Do you fart at the gym?



  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    one time this guy requested that one of the tv's be turned to the food network.
    i got on the elliptical directly in front of his treadmill... my revenge was served hot that night.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Try doing a Yoga class with Senior Citizens. More gas than Strickland Propane.

    I used to take a yoga class filled with old people. I was so disgusted at the near constant fart noises.........until the day I ripped a blast of fajita scented air in boat pose. :bigsmile: Yeah, I showed them how it was done.
  • OMG this thread is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh and sharing your fart experiences. :laugh: :laugh:
  • I just joined a new gym so I am trying to hold them in as much as possible, but I'm pretty sure some poor guy walking into the gym had to walk through a cloud I laid down as I was leaving.

    It seems to happen more when I'm doing squats. I also use holding in farts as a mental excuse to take a break jogging on the treadmill.

    As for sharting, it hasn't happened yet but there are times when I fear the worst only to find out I just ripped a juicy one.

    At home is a different story....

    Excuses my dad likes to use, stepped on a frog, loose floor board, it was the chair, a low flying goose, it was the grandkids, it was the wife, etc. Hard to believe him, and myself or my brother, when we use one of these exuses and trying not to laugh. The men in our family have a reputation...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    eh, for the ladies that had multiples natural deliveries....can we talk about vaginal farts????? No...i am alone with this? Okidoki

    I hate that...what about when they don't come all the way out and you walk around with a bubble to pop...:laugh: :laugh:

    OMG I'm crying at my desk!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I have to Bump - don't have time to read it yet.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Bump for later reading and laughing
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    eh, for the ladies that had multiples natural deliveries....can we talk about vaginal farts????? No...i am alone with this? Okidoki
    Laughing so hard I can hardly breath.... That's one the men won't understand

    ^^this^^ :laugh:
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
    I do, especially on lower body days. Those exercises that put pressure on the midsection, squats, deadlifts, leg press etc. really gets that gas moving. The fact that I workout right after my morning coffee doesn't help, I think the warmth of the coffee gets the fart cannons primed.

    The key is to try not to fart in the middle of the exercise, because you can't control the sound and you have to stand there and smell it. I prefer to hold it and walk to a far off corner of the gym, let it out, and walk back to where I am working so as to spread my gas evenly around the gym. No point in making one part of the gym suffer disproportionately, I figure.

    Of course, there are times when a pant-splitting fart rips out right at the bottom of a squat. Not much you can do there except try to cover up the sound with grunt.

    What are your gym farting techniques?

    I have not read all of the posts here, but I have got to say it's pretty awful when people fart during yoga class. We are in close closed quarter and there are people laying down above your head/nose. So I am in a peaceful state when then a silent but deadly waft of nasty gas from my neighbor moves into my area. Not pleasant at all! I say if you have had too many beans for dinner do not come to yoga to "bless" us with your odor. Have some consideration, people!!! :sad:
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    Copied from another post- had to share

    Fri 09/30/11 08:54 AM

    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    For me it's Target....I swear they circulate something through their AC ductwork, the second I enter...BAM
    Also when running or doing burpees.....should be called fartees
  • abrn93
    abrn93 Posts: 77 Member
    My spouse does frequently, then turns to me and says "honey are you feeling ok?" so everyone looks at me in disgust! HATE him lol
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    I work out at home, and since I like to dance like a loon, my daughter is usually rolling on the floor laughing at me. To get even, I like to stink her out of the room.

    I also have air freshener right at my desk "just in case". I am pretty sure my co-workes think I fart cinnamon apple
    OMG I am dying at this ^^^^ Aloha Breeze for me!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    When I was a kid, my older brother would grab me, hold me down and say "pull my finger"... Trama at such an early age makes me "gun shy" to fart in public, unless it's a silent bomb and I can walk away unnoticed.
  • Bullyfan2011
    Bullyfan2011 Posts: 40 Member
    A few weeks ago I was the only guy in the gym and thought "why not, only one in", well as I let one go I then proceeded to finish drinking some water and turned and there was a couple ladies standing next to me...I didn't hear them come in because I had my head phones in...I smile am walked away like nothing happened!!!!
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    I was laughing so hard... Can't believe this post has gone on this long. Have to say... I'm not part apart of a gym, but I find it sick that now I want to go just so I can see who you Gym Farters are!!! Now I know what to look for. I have also learned some very important things...

    1. If I need a machine: Fart near it
    2. If I'm upset with someones Gym behavior: Fart near them
    3. When trying to be discrete with gas at the gym: Drag it out and let it slowly out as I walk down the isle of machines
    4. When I need a good laugh: Rip one and pass the fault to my gym partner
    5. Don't eat high fiber while close to a gym workout unless I plan on having to use Lesson 1 or 2.
    6. Watch out for group classes: all that stretching and shaking seems to wiggle every last bit of juice out of you

    and finally... If I decide to join a gym make sure it has a great air filter and fan/AC system!!!

    Thanks everyone! Its been Fun!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I sneeze-farted once...can't cover that up
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I was laughing so hard... Can't believe this post has gone on this long. Have to say... I'm not part apart of a gym, but I find it sick that now I want to go just so I can see who you Gym Farters are!!! Now I know what to look for. I have also learned some very important things...

    1. If I need a machine: Fart near it
    2. If I'm upset with someones Gym behavior: Fart near them
    3. When trying to be discrete with gas at the gym: Drag it out and let it slowly out as I walk down the isle of machines
    4. When I need a good laugh: Rip one and pass the fault to my gym partner
    5. Don't eat high fiber while close to a gym workout unless I plan on having to use Lesson 1 or 2.
    6. Watch out for group classes: all that stretching and shaking seems to wiggle every last bit of juice out of you

    and finally... If I decide to join a gym make sure it has a great air filter and fan/AC system!!!

    Thanks everyone! Its been Fun!

    I've learned to go pee BEFORE I read anymore of these posts!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    omg, i did the total fly by at the gym the other day. you know, when you fart, and just keep walking around, trying to dilute the fart by spreading it around as much as possible.

    My bf calls this "crop dusting."
  • Oh my god, this topic, I've laughed so hard I'm shedding tears/calories/humanity. Love you guys. :D

    Wow, yep....:laugh: HIlarious
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    omg, i did the total fly by at the gym the other day. you know, when you fart, and just keep walking around, trying to dilute the fart by spreading it around as much as possible.

    it didn't work as well as i thought it would.
    Ha ha ha ha thats called a crop dust!!!!