Beginners Walking Challenge



  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    Ok so last night was my son's last soccer practice, whoopie right......that means parent/kid scrimage :explode: That means I, me have to get out there and play like I know what I am doing :grumble: I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis, severe foot pain:mad: that is very painful :sad: and makes me grumpy :cry: but ladies I DID IT! :happy: I actually got out there and played about a 45 min game against a bunch of 6 yr olds and it was (dont tell anybody) fun! :bigsmile: It has been a little hard to get my walks in because of my foot but I do feel better with that little bit of activity under my belt. I AM SO PROUD OF ME! :drinker: Normally I am the mom on the sidelines, afraid of what other people will think because of my size. Last night I actually didn't give a rats patoot :happy: :love: :wink: So here's to our challenges :drinker: and overcoming them :happy: :tongue: Take that soccer!

    WOW you go girl! :bigsmile: My kid's are in soccer & I usually make my hubby do the parent thing,LOL. You just gave me an insentive to get my butt out there! hehehe :happy: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I've been faithfully walking every day! I'm not going to today, b/c I don't feel very well and have a fever :frown: I hope I feel better tomorrow b/c I really enjoy my walks! :ohwell:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    hey Alafia22! nice to see you joined our walking challenge:happy: These are great bunch of ladies! Very motivating and helpful. Good luck to you!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    4 miles for me today. Done in 67 minutes. I also did my upper body strength training routine as well as 33 push ups and 61 squats. I hope everyone had a great day ! Cindy :heart:
  • Tekamahmom
    Tekamahmom Posts: 15
    Hey walkers, it looks like everyone is doing really good.. I didn't get my tae-bo done today or really any walking in besides cleaning because one of my kids and I were sick.... :sad: I've been dealing with a migraine that just won't go away no matter what.... :angry: Soooo hopefully tomorrow my migraine will be gone and my son will feel better and I can do some workin out.... :happy: Good job everyone....
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    woah! 33 pushups! way to go :happy: I've been trying to improve my upper strength...haven't been able to do that many pushups. That's really cool Cindy!

    Reminder to everyone: don't forget tomorrow's check in day! :happy:
  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    OK so I'm really a lil upset today...yet happy at the same time. This week I felt I have been amazing! Except for the hot dog I had yesterday, oh and then the chocolate last night (family drama and stupid me opted for food instead of exercise at 9:00 pm.) Anyways, I've walked 2x this week, and this morning I went to the gym and did 10 min on bike (until my thigh cramped) 5 min of stretching then 30 min on treadmill followed by another 10 min of stretching and then my 30 min circuit training (thats the happy part :happy: ) But I weighed myself (3 days early) and it looks like I gained 2.5 lbs! :noway:
    Is that possible, should I be discouraged?? :grumble: What to do! I don't want this to set me back :embarassed: Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Well, you have to indulge on things you love every once in awhile. It's ok to have a little chocolate and a hot dog every now and then so try not to be so hard on yourself :happy:
    ...and I must say, you did an AWESOME job at the gym! 10 mins biking, stretching, 30 min treadmill, more stretching, 30 mins circuit training!!! 70 mins of just exercising is fantastic :happy:

    Don't peak at that scale bc you'll get disappointed or excited in what you see. It's kind of like cheating almost :wink: :tongue: If you see you've gained weight it might discourage you...but then if you see you've lost weight you might not be as motivated to keep exercising/dieting bc you think "oh I've already lost weight I dont have to worry for this week". At least that's how I used to be :blushing: Try waiting until your check in day so you don't get unmotivated and discouraged.

    But def don't be discouraged right now! Wait until your check in day and see what the scale says then. If you HAVE gained weight, it could possibly be from exercise. You're prob gaining muscle, which is good! I say keep doing what you're doing and stay strong. Whenever you feel like opting for food instead of exercise, tell yourself NO, I WILL NOT! and just go exercise. No matter how hard it is, you just have to push through it. Keep telling yourself you WANT to lose this weight and you WILL lose this weight. You need a good mindset otherwise you'll keep setting yourself back...but I know you can do it so stay strong and you'll be at your goal weight before you know it!!!! :flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    OMG kidvicious!!! Thank you soooo much...that's exactly what I needed to hear! I am so glad I found this website and have amazing support and encouragement. :bigsmile: I hope Sunday the scale will show better numbers, and I promise I won't peek anymore! I did (do) exactly what you say about gaining the weight and getting discourage and if I lose weight I cheat more. No more peeking, staying on track now! I won't let myself down! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Good luck on the rest of your week! Hope you put up great numbers!!! :flowerforyou:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Hey taxgirilie!

