"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Had a lot of pain at the gym today, which frustrated me. Obviously I didn't keep doing the exercises that caused me pain, but I still put in an hour and a half and modified my circuit. Still, re-tweaking the injury from two and a half weeks ago is no good. Spent longer on the treadmill than I should have.


    Running, 5.5 mph - 22 minutes - 248 calories burned
    Elliptical Trainer - 10 minutes - 75 calories burned

    STRENGTH TRAINING - 40 minutes - 136 calories burned
    Free Weights - 2x10x10
    Abdominal Crunches - 4x60x8
    Leg Press - 3x10x140
    Toe Press - 4x10x50
    Standing Calf Press - 3x10x100 [increased weight]
    Bench Press, Barbell - 2x10x30 [new exercise]

    FOOD: Even though I feel like I ate horribly, I only ate one meal today other than my protein shake and I split what I ate with a friend. I'm getting hung up on still feeling like I consumed all of those calories even though I didn't and ended up with some 524 net calories after exercise.

    ASSESSMENT: I HATE being in pain, and even more, I HATE having to take the time out to rest my injuries. Happy to have increased my standing calf raise weight...Think my calves are the strongest muscle on my body. Wish the rest of me looked as cut glass. Added a barbell bench press because my right arm is still really touchy and couldn't do my normal arm circuit. Otherwise I felt pretty pathetic thanks to hurting so bad. I'm pretty sure I'll be fighting these injuries until my winter season ends. On a plus note, I have a date for Friday night after dance at the studio, and I'm kinda excited. We met at the gym, no less. Been over a year since I've had a date. We'll see how it goes.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Thursday: Strength Training, upper body.

    Shoulders: reverse flys 3x10x15lb, lateral raises 3x10x15lb, front lateral raises 3x10x10lbs.

    Pushups 3 x10, Spiderman pushups 2x5.

    Triceps: 3x10x15lb skullcrushers, 3x15 tricep dips.

    Abs/back: 3x15 leg raises, 3x20 scissor kicks, 1 x60sec plank, 2x30sec supperman.

    Biceps: 3x10x15lb curls.

    Food: on target. Been a good week.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Had a lot of pain at the gym today, which frustrated me. Obviously I didn't keep doing the exercises that caused me pain, but I still put in an hour and a half and modified my circuit. Still, re-tweaking the injury from two and a half weeks ago is no good. Spent longer on the treadmill than I should have.


    Running, 5.5 mph - 22 minutes - 248 calories burned
    Elliptical Trainer - 10 minutes - 75 calories burned

    STRENGTH TRAINING - 40 minutes - 136 calories burned
    Free Weights - 2x10x10
    Abdominal Crunches - 4x60x8
    Leg Press - 3x10x140
    Toe Press - 4x10x50
    Standing Calf Press - 3x10x100 [increased weight]
    Bench Press, Barbell - 2x10x30 [new exercise]

    FOOD: Even though I feel like I ate horribly, I only ate one meal today other than my protein shake and I split what I ate with a friend. I'm getting hung up on still feeling like I consumed all of those calories even though I didn't and ended up with some 524 net calories after exercise.

    ASSESSMENT: I HATE being in pain, and even more, I HATE having to take the time out to rest my injuries. Happy to have increased my standing calf raise weight...Think my calves are the strongest muscle on my body. Wish the rest of me looked as cut glass. Added a barbell bench press because my right arm is still really touchy and couldn't do my normal arm circuit. Otherwise I felt pretty pathetic thanks to hurting so bad. I'm pretty sure I'll be fighting these injuries until my winter season ends. On a plus note, I have a date for Friday night after dance at the studio, and I'm kinda excited. We met at the gym, no less. Been over a year since I've had a date. We'll see how it goes.

    Being hurt sucks, but don't be hard on yourself. Your body will come back even stronger!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    I always need the reminder. I've felt so off-track this week because of the pain. I'm tough, and I can push through anything. But that's half of my problem too. My drive to succeed no matter the cost can have severe effects on my body down the road. I know this, but my winter season only lasts so long and I have to take advantage of it despite the pain. But last night it got so bad after my "light" gym circuit that it kept me awake half the night. Obviously, I did not go to the gym today, but still struggled through work a little. It is so frustrating because I also do not want to lose the strength I have worked so hard to achieve, but my muscles just can not do it right now. I cannot stand not being active. Balancing my need to train and condition physically AND mentally with needing to rest my injured body is a war right now, and it's a tough fight. I'm doing the best I can for my body, but it frustrates me a lot too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    I always need the reminder. I've felt so off-track this week because of the pain. I'm tough, and I can push through anything. But that's half of my problem too. My drive to succeed no matter the cost can have severe effects on my body down the road. I know this, but my winter season only lasts so long and I have to take advantage of it despite the pain. But last night it got so bad after my "light" gym circuit that it kept me awake half the night. Obviously, I did not go to the gym today, but still struggled through work a little. It is so frustrating because I also do not want to lose the strength I have worked so hard to achieve, but my muscles just can not do it right now. I cannot stand not being active. Balancing my need to train and condition physically AND mentally with needing to rest my injured body is a war right now, and it's a tough fight. I'm doing the best I can for my body, but it frustrates me a lot too.
    So it might be time to do some assessing. It may hurt a little to train, but if the pain is high, there's an indication of something more stressful on your body. I got a stress fracture in my ankle a year ago and didn't really know it UNTIL I was in the hospital getting it looked at because the pain got worse. You pretty much you know you, but it doesn't hurt to be on the side of precaution.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW! My DD is getting an award today at school for being an Advanced Reader. So proud! Later I got a couple of clients then some work to do at home.

