out for me - no one else.
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    I am sorry you had to deal with that! Try to stay upbeat and don't let that type of person get you down. Remember you are there for yourself, and to feel good. Try not to let that type of person affect you - your gym time is about you, not them. And if you question if you are using some equipment wrong, then just ask the gym staff. It is their job to help with that sort of thing. Good luck avoiding those rotten *%$!@$*.
    ^^^I concur with this^^^ However if you pay for membership I would comment to manager of the place but not in a whining way but maybe ask for a refund and go omewhere else!:grumble:
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    I would have started singing "***** Control" by Prince and looked right at her.:laugh:
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I would have looked her straight in the eyes and said "I hope I misheard you bc that sounded really unkind."
  • naner61
    naner61 Posts: 85
    Kill em with kindness!! Smile and wave is the best way, throws people off guard when you are nice to them and ultimately makes them look like the fool!
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    If it were me, I'd stop what I was doing...walk over to her...politely/calmly explain to her that you'd heard what she said and that that's not very encouraging to gym patrons (which you are...a paying customer) and ask to speak to her supervisor. You join a gym to get exercise info from experts along with support and encouragement.....that's what you're paying for, and if you're not getting it then some adjustment should be made to your bill. Not to say you jump at every opportunity to save money but a gym should be full of things that are positive reinforcement, so you go back and work out again the next day. If someone goes to a gym and has a bad experience, then that gym is not doing their job correctly.

    Bottom line:
    1. You are entitled to a place that offers you what it promises: fitness/health/support/encouragement (and you're paying for it)
    2. That 'trainer' needs to know that her behavior was unacceptable. If she is a tough love trainer then she can do that with her client whose OK with it, OUT of earshot of other patrons of the gym.
  • SonyaGod79
    I am sorry to hear that, but I think that you did the right thing by not saying anything. Use her as your motivation. Don't let her win. Never alow anyone to take up space in your head. By saying anything you give her the power. Fight harder and stay strong.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    "But doing it that way (point to the other girl) obviously makes you a raging b*tch."
    Yet another reason why LorinaLynna rocks.

    I probably wouldn't say anything because I hate confrontation unless I know the person well, but it would definitely hurt.

    I hope you weren't too discouraged. The fact that you are trying and that you are doing your best is all that matters.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would just have said "I can hear you, you know." and walked off. I think there are better comebacks, but that's what would have come to me in the spur of the moment. Sometimes people just need their rudeness pointing out to them.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Its simple... you walk up and knock the b*tch on her *kitten* and tell her "thats how p*ssies do it"
  • Chubbasmommy
    being the crazy italian b*tch i am....i would have hit the b*ttch :laugh: but thats just me lol