
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    well another day where I came home not hungry for dinner. Still under calories. I love the iphone app, it is so much easier to scan the barcodes for things I am eating. Still have time for a snack before bed only 7;30 pm. and some exercise.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Mary - I've always wondered, what is Apples to Apples??

    fibrogirl - you can see clips of the videos if you go to collagevideo.com (hope I spelled that right) or total fitness then you can see if the video is something for you.

    Don't know why, but I woke up extra early this morning so I did an hour of yoga DVD. Later this morning I'll take the extremepump class then probably do some food shopping. They have the senior bowling today, so I'll probably go and use up my 3 free games. Hopefully, Vince'll go with me. But if he doesn't, maybe I can use his free games. Update: I was able to use his games.

    Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable spin workout, then play mahjongg.

    kackie - no, I'm not eating anything different. I do know that if I have a lot of refined carbs, I feel so "yukky". Just wondering if it's the gluten??????? Have a great time in MT. We'll be waiting to hear from you

    Marcelynh - congrats on your run!!! That's awesome!

    Cheryl - good luck to you tomorrow

    Welcome all newcomers! You've found a wonderful place

    Darlene - good luck on the driving test

    jingoace - congrats on reaching your Jan. goal

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My indulgences while watching the Super Bowl were raisins, walnuts, peanuts, and dates and only over calories by about 400......I loved the game and didn't fall asleep. i got out of my chair several times to do 20 squats as part of the 100 squats a day for 100 days challenge that I'm participating in.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: got DH to do yoga with me today.

    :bigsmile: after wanting to do strength training for years and not knowing where to start, I think I finally found the routine that will work for me and that I'll do consistently....it takes about 45 minutes and I can do it while watching TV ......:laugh: I think I lost count a few times and did a few more reps that I was supposed to.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: welcome to everyone who is new......keep coming back, reading, posting, joining in and you'll feel like part of the family.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Amazingly I am not sure today. I guess I weathered 13 miles better than I thought I would. I had planned a "reward" if I finished and decided sore or not I was going to take it. I got a Faaaannnnnntastic massage. It was worth doing the run for.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Checking in late - it was a busy day - aquafit this morning, then pop into the hospital to see DBF. Then home to finish my Spanish homework then off to my class. From class to the hospital again where I stayed for an hour. He has moved from a single room near the nurses desk where they can keep an eye on him to a double room. The physiotherapist came while I was there to take him for a walk - he did 90 metres - his longest walk yet. Then they put him into the chair so he could stay sitting up until he got his dinner.

    When I got home from the hospital I did an hour of chopping ice and clearing the front path and a bit more of the driveway. I scooped out a whole pile of water throwing it out on to the road from the sidewalk so that it had a chance to go down the street drain before it freezes again tomorrow. It was the warmest February 6 since 1971 today +5 c. But it is supposed to be -5 tomorrow.

    I was supposed to be teaching tonight, but no students came, so I spent some time working on the design for my next lace project.

    And now it is time for bed.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick drive by to answer questions. Ad Astera Per Aspera means "To the stars through difficulties," and I am focusing on it to keep me on track this month. My son in law swears that the Kansas state motto is to infinity and beyond, and the state hero is Buzz Lightyear, but his roots are in Alabama and he insists that we should stand up and "represent" whenever Sweet Home Alabama is played, so what does he know?
    Michele, Apples to Apples is easy to play, but kind of hard to paint a word picture of. Basically, you have a hand of cards with nouns on them, and when it is your turn, an adjective is read, and everyone tries to play the noun that matches it best. Sounds lame, but it can be hilarious, as you don't always have a match that makes sense, or if you have a quirky sense of humor, you can make some odd matches.
    I'd better turn out my light and get some sleep, as I am going to try to go to work early tomorrow. Mary
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    This is better! 1 out of 4 (maybe 6) exercise sessions done, all my food for the day logged, stayed on my eating plan, and came in under calories (1 gr over on fats, but everything else was good).

    Now, to keep it up for the rest of the month :drinker: One day at a time . . .