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength:biceps and triceps- preacher curls, alternate curls, rope pressdowns, lying tricep extensions. 12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Had junk food yesterday, but still a pound down.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    I do so love this tight-knit little group we've become. I'd like to take a moment out simply to thank you for being so encouraging to me.

    Niner - I don't know HOW you manage to train every single day. I completely respect that. I think it would be easier in my off season and if I had a steady job where I got off work at the same time every day. Bouncing around from shift to shift like I do means I never have the same amount of recovery time between work outs, but it's something I would love to achieve in the future. Perhaps after the winter season ends and my injuries heal up a bit more.....we shall see. Good luck with your continuing journey forward.

    Brandi - I love seeing your posts, they are always so encouraging to know there's another female out there who takes her conditioning as seriously as I do. I sometimes feel very alone because the people around me don't really understand how important it is to me. I consider myself an athlete, and it's only going to get more heavy as it goes. Your kind words and support have meant a lot.

    Happy Friday to both of you!

    I had a very happy NSV today. I bought a new shirt size medium juniors. I don't think I've ever bought a medium since I started wearing juniors clothes [back in high school.] That's been some 12 years. I seriously am in the BEST physical shape of my life. My training injuries are just that, and they will heal if I can find it in me the time to rest.

    I had no pain today other than my sciatic nerve that crops up from time to time, and even that was dull. It's 40 degrees and sunny outside, and I couldn't not take advantage of that. Went for a 3-mile run at about 6.0mph sustained [30 minutes total.] Burned 340 calories doing that.

    Also have ballroom dance tonight, which will burn about 654 calories. I'm quite excited for that.

    Total burn of 994 calories. I can't WAIT to drop below 150 lbs and see that new determination pulling me through. I also talked to a health nutritionist today, and he added a safflower oil supplement to my vitamin and protein/creatine regimen to help me target that last bit of abdominal fat that is harder for a female to burn off. I'm also thinking about adding coconut oil as well. I've always tried to maximize the greatest benefits from my efforts, but doing it safely and without diet drugs. It's time to start molding the extra body fat percentage now. I also helped get my mom started on some supplements to help her deal with the changes in her body and am helping my best friend begin her weight loss journey too. To be an inspiration to other people is HUGE.

    Date tonight after dance at applebees....rum and coke and boneless wings are on the menu, and I've worked hard enough to earn them and enjoy my time without freaking out about the calories or restricting. I'm excited!

    ASSESSMENT: Feeling great today. Needed the support yesterday...was quite an emotional and troubled day with my ED, but I will persevere because of my support group. So thankful for everyone who stands behind me a hundred percent. I have had so many people tell me how much I kick *kitten*, and that I've come much too far to doubt myself or be sidelined now.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    1. The workout:

    Friday: Strength Training: lower body

    Squats: 4x15.

    Squats with calf raises: 4x10.

    Forward lunges: 3x10.

    Reverse lunges: 3x10

    Glute Kickbacks: 3x10.

    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.

    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.

    Calf raises: 3x20.

    Food: After a stressful few days (dealing with my step-dad regarding my mom's stuff-she passed away 4 months ago), I decided to enjoy a decadent dessert from an incredible local bakery I love. Ate a hyper light dinner to accommodate some of the calories, but I'm sure I was over. Was delicious and a pleasant way to end a week of good progress.

    2. Dream_big:

    What a wonderful post! Thank you for the kind words. I wish more people had stuck with this thread. Even if some aren't posting here, I hope they're following the TLFC ideas ninerbuff set out. Knowing I need to post here has, on occasion, been the only thing that got my butt working out. Watching everyone's progress is great and helps keep me going.

    I'm a bit lucky in real life; my closest friends (and flag football teammates) are all fit/athletic women. Who you're surrounded by can certainly influence your own behaviors. They've all been very encouraging as I've lost the weight and gotten into shape. I was not an "athlete" as a kid, I didn't grow up playing sports in school or taking dance classes. Getting into sports as an adult has been, perhaps, the greatest positive thing I did for myself.

