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"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 1 week in and I'm only doing okay since I really can't do a lot of leg work so my calf can heal. Good news is that now it's mostly upper body work to do.

    I have TKO class tonight and some clients this morning.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 mi (400 calories)

    Strength:back- pullups, t-bar rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pressdowns. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Food hasn't been good this week since I haven't really been tracking.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member

    Cardio: Total burn 398 calories

    Elliptical Trainer - 30 minutes - 239 calories HRM
    Treadmill - 20 minutes - 159 calories

    Rough Day today, honestly. Was in too much pain to really do much at the gym. I wanted to run more but mostly ended up walking at about 3.5mph pace because I couldn't stand the pain of it. And I'm not a wimp, I'm just hurting. Never really took that break my doctor recommended. Rest day tomorrow, then dance on Friday and Snowboarding all day Saturday should round out my week nicely. Let's hope I see some weight loss on my Friday weigh in after how hard I've worked to earn it this week.........
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! TKO this morning and a client and Volleyball girls tonight! My calf is much better since last Sunday and I can even jump on it now. There's A LOT of bruising on it now an even some down by the bottom of my ankle too.

    Cardio:jog/walk- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength:chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: I have NOT been doing well with food all week.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! TKO this morning and a client and Volleyball girls tonight! My calf is much better since last Sunday and I can even jump on it now. There's A LOT of bruising on it now an even some down by the bottom of my ankle too.

    Cardio:jog/walk- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength:chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: I have NOT been doing well with food all week.

    Day of rest today. I haven't been doing well with food either. Think it's just been this week. Only consolation is I HAVE been active despite all of this. I didn't log today...didn't want to know. I've been exhausted and sick all day today, but made it through work. Looking forward to a bitter cold and windy day of snowboarding on Saturday. That is all.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW! Just a regular Friday for me today. Will try to increase cardio intensity a little so that I can burn more calories.

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength:biceps and triceps- preacher curls, alternate curls, rope pressdowns, lying tricep extensions. 12,10,8,6

    Assessment: It's been a junk food week, but at least weight hasn't gone up hardly any.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Ballroom day today - some 700 cals burned. Only ate one meal today. NSVs for the day [since the scale has only gone back down to 150 :( and i was at 148...think it's all water weight though] I bought a new bikini and I had to buy a small when I originally wore LARGE. So that was a trip and a half. Also had someone at dance tell me to "be careful" and "not lose too much" and that I was looking pretty fantastic now. And here I was feeling self-conscious, bloated, and overweight. Seriously. I don't think our bodies can lose too much though. If we're fueling them enough and weight happens to come off because of how active and hard we work, then that weight just naturally didn't need to be there. I really need to clean up my eating either way though. I've eaten a lot of restaurant foods and even being under my calorie goals, it still makes me feel guilty.

    Snowboarding tomorrow...Tres excited. I'm gonna see what my HRM reports back to me...Probably kill about 5.5 hours tomorrow. Good times in the bitter cold....Love it.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, all! After taking a week off, back to the exercise!

    Saturday: Cardio.

    35 minutes of step aerobics. About 267 calories burned.

    30 minutes of jogging/sprinting in place (while watching a show on Netflix). Felt pretty easy, so I estimate no more than another 200 calories burned.

    Food: Been up and down this week on the eating. going to eat clean today.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Had a DAMN good day today shredding the slopes. Only fell 5 times in 4.5 hours, so I'll TAKE it. Pushed myself harder than ever, worked on a lot of control, faced my fear of the tow rope and had no problem riding it this time. Took a BAD hit to my hip, struck a nerve and fought off nausea and nearly fainting, took a two hour breather and hit it 1.5 more hours. Had to PROVE to myself that I didn't fear it even after a "day-ender" sort of fall. Have to go to work but basically spending the week limping around and recovering until next Saturday's shred.

    Burned about 1,879 calories, never came close to it in food. Looking pared down again finally after a week of water-bloating. Now I'm gonna deal with injury swell. Hopefully by next Friday I'll see some weight loss progress again!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, all!

    Sunday: Cardio. We had our first softball practice of the year. What a cold day to have it, sheesh. Was good to run around throwing and hitting the ball for a couple of hours.

