Do you think you're attractive?



  • elgo1819
    I won a Cutiest Kid Contest when I was 3. I'm still getting chicks off that one. Hahahaha.

    <-- Besides, who couldn't love that face? :D
  • tscottym
    tscottym Posts: 55 Member
    i know i am a 10!!!! i just wish all the women would see that. i am fine as frog's hair!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Its kinda funny when i was at my thinnest I used to think I was ugly. Now that Im bigger I can look back and see wow I was pretty. At the moment I think I look good for someone my weight. Not the best but not the worst either. Im just trying to lose some weight to boost my confidence

    When I was wearing a size 7 I thought I was fat. *Banging head on desk*
    One's own mind does screwy things sometimes.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    It really depends on the day. Some days, absolutely! I mean, I dont think I will be winning any beauty pageants or anything, but attractive ~ maybe even pretty on a really good day. There are other days though, where I look in the mirror and cannot find a single thing that I like. I can be pretty mean to myself. I see me mostly as very plain, nothing special.

    Galegetsthin.. WAY not true. You're very pretty!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    thankyou4thevenom I am completely enjoying the way you defaced your generic bobblehead avatar. Kudos! :)
  • mamalula
  • toebass
    toebass Posts: 73 Member
    I get told i am quite frequently, but i never feel sexy... Photographs don't lie...
  • LFlo79
    LFlo79 Posts: 17 Member
    Confidence makes EVERYONE instantly attractive!! I'm not the prettiest girl on the playground, but my nonchalant/outgoing/cool (yep, I'm cool) personality makes me feel attractive. I have what they call "swagger." Ok, not really...but I think I'm a pretty awesome person. *toot toot* LOL

    People tell me I'm pretty all the time, but I kinda shrug it off. It makes me feel better when people tell me I'm smart, witty or funny.....because I am smart, witty AND funny. Yep, all 3!
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Sometimes when I look in the mirror I think I am decently cute or attractive. But I don't think I'm hot. I'd like to be hot. :)
    But when I see photos of myself, I do not look remotely what I think I look like in the mirror, once in a while a picture looks okay, but I wonder if my reflection deceives me. There was something on a friend's facebook that said "my mirror and camera have totally different ideas of what I look like", something to that effect. Sooo true.

    I can so relate to that!!
    I run away from cameras all the time.
  • KemahSunshine
    Im the girl next door type. Pretty but not drop dead georgeous. Attractivness is much more than the physical though. Im certainly not vain... but I am positive minded & confident... both of which are very attractive!!! :wink:
  • BoxingCoachMo
    I agree red heads are HOT. In fact in my opinion it doesn't matter what color your hair, skin, background ... all types of women can be attractive.

    Personally I am comfortable with who I am and really do not take myself seriously in terms of how attractive people think i am. I think of my face as a blank canvas and with that mentality, what is there to worry about?

    All i feel that I have to do is eat well, workout a few times a week, groom myself a few times a week... its easy being a man haha
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Actually no I don't, the profile pic was me before my second kid I'm 18lbs away from that again. So I don't think so, I think my personality might be though.
  • Ruchgupt
    Absolutely not...I think that's a huge motivator in my even undertaking this journey, which is also, in turn, why I keep giving up. I'm very extrinsically driven, and because I always attribute my lack of dating life to my weight, I often feel my most unattractive at my most lonely. It's a vicious cycle. What's helped is to wear clothes that are comfortable and to eat clean...when I feel fat and bloated, I know I've just had an intense cheat day, or my self perception is warped 'cause I've deprived myself heavily and feel cheated because I haven't reaped the rewards.

    Man, sorry for that self analysis! I think weight loss is totally emotionally linked though, and the better I am about being honest with myself, the better I can get about getting healthy.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    Not at all attractive, but I make up for it by being sort-of-smart, funny, and loyal to the end.
  • insane4train
    insane4train Posts: 58 Member
    yes and that's all that matters!
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    no, but I'm past caring
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow, a lot of people here don't believe they're attractive and so many of you guys are beautiful!! No matter what, it's important to love yourself.

    I think I'm gorgeous! I love my body and myself. Who cares what any one else thinks?!
  • mtppatrick
    Sometimes I consider myself moderately my bad days though.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Some days I think I'm the hottest things since dual exhaust pipes.

    Other days I think I'm the homeliest looking thing since carrot top.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    no no no