    Dream: Congrats on your progress against your ED. You may not hear that enough. I've never had an ED, so I can't fully understand the struggles with an ED. I can understand aspects of it, though, as I used to self-harm. I understand something you said in your blog about how it's "always" with you. Something you have to be mindful of. My mom passed away 4 months ago, so things have been rough emotionally lately. The death of my mom has been my biggest test. Just wanted you to know I understand about those tough emotional days. Be proud of how far you've come.

    Niner: Congrats to your DD for the award! Sounds like you've had a good week!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Class this morning, football last football practice, and some finishing work to be done on CRV. Will also do some shopping nearby so that we can get ready for a baby shower we're throwing for my BIL.

    Cardio:kickboxing- 60 min (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Almost the end of the month and I'm at 186.6. My goal is 185 by the end of the month so I have a couple of days left.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Enjoy football practice, niner! Wish i was practicing it! Damn off-season. :grumble:

    Saturday: Cardio. 30 minutes of custom sprint/foot fires/jump rope mix.

    Food: I should be on target.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Saturday - No actual exercise, but I claimed the hour I spent cleaning up shattered plate glass window at my work after somebody broke in early in the morning. That is DEFINITELY not part of my job description...and a TON of effort. So 204 calories burnt.

    Food - Right on target.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Hope you 2 had a good weekend despite a couple of issues!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Today is the first day of my new TKO class at the gym! In this class I instruct kickboxing and conditioning for an hour and we do it on stand up bags! It's a killer and can burn up to 1000 calories in an hour. Got the same class tomorrow at 6:30pm too!
    Had a good weekend. Spent most of yesterday cleaning out the CRV so that it will be ready for my BIL next month to take to it.

    Cardio:walk/jog 3 mi (400 calories)

    Strength:quads- squats, leg press, leg extensions. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Very close to goal with a couple of days left!!!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Rough Monday.

    Gym time was killer. Unfortunately it was more "punishment" then "victory" for eating so damn much. I don't know what got into me but I paid for it simply to be under my calorie goal for the day.

    CARDIO - Total Burn 790 calories

    Treadmill - 30 minutes - 327 calories
    Elliptical - 25 minutes - 222 calories
    Stationary Bike - 30 minutes - 207 calories
    Pilates on Ball - 10 minutes - 34 calories

    FOOD: Horrible today. I feel like I've had an awful week of bad choices. So disappointed in myself, and that weight is crushing. I haven't done this badly since I STARTED conditioning. Back on track tomorrow for sure.

    ASSESSMENT: Went to the doctor after gym time. Have injuries that are still swelling and hurting, even sometimes when laying in bed. Still can't stretch properly from the inner groin injury, shoulder pain and now calf muscle is on ice. I figured I had simple strains, doctor said I actually tore muscle tissue so it may take two months to properly heal, but he okayed me going boarding on the 18th. I won't be perfectly put back together, but its just not going to happen until the season is officially over. I cant just screw my entire season over for muscle issues. That being said, I'm supposed to rest UNTIL then and I don't know how. I'm trying to come up with a circuit I could do that would help me burn cals but remove the resistance so I don't tax these already painful injuries. I'm TERRIFIED that without exercise I'll regain weight. But not only that, I crave exercise the way most people crave candy or chocolate or starbucks. I really do need it in order to keep myself sane....thanks to my ED and everything else. It's the only time I get any peace in my head. To lose that would be....a very dark existence. So how do I continue conditioning so as not to lose what Ive worked so hard for, without reinjuring those muscles? I know everyone's advice is to simply rest and heal but I'm hardheaded and you all know that. So please give me advice as if that weren't an option.

    Your support is everything. I hope you can understand why and how important continuing my training is to me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Rough Monday.

    Gym time was killer. Unfortunately it was more "punishment" then "victory" for eating so damn much. I don't know what got into me but I paid for it simply to be under my calorie goal for the day.

    CARDIO - Total Burn 790 calories

    Treadmill - 30 minutes - 327 calories
    Elliptical - 25 minutes - 222 calories
    Stationary Bike - 30 minutes - 207 calories
    Pilates on Ball - 10 minutes - 34 calories

    FOOD: Horrible today. I feel like I've had an awful week of bad choices. So disappointed in myself, and that weight is crushing. I haven't done this badly since I STARTED conditioning. Back on track tomorrow for sure.