    Food: Should be on target today.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! TKO class this evening and a couple of clients too. I'm about 85% healed in my calf now and running isn't an issue anymore. Now to get back to more intensity in my leg training again.

    Cardio:walk/jog 3 mi (400 calories)

    Strength:quads- squats, leg press, leg extensions. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: My weekend was great!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    REST and RECOVERY...This time it's easy to do. Took a BAD hit to my left hip and nerve, so I'm just riding out the pain and managing to get through work. The swelling feels like a knot in my hamstring and like someone is punching a fist into my lower pelvis any time i sit, walk or stand. I need to be ready for shredding again on Saturday so I may not do any exercise at all this week. Am going to switch things up again on my board and see if I can't avoid falling on that hip all together. Otherwise, just watch my calories as usual and hope it all works out for me.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    REST and RECOVERY...This time it's easy to do. Took a BAD hit to my left hip and nerve, so I'm just riding out the pain and managing to get through work. The swelling feels like a knot in my hamstring and like someone is punching a fist into my lower pelvis any time i sit, walk or stand. I need to be ready for shredding again on Saturday so I may not do any exercise at all this week. Am going to switch things up again on my board and see if I can't avoid falling on that hip all together. Otherwise, just watch my calories as usual and hope it all works out for me.

    Sometimes, time off is just what the body needs. Hip injuries suck. I had a deep bruise from flag football years ago. Amazing how much those can hurt. You'll be back to things soon, no worries.

    Monday: Strength training

    Upper body:

    Push ups = 3x10

    Bicep curls = 3x10x20lb

    Triceps: skullcrushers 3x10x15lb, tricep dips 3x10.

    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 4x20 abdominal raises. 5x30sec superman, 2x60sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.

    Shoulders: 3x8x15lb lateral raise, 3x10x20lb shoulder fly, 3x10x10lb front lateral raise.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for the support, Brandi! The pain has been rather excruciating, and I don't expect to be 100 percent by Saturday either. But as long as I can get back on my board, that's all I care about right now. I still can't really sit or stand comfortably...and putting on a sock is the biggest challenge because of how bruised and swollen that left hip is! [And I normally can touch the floor no problems].

    I haven't done so well lately on the diet side, especially not today. I ate out TWICE...such a weird day....and drank regular soda, which I NEVER do. So today was a total bust on the calorie side of it and I'm sort of embarrassed. I also feel like crap and compensated with food.

    So I'm actually writing down a food plan for the rest of this week and detailing what I'm allowed to eat for every meal and sticking to it, whether I "feel" like eating it or not. This should help me kick start back into a healthier eating pattern again. I've worked too hard to go backwards, and I'm determined like hell to not even look back. It's time to buckle down again. I've been up on the scale a couple pounds the past two weeks. I know a lot of it is water weight because of injuries and hormones [geez, thanks.] but that knowledge still doesn't make me feel any better. I want to see my precious 148 lbs again, and reach even farther to 145 by March 5 [my overnight snowboarding trip to Michigan woohoo]. So I have a goal and determination and put those together and this body had better watch out.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Thanks for the support, Brandi! The pain has been rather excruciating, and I don't expect to be 100 percent by Saturday either. But as long as I can get back on my board, that's all I care about right now. I still can't really sit or stand comfortably...and putting on a sock is the biggest challenge because of how bruised and swollen that left hip is! [And I normally can touch the floor no problems].

    I haven't done so well lately on the diet side, especially not today. I ate out TWICE...such a weird day....and drank regular soda, which I NEVER do. So today was a total bust on the calorie side of it and I'm sort of embarrassed. I also feel like crap and compensated with food.

    So I'm actually writing down a food plan for the rest of this week and detailing what I'm allowed to eat for every meal and sticking to it, whether I "feel" like eating it or not. This should help me kick start back into a healthier eating pattern again. I've worked too hard to go backwards, and I'm determined like hell to not even look back. It's time to buckle down again. I've been up on the scale a couple pounds the past two weeks. I know a lot of it is water weight because of injuries and hormones [geez, thanks.] but that knowledge still doesn't make me feel any better. I want to see my precious 148 lbs again, and reach even farther to 145 by March 5 [my overnight snowboarding trip to Michigan woohoo]. So I have a goal and determination and put those together and this body had better watch out.