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Just want to check in before the day begins! The posts I read this morning reminded me that I can get my exercise in at home too...I have a Zumba DVD on order at the library and I think it should be in this week. I did better getting my gym time in. I did have a run in with Super Bowl snacks but I think today, I am back to my lower weight. I am trying to have meals planned and/or prepared ahead and that helps me feel like there are good things available when I need them.

    Got a busy day with lots of tutoring and one yoga class.....off and running (until yoga!).

    Have a great day,
  • Hi all, my goals for Feb are
    to do 300,000 steps (step challenge using pedometer)
    go to bed earlier
    Get up early evey day (not just when I have to)
    oh and to find out why my internet is running at dial up speed.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: My children and I have a weightloss challenge going. We are running it for 3 months. We keep each other motivated every day! I do want to be a good example to them and need to keep up my goals every day. Those goals are: 1000 calories/day, 10 min on the treadmill and stationary bike morning and evening, drinking 8 glasses of water/day, keeping a positive mind. I was challenged to make a list with one column saying "IF I DON'T" and the other "IF I DO". Wow, it really is helpful to keep these things in front of me! Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • peanut1012
    peanut1012 Posts: 81 Member
    I do 4 days of Jazzercise (60 minutes a day) I joined "Drop 5 lbs for February" that is my goal....I didn't do so well Superbowl Sunday think I put on 3 lbs :angry: I'm back on track though:smile: MFP has been great for me!!!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Wow, not to be negative but 1000 calories a day? Are you sure that's enough? Maybe it's just me but 1200 is a killer to maintain, any less would be starvation and guaranteed failure for me.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Hello Ladies of 50 and better.. January goals were not met due to fight with kidney stones for over 2 weeks. So I am letting January go and going full force on February.

    Goals- Drop 15 or more in the month- down 3.5 so far.
    Be happy with the new HONEY in my life-He's a Dream
    Be there for my daughter who is going thru a very difficult time in her life.
    Be ALL I CAN BE....
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Gorgeous day here in WA. state. Looking forward to golf today, been way too long. :happy:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another snowy Tuesday!

    Cheryl - best wishes on your surgery, hope all goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Darlene - hoping your driving test is quick and smooth:flowerforyou: I'm just not sure I'd be able to adjust to driving on the "wrong" side.

    MacMadame- Glad to hear that you are slowly getting better:drinker:

    Meg- I too am a scale addict, I have found that when I don't get on the scale that whole day, whole week, whole month I'm just not careful about what I eat, drink or if I even exercise. As soon as I stop getting on the scale I start gaining:blushing:

    So it's supposed to be a quick "hit and run" kind of snow storm, they said last night a trace to 1"...but have up graded it to 1"-3" depending on where you are in the city....but what I'm really looking forward to is the 40's by the end of the week:wink: that will feel like a heat wave.

    Well I have a lot to get caught up on, this desk is a mess...:grumble:

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water:drinker: and get up and get moving. Today's weigh in wasn't quite what I would have liked only .2 of a pound:grumble: ...but still a small loss ... I think I will blame it's size it on the Super Bowl:blushing: and eating just a bit too much.

  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Lost another of my "wong direction" pounds! My wedding rings fit again today. :drinker:

    Happy to see so many here and posting. I have been inspired by so many of you. Danced my heart out for a while this morning. Loving Just Dance 3 as my warm up before weights.

    Have a great day. It's gorgeous in VA - 55!
  • My goal for February is to do ab workouts everyday. I will be 50 in 2 weeks
  • Thanks for the invite! My goals for February are to exercise more, continue NOT to drink soda and lose 5 lbs.
  • Milletp
    Milletp Posts: 80 Member
    150 by the end of Feb, 8 to go.
    Drink more water!
    Get up to at least an hour on the elliptical (ok even 45 min would be good :-)
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    My Feburary goals:
    Lose some weight each week. I do not have a specific amount but even small weight losses add up to larger ones!
    Eat more veggies
    Get asthma under control so I can exercise more
    Not stress over the impending move later in the month
    Get some walking in when I'm not cleaning and packing the apartment