    ASSESSMENT: Went to the doctor after gym time. Have injuries that are still swelling and hurting, even sometimes when laying in bed. Still can't stretch properly from the inner groin injury, shoulder pain and now calf muscle is on ice. I figured I had simple strains, doctor said I actually tore muscle tissue so it may take two months to properly heal, but he okayed me going boarding on the 18th. I won't be perfectly put back together, but its just not going to happen until the season is officially over. I cant just screw my entire season over for muscle issues. That being said, I'm supposed to rest UNTIL then and I don't know how. I'm trying to come up with a circuit I could do that would help me burn cals but remove the resistance so I don't tax these already painful injuries. I'm TERRIFIED that without exercise I'll regain weight. But not only that, I crave exercise the way most people crave candy or chocolate or starbucks. I really do need it in order to keep myself sane....thanks to my ED and everything else. It's the only time I get any peace in my head. To lose that would be....a very dark existence. So how do I continue conditioning so as not to lose what Ive worked so hard for, without reinjuring those muscles? I know everyone's advice is to simply rest and heal but I'm hardheaded and you all know that. So please give me advice as if that weren't an option.

    Your support is everything. I hope you can understand why and how important continuing my training is to me.
    Since I've dealt with athletes who can't afford to take too much time off here's some suggestions. Do A lot of dynamic stretching first. Second work more on PLYOMETRICS (like box jumps, bounds, etc. you can google plyometrics) with little rest in between. Trust me, you can burn more calories doing plyos than elliptical, etc. plus you get the benefit of strengthening the ligaments and joints. Try it and tell me how it goes.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! Well 1st month of the year gone and goal was met! Wanted to hit 185 and came in at 184.8! Talk about hitting close! First TKO class was a success and everyone liked it! Now onto today's morning class and see how that goes!!

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (400 calories)

    Strength:hamstrings and shoulders- seated leg curl, lying leg curl, shoulder press, side lateral, reverse flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Did good yesterday. A little short on water, but good.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Took a rest day Sunday, then worked late yesterday, so no workouts for a couple days.

    Tuesday: Strength Training, upper body.

    Shoulders: reverse flys 3x8x20lb (new weight), lateral raises 3x8x15lb.

    Pushups 3 x10, Spiderman pushups 1x5.

    Triceps: 3x8x15lb skullcrushers, 3x15 tricep dips.

    Abs/back: 3x20 leg raises, 3x20 scissor kicks, 1 x60sec plank, 2x30sec supperman.

    Biceps: 3x10x20lb curls. New weight!

    Food: over the past two days. Getting back to it today.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    TUESDAY: Busy, productive day, including a 3-mile walk with the dog. Yes, WALK, not run folks. Only 222 calorie burn. Sucks, but I'm on orders and my calf is in too bad a shape to even contemplate running. Otherwise, cleaned the house and did my taxes and lost 1.5 pounds somehow over the past week of bad food choices and guilt. Now at 148.5 and have never managed to break below 150 lbs before. Still not happy, still keeping going. Food was well under today, so I'm back on track hopefully. Cravings need to leave me alone.
    Since I've dealt with athletes who can't afford to take too much time off here's some suggestions. Do A lot of dynamic stretching first. Second work more on PLYOMETRICS (like box jumps, bounds, etc. you can google plyometrics) with little rest in between. Trust me, you can burn more calories doing plyos than elliptical, etc. plus you get the benefit of strengthening the ligaments and joints. Try it and tell me how it goes.

    I will definitely look into it. Thanks for your advice, it helps a lot.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    TUESDAY: Busy, productive day, including a 3-mile walk with the dog. Yes, WALK, not run folks. Only 222 calorie burn. Sucks, but I'm on orders and my calf is in too bad a shape to even contemplate running. Otherwise, cleaned the house and did my taxes and lost 1.5 pounds somehow over the past week of bad food choices and guilt. Now at 148.5 and have never managed to break below 150 lbs before. Still not happy, still keeping going. Food was well under today, so I'm back on track hopefully. Cravings need to leave me alone.
    Since I've dealt with athletes who can't afford to take too much time off here's some suggestions. Do A lot of dynamic stretching first. Second work more on PLYOMETRICS (like box jumps, bounds, etc. you can google plyometrics) with little rest in between. Trust me, you can burn more calories doing plyos than elliptical, etc. plus you get the benefit of strengthening the ligaments and joints. Try it and tell me how it goes.

    I will definitely look into it. Thanks for your advice, it helps a lot.

    Congrats on the weight loss. Funny how our "bad" weeks can still show progress. Glad you were able to get a walk in. You're doing well. Remember the positives. :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Wednesday: Strength Training: lower body

    Squats: 3x10x40lb. New Weight!

    Squats with calf raises: 3x10.

    Forward lunges: 3x10.

    Reverse lunges: 3x10.

    Glute Kickbacks: 3x10.

    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.

    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.

    Split Squats: 3x10.

    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb. New Weight!

    Food: on target.