Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I hate hearing, "Do you eat?" Very annoying........
  • When I was a child, at a family gathering (relatives we didn't see that often) a great - aunt said, "Oh, you're the fat one!"

    Also, my mother told me that I used to come home from school crying that someone called me "fat." I had completely blocked
    that from my mind - don't even remember it. I knew I didn't like being fat, though!
  • I lost a bunch of weight very quickly and met up with a friend who hadn't seen me since the weight loss. She stood there literally for several minutes laughing because she didn't recognize me. It felt great at first but then she told me she was shocked because she didn't recognize me. She said it was amazing she could get both arms around me to hug, that I had been 'greedy' before and had a fat face but it was OK now because she could see my cheekbones. Nice... I went home and cried because I thought I had looked just terrible before and was hurt that she had thought of me as a 'piggy' (her words). It had the exact opposite effect to what I had hoped and I went on a major binge, which caused me to give up the diet plan (probably a good thing because it wasn't very healthy) and gain all that weight back. Which made me feel worse. Now I listen only to myself. I want to look good a FEEL good. For me. I get to be the judge of what's pretty and what's not and I keep people's opinions out of it, whether good or bad.
  • I am so sorry you had to hear that from family members.
  • I can't say that I've ever gotten too many negative comments about my weight. If people are saying mean things, then they're certainly keeping it to themselves.

    However, one time I was with one of my best friends. And we decided to go visit her mother. I hadn't seen her in a year or so and the first thing she said when she saw me was, "Wow, you've put on a lot of weight."

    I guess because I'm not use to people being so blunt about it, it really bugged me. I laughed it off at the time, but that was one of the things that really convinced me to make this change. So, I guess at the end of the day it was a good thing.
  • LazyDaise
    LazyDaise Posts: 48 Member
    My ex blamed the bad wifi signal on me and said that call of duty was slow because I was a "big, fat signal blocker".
  • This same thing happened to me. One summer when I was in college I lost 50 pounds. People's reactions were very strange.
    Men whom I worked with previous summers and hadn't seen me were all of a sudden talking to me and wanting to go out with me. It just made me angry more than anything. It's hard to face the fact that so many people are superficial. I've learned that real friends are those who love and appreciate you no matter what weight you are!
  • bethm1210
    bethm1210 Posts: 66 Member
    Worst thing ever said to me was back in high school, when I thought I was fat, but wasn't. One of the guys in my class said, "Hey Beth, anybody ever tell you you have a nice butt? Probably not, cuz you DON'T!!!"
  • I went to the beach recently (a big step for me), was having a lovely day, beach was pretty secluded, went for a swim and then decided to dry off by laying in the sun and reading my book. A guy walking past said to his friend "let's go down the other end, get away from the beached whale". He then looked straight at me and smirked. I was pretty pleased with my come back though "I'd insult you back mate, but I can see nature has already done it for me." Hehehe - I've always wanted to use that line!

    HA! Love this response!
  • My daughter that's 4 asks why I have big boobs. And that daddies don't have them. :-/
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    My father sold his house 5 years ago and gave all of my siblings $1,000.00 cash.... all of my siblings but not me, stating "Lose 100 pounds and ill give you your share, that should motivate you." I was 17 and 180 lbs at the time...

    My mom once told me while I was putting on my makeup for the day that I "could apply all the makeup in the world but it won't help if i'm fat."

    That is horrible and the sad thing is that reminds me of my mother. Dear God that woman knew how to tear you down...

    "Why must you sit down with all your weight, Devan?" "I heard stomping all throughout the house.. it was you with all your weight or Bigfoot."

    Another thing she does is not invite me to visit her at her office anymore. She says that she doesn't want everyone to see how much weight I've gained because it's embarrassing.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    The most damaging comment I ever got was when I was 14.

    I was not fat at 14. I was 5'3", and about 127 lbs. All curves (larger boobs and hips run wide in my family). I was at my older stepsister's house, before her baby's funeral. Her dad, my first stepdad, whom I had not seen in a couple of years, was in the front room.

    I went out to see him, and hoped that he would notice I was "all grown up"... he looked at me, and said, "Wow, you've gotten fat!" then he looked back at his son-in-law, and they started laughing their heads off.

    I was mortified. Absolutely. I can still feel my little 14 yr old self struggling to maintain some dignity as I walked away.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Sumo wrestler
    Cow ( dad liked to use this one)

    Even if you lose weight you'll still be ugly so why bother ( ex husband, all kids in school from grades 5-12)

    No one will ever want to date you if you're fat (dad)

    How does it feel to be so fat and know that no man will ever **** you ( co worker from Africa. I promptly told her that all the African guys wanted me and asked her how it felt to be too skinny for an African man. That shut her up.)

    Just kill yourself already. No one wants you (brother)

    You're discusting, you're fat rolls are not sexy at all ( ex husband)

    Where is your belly button ( said to me by a guy I had a one night stand with during nursing school)

    Your tits are just huge and ugly. Real women's tits are between an a and a b. anything more than a handful and a mouthful is a waste. You're ugly ( another jewel from my ex husband)
    The list goes on
  • beauty is on the inside.
    I went to the beach recently (a big step for me), was having a lovely day, beach was pretty secluded, went for a swim and then decided to dry off by laying in the sun and reading my book. A guy walking past said to his friend "let's go down the other end, get away from the beached whale". He then looked straight at me and smirked. I was pretty pleased with my come back though "I'd insult you back mate, but I can see nature has already done it for me." Hehehe - I've always wanted to use that line!

    HA! Love this response!
  • I tend to keep my weight in my belly and I always wear loose shirts and for the past few weeks I have been losing weight in my legs so my belly is even bigger in comparison to the rest of my body. I was at church a while back and my little sister started patting my belly and I told her to stop and a lady asked me she said, "Are you pregnant, people love to play with baby bellies". I told her no. I was so embarrassed.
  • People tell me stuff like that and I just tell them that I am much prettier than them because while they walk around looking like a bean pole I have sexy curves and guys will usually think that is much more attractive. Don't let people get you down.
  • mcldk
    mcldk Posts: 15
    "Here love, you'd look all right after ten pints!!!

    .......... Not 3 or 4 lol TEN! haha
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    At my sisters wedding, where I was a bridesmaid, my aunt said "You look nice, you used to be really FAT didn't you?" She's not particularly thin herself.

    Had forgotten about that comment for years but it came back into my brain the other day.

    Not a comment to do with my weight but a girl from work told me I look nice when I make the effort (e.g. spent as much time tarting myself as she does, wearing too much make up and faffing with my hair). Good thing men like me whether I make that effort or not and I like me too!
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    You're a good looking girl but if you lost weight you'd be beautiful.... Thanks (mother)

    You're too fat for sex (ex boyfriend trying to "motivate" me to lose weight)

    You're skin on your face is stretching so your pores look huge!! (mother again)
    glad that guy is ur ex, u deserve so much better!
  • Piglet_26
    Piglet_26 Posts: 104
    For me it would have to be when I was getting dressed and looking in the mirror thinking to myself that on that particular day I looked Ok.....(ex) boyfriend walks in 'You do realise fat is not attractive?'

    "££%£^&*&(*(*()*(_(^%^%$£$"$!"$4r3458242%£$^$%^ Makes me angry thinking about how rude some people can really be >_> This did infact really upset me but this was a few years ago now and has now become a running joke in the family.