Would you remain friends with someone that cheated?



  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Back in the day NO! But I am getting older and its really time out for the BS! i wouldn't necessary cut them and I don't think that they will cross me per se, but I'm trying to hang with friends that is on my level or HIGHER! The type of friends that makes ME want to step my game up!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    And yes, I have had plenty of screw ups...and some of my friends helped me plot it or was involved....but again - we can't do the same stuff we did 10-15-20 years ago!
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    sure, its thier business
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I applaud her for sticking by her moral convictions whether it be IRL or on the internet.

    Fair enough, ofc that's your right to do that, and hers to think that.

    I'm just glad my friends aren't like you two! :D
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    I completely disagree with a lot of the posts about this. You are not here to judge your friends. That is God's job. You are a friend through thick and thin. Good and bad. I have friends that have cheated on their spouses and of course I am still friends with them. You are NOT guilty by association. That is just ludicrous! Just because your friend's cheated doesnt mean you would! UGH I rarely disagree but this is crazy!

    Totally AGREE!
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    People make mistakes and there is no way that you can know what goes on between two people in a relationship. Cheating can be a sign that there are other problems. If they are still a good a caring friend to you, I would remain friends.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    It depends on the situation. I have been there, and I am still friends with this person who cheated on her now ex-boyfriend. I am not going into detail, but it was a weird situation and I do not at fault her for it. She is way better off in the life she is in now.
  • audreanna76
    Who am I to judge? I wouldn't cut them out of my life but I would let them know I didn't agree with their choice. The way I see it...is they must have had some issues in their marriage if the person cheated. Maybe they need a friend THEY can trust to talk to and help them get through this. That's what friends are for. I have alot of aquantances but I have very few FRIENDS who stand by me and love me for who I am and have never judged me for the mistakes I've made. I cherish those friends and would stand by them through thick and thin.
  • rachkog
    i would remain friends with someone that cheated. They didn't cheat on me!
  • Brooks1011
    I think it is all a matter of Character & really has nothing to do with the loyalty of one individual towards the next individual.

    * We all do make mistakes and we should forgive as we would want to be forgiving seeing that NO ONE on this earth is without sin. At some point we have ALL done or said something out of line.

    * There is NO SIN GREATER THAN THE NEXT! In other words, if you are a liar and I cheat but he steals....Please tell me what would be the difference when they all have negitive consequences?????

    Again, It's a matter of character.

    Knowing the various characters of my family & friends will help me deal with them accordingly. But I would not defriend them unless because they were disloyal, dishonest, or not trustworthy.

    I would however, change the way I interacted with the indivdual that might perhaps one day effect our relationship/friendship.

    For Example... If my child was to do a bunch of the same things or my siblings or someone close to me...It does not change who they are to me. Moreless it would change my perception of the person & perhaps effect the way we interact & deal with one other.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Anybody who'd cheat in marriage would never honor a friendship.
    But go right ahead - be my guest - :laugh:
    Birds of a feather flock together....
  • n8vchick77
    n8vchick77 Posts: 114 Member
    YUP! That's what friends are for...you never know the whole story and can't assume that you do. The best you can do is be a friend.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'd still be friends. My friends make sh!tty decisions all the time.

    Now, if my friend became a consistent cheater, then I might feel like we should hang out less. I don't dig when people are regularly dishonest. I especially would never want to be put in the position of covering for them or partaking in their dishonesty with their spouse.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Cheating doesn't necessarily mean they are untrustworthy.

    To me, it kinda does.

    Yea same.

    I probably wouldn't. People make mistakes, but that is a big f**k up. Something I am very against and think is wrong to do to someone. It can hurt so many people. If their spouse can't even trust them for that reason, I would assume that I as a friend couldn't either. Just never know. Good thing I haven't had that happen! And well none of my friends are married :P
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    A friend of mine did. I just don't make any effort to speak to or see them any more.
  • Brooks1011
    Not always true! If it was your brother or Sister and not your friend would you discontinue your relationship with them?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Not always true! If it was your brother or Sister and not your friend would you discontinue your relationship with them?

    If it was my brother I would react different. As big sis I would tell him off and give him the stink eye! Plus family is a bit different then friends. I would see my brother differently though yes.
  • Brooks1011
    Anybody who'd cheat in marriage would never honor a friendship.
    But go right ahead - be my guest - :laugh:
    Birds of a feather flock together....

    I'd like to know what you would do if it was your Brother or Sister...would you discontinue your relation with them. based on birds of a feather flocks together.

    ***Come on People*** SMDH
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You do know a lot of people don't have strong relationships with siblings right? I see it all the time. I think the same can apply
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    I think the real situation here is being overlooked.

    If you feel like the cheater friend is making you uncomfortable, then maybe you shouldn't be their friend. Those unsafe feelings you are having might have been there for that person even before they cheated and this cheating thing brought it to the fore.

    If, on the other hand, this person is someone you have felt really close to, or looked up to, and suddenly your image of them is shattered, then maybe step back and consider that they might not be who you thought, but they might still be worthwhile. All those reasons you were friends with them in the first place might still be there, you just can't put them on as high a pedestal anymore.

    If you feel like that person did something so horrible that you really lost all respect for them (like abused their spouse emotionally, or serially cheated, or had unsafe sex with multiple partners and gave spouse std) then yeah, maybe they really were a schmuck to start with.

    I've abandoned friends because of their behavior before. When it became clear to me through their actions that they really were not the person I thought they were, AND THAT THAT PERSON THEY WERE HAD NO QUALITIES I STILL VALUED, I pulled away.

    I've also had friends that cheated--one for no good reason whatsoever--with whom I've remained fast friends. The behavior was owned up to, efforts were made to make good with the partner, yadda yadda. So the action was bad, but the person turned out to be good in the long run, and my emotional bond wasn't mucked up.

    If you feel like that person makes your skin crawl now, then pull away. I've not regretted a single one of the friendships I've intentionally ended. My gut feelings of unease, unhappiness, and discomfort when I was around those people did not make me feel safe, and my life is better going my separate way.

    This is not about them, really. This is about you and what you feel comfortable with. If you find you can't trust that person, then don't feel guilty. As long as you don't make it a habit of ditching friends right and left for minor infractions, you probably aren't doing anything unhealthy for yourself.