    Alright! Sounds like the food plan is a good idea for this week. You're motivating me to kick my own @ss into gear on the food front. I've been lax lately myself. Scale goes up and/or has been stuck for awhile. It's like I never fully got past the holiday indulges. I also admit I'm still grieving the loss of my mother and how much that depresses my daily mood-which influences me to binge. No excuses, though. Good to understand why I'm overeating, but I need to take actions to stop the backwards steps.

    I'm going to get serious this week, too. Went to the grocery store tonight and bought smart. No temptations in the house.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! TKO this morning and a couple of clients today. Looking to have many a member today work out hard for Valentine's Day!

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (400 calories)

    Strength:hamstrings and shoulders- seated leg curl, lying leg curl, shoulder press, side lateral, reverse flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: My eating wasn't the best, but weight is down.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member

    Alright! Sounds like the food plan is a good idea for this week. You're motivating me to kick my own @ss into gear on the food front. I've been lax lately myself. Scale goes up and/or has been stuck for awhile. It's like I never fully got past the holiday indulges. I also admit I'm still grieving the loss of my mother and how much that depresses my daily mood-which influences me to binge. No excuses, though. Good to understand why I'm overeating, but I need to take actions to stop the backwards steps.

    I'm going to get serious this week, too. Went to the grocery store tonight and bought smart. No temptations in the house.

    GOOD DEAL! We can both support each other in this. It's always good to identify the reasons why we're making bad choices. One or two indulgences here or there are necessary, but the binging needs to come to a stop. We've both worked far too hard for this to EVER look backwards. I have a new bikini and I want to look hot in it, not flabby. I've come to a bit of a stand still from the past [hormonal] week....I HATE being a girl sometimes. I worked extremely hard physically to keep my poor eating choices from affecting the scale, but I'm throwing around so much water weight from bloating or injury swell that it's been hard to know what my true weight is right now, but the scale has been hovering around 151 and that is completely unacceptable. It's going to take at least two weeks of hard core clean eating to get back to that lovely 148 and to see even more change, but I'm finally determined enough again to do it...injuries be damned. *hugs*
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Full day today with clients and TKO. Also doing some extra cleaning since BIL and SIL are coming to stay with us this weekend for the baby shower we are sponsoring for them.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 mi (400 calories)

    Strength:back- pullups, t-bar rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pressdowns. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: I haven't been gaining or losing, but my effort this week has been a little lackluster.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, all!

    Wednesday: Strength Training: lower body

    Squats: 3x10x40lb.

    Squats - Frog: 3x10.

    Squats with calf raises: 3x10.

    Forward lunges: 3x10.

    Reverse lunges: 3x10.

    Glute Kickbacks: 3x10.

    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.

    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.

    Split Squats: 3x10x40lb.

    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.

    Food: on target.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    You both are KILLING it...Amazing to see! I would be too if walking weren't challenge enough. I've got some severe swelling/bruising and it looks like someone took a baseball bat to the back of my leg, but I managed to get through work today with only mild discomfort. I've got plans to go snowboarding EARLY on Saturday to get the softest, newest powder. I have GOT to figure out why I'm falling in the same place, and doing some board adjustments to help with this whole process. I'm not planning on doing anything crazy to get myself hurt, as spending a whole week down has sucked majorly.

    Stuck to my food plan for lunch and dinner but then my best friend decided I needed to go out with her for dessert since I spent my Valentine's Day alone at home taking care of my sick mom and the puppy and I only ate 750 calories...Wasn't feeling it. So I overindulged on dessert and it was tasty.

    Despite having a hard time dealing with the 3-4 pounds extra on the scale, I realized I'm not even unbuttoning my jeans any more to take them off, and how much waist room I have in them now. I just bought these jeans two months ago. I also cinched my belt on a new hole today. So I must still be losing weight or doing something right, and a lot of that scale "weight gain" is from the water and blood swimming around my leg right now. Lovely, I know.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Hi, all!

    Wednesday: Strength Training: lower body

    Squats: 3x10x40lb.

    Squats - Frog: 3x10.

    Squats with calf raises: 3x10.

    Forward lunges: 3x10.

    Reverse lunges: 3x10.

    Glute Kickbacks: 3x10.

    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.

    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.

    Split Squats: 3x10x40lb.

    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.

    Food: on target.
    Oh yeah!!!