    Don't think that you've "gained" 2.5 pounds--that was probably due to water retention caused by the sodium in the hot dog. :smile:

    Don't beat yourself up about what the scale says--just take heart in the fact that you're working hard at improving yourself! Sometimes it takes the scale and the clothes we wear a little bit to catch up to all the hard work we do. Keep plugging away! It's definitely worth it!!!!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Cheers, :drinker:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    So, no workouts for me today (I think). :embarassed:

    However, I did walk for 63 minutes yesterday (I got in 5.1 miles in 60!!!) morning and a 35-minute bike ride with hubby in the evening. :bigsmile:

    We're going to check out a treadmill this evening, so I may not be able to get my workout in. However, if all goes well, perhaps we'll get it and get it set up and I can squeeze a few minutes on it before bed.

    ...funny thing is that we're getting this treadmill mainly for our puppy (the one in my ticker) so that she can expend all of her pent-up energy so that she's not as destructive! I do intend to use it on those days I can't get to the gym.

    Everyone have a great day!!!

    Cheers, :drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi team, I hope everyone is having a great day. I walked 2.5 miles this morning in 38 minutes. I'll walk 2.5 more tonight for 5 miles total. I am going to spend a couple hours swimming this afternoon. Kidviciuos, I'm doing the 22 squat challenge and the 100 push ups challenge. 6 weeks on the program and your supposed to be able to do 200 squats at a time and 100 push ups at a time. I'm in week one. I'll finish this week on Friday and move to week 2 on Monday. I love it! Have a great day walkers- Cindy :heart:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    No problem taxgirlie! I'm glad I could help out. If you need any help/motivation or just to vent to someone, I'm totally here for ya! I wish you the best of luck! :flowerforyou: (as well as everyone else on here too :happy: )
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I'm back on track with my walking. I've been dragging the last few days and realized it's because I haven't been working out in the morning. It really does give me energy for the day. If I don't do it in the morning - I have NO energy to do it later in the day. Anyway - I walked about 1.5 miles for 45 minutes and 4800 steps on my pedometer.
  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    Deborah - more great words of encouragement! Thank you! Its really nice to get this support! Kidvicious, thanks for offer and right back at ya! Or anyone else out there! Venting, discussing, advice...we all need it! Thanks again to everyone for their support and please know I'm right here rooting you all on as well! Best wishes MFP buddies!!! :)
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    So, tomorrow's the big day! Another day of check ins. I hope everyone did well this week :happy:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers, I want to post my stats tonight as I might not have time tomorrow- 6-5- Friday- 4 miles-68 minutes.........6-6 Saturday- 6 miles 92 minutes..................6-7- Sunday- 2 miles 35 minutes...........6-8 Monday-4 miles 68 minutes.......6-9 Tuesday-4 miles 73 minutes.......6-10 Wednesday- 4 miles 67 minutes......6-11 Thursday- 5 miles 81 minutes. Total miles walked- 29 miles :heart: :heart: :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Wow, Cindy! You're doing great! Keep up the good work!!!

    Here are my stats for the week:

    Day 1 - Saturday, 06/06/09: 34 min walking
    Day 2 - Sunday, 06/07/09: 41 min walking
    Day 3 - Tuesday, 06/09/09: 31 min walking
    Day 4 - Wednesday, 06/10/09: 64 min walking + 30 min bicycling

    I hope everyone had a great week!

    ...btw, perhaps you can post your foot's progress with stretching exercises, etc., spunkiemunkie and not really post a lot on walking, since your main goal is most likely to get your foot healthier now. What do you think?

    Cheers to us all! :drinker:
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Well, I have to say that I have not walked at all this week. But, I have been doing Turbo Jam workouts every day for at least 1 hour. I'm trying to "confuse" my muscles a bit :laugh: ! I'm going to stick to walking on the weekends and workouts during the week and see how that goes.

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Friday 6/5: Exercise Free day
    Saturday 6/6: 62 mins (circuit training and 30 day shred W1D1)
    Sunday 6/7: 27 mins (30 day shred W1D2)
    Monday 6/8: 79 mins (walking/running/jogging and 30 day shred W1D3)
    Tuesday: 77 mins (walking/running/jogging and 30 day shred W1D4)
    Wed: 45 mins (walking/running/jogging and 30 day shred W1D5)
    Thurs: 56 mins (circuit training and 30 day shred W1D6)

    Total: 346 mins
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning walkers- I just walked my AM miles 2.5 done in 38 minutes. I'll walk 2.5 more tonight . So 5 miles for me today plus 79 squats and 42 pushups. Ohh I will spend a couple hours in the pool today too. Happy walking everyone- Cindy :heart:
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