
  • sassycat
    sassycat Posts: 108
    Hi all i guess i would be a late June starter here I'm Jennifer a 28 yr old happily married mom of 2 ~ a 8 year old little boy and an almost 2 year old little girl ~ i need to get this weight off of me and keep it off as i am not happy with myself at all

    Start weight: 245
    Current weight: 245
    Weight Goal: 190-200
    Mini Goal: be under or at 235 lbs by the end of July, 1st week of August

    Welcome Butterfly Mom!! This is a great site to help motivate you. Good luck!! :happy:
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am also a late June start (hope that's ok) and I am also a recommiter! I started in January and lost 10lbs and then for some reason thought that I didn't need to track my calories anymore, and eventually it got out of control. I am 24 yrs. old, but I feel like I am 40 and I don't like it! I also have a 15 month old son, that I want to have the energy to keep up with him!

    Start weight: 231
    current weight: 231
    Weight goal: 135
    Mini goal: To be under 200lbs. before Christmas.

    Can't wait to get going again and feel like my age!
  • HEK81
    HEK81 Posts: 50 Member
    Okay, I know weight in is on Monday but I felt a little light today and my clothes are noticeably bigger. I weighted in at 198.4. I have not been under 200 lbs in at least 2 years. To add to that a few weeks ago I got on the swings with my son during a family outing. It meant a lot to my son because he told others about it afterward. Thanks to everyone for all the support and motivation, it truly means a lot.
  • Imglad the heat wave finally broke.(if you call 87 broke) I plan to bring a jump rope with me to work and jump during my breaks. I need to get in shape because I want to go back to my martial arts class. I took a year off because of a torn rotator cuff. I take Krav Maga and the class will almost kill me if I dont have a little endurance. I will weigh in on Monday I hope to see a loss.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay, I know weight in is on Monday but I felt a little light today and my clothes are noticeably bigger. I weighted in at 198.4. I have not been under 200 lbs in at least 2 years. To add to that a few weeks ago I got on the swings with my son during a family outing. It meant a lot to my son because he told others about it afterward. Thanks to everyone for all the support and motivation, it truly means a lot.

    YAY YAY YAY ... Doesn't that feel awesome???? I did the exact same thing yesterday. First time in many many many years that I've been under 200 lb. YAY for you!!! Congratulations :flowerforyou:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    Pete – Hi Pete, welcome to the group! I joined yesterday and consider myself a June starter too. Mini goals are great and targeting your annual physical is a great idea.

    Jennifer – Welcome to the group!! I am a married mother of two as well (a 10 yr old girl and 5 yr old boy) and know how hard it is to dedicate time for your own needs when you have two young ones to look after. You can definitely do it though!!!

    Jbunzsno – Children are a great inspiration and what a great Christmas present that would be to reach your goal. There is so much support here that should help reach your goals. Welcome to June Starters!

    Hek81 – That is awesome news! It is very inspiring to others who are looking forward to reaching the same spot you have now reached.

    Shereen – Wow, sounds intense. What is Krav Maga?

    I got a new digital scale today so I will probably have to adjust my start weight depending on what it tells me...lol..

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

    Take care,
  • Nikki2Fit
    Nikki2Fit Posts: 30 Member
    Ok, I'm in. I started on June 20th so I'm very new to this. I will only be weighing myself monthly, so I will list my starting weight though I'm sure I have lost a pound or two. There's strength in numbers right?

    My stats:
    CW: urgh 289
    GW: a fabolous 180
    Mini Goal: lose 20 lbs by 8/2
    (my birthday !)

    I will also be posting before and after pictures with ya'll.....once I drag myself in front of the mirror. Well I have until July 1st to get there.
  • Hi all, I'd like to join too!!!

    I started using MFP in June when I really dived into this whole weight loss/fitness thing, but did lose a few pounds prior to that. My stats are:
    SW - 167.8lbs
    CW - 160.4lbs

    I gave birth to my baby girl in March and am trying to lose my pregnancy weight. My main goal is 112lbs. I haven't really got mini goals,other than to try to have lost something each week, even if only a fraction of a pound lol!!!

    I haven't been logging my food on this site as I am not counting calories as I am nursing my daughter and so need to eat an extra few hundred calories a day, so instead am making healthier food choices each day and eating to hunger. My main purpose of using this site, other than the great tips I pick up, is to concentrate on the exercise side of things, which I am logging. It's so motivating to see any exercise done as calories burned!
  • Exorcize
    Exorcize Posts: 5
    I'm new and after talking to my daughter would like toto join your June Starters group of which she is a member.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Okay, I went tto the starters thread and signed in last week
    Then I went to the weigh in thread on monday and weighed in!
    And then I went to the picture thread and posted my picture which turned out toooooo big!
    And then I went to the June Starters, Hot day
    And then I went to the June starters, going into the weekend thread!
    Now I am here and I guess this is where everyone is talking!
    I have a suggestion......could we call the thread that we are chatting on the "JUNE Starters, CHAT, 6/29 to 7/6" If we could start a new weigh in thread on Monday and also start a new chat thread on every monday! What do you all think? Then in July we can have the June starters July pictures! I guess this is just the social worker in me working over time!

    This has been a hard week for me. Planning this wedding in Mexico and doing it all by email with a person who has english as a third language is very frustrating. My son is a teacher so he is out of school and is right in there making plans. Every time the phone rings we say"it's the bride calling" lol! Don't know what he would think knowing that is what we say when he calls!
  • HEK81
    HEK81 Posts: 50 Member
    I just have to say I have had so much fun in the month of June. It has mainly been about just allowing my self to be free enough to enjoy life.
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    Hi my name is Chrissy *wave*

    Start weight: 128.8
    Current weight: 128.8 (I started Wed. 24th so i havent weighed myself again yet)
    Weight Goal: 115
    Mini Goal: to tone up a bit as well :smile:

    I work at a dog kennel. I get more of a workout on my arms especially with dogs pulling and tugging on leashes. I'm a huge movie fan so thats partially why im like i am right now. I used to however weigh around 145 lbs when i was in high school and idk how i did it but i went from that to 130 and now im here trying to lose a little more :smile:

    I've been wanting to walk the past week but unfortunately its been in the 90's the past week or so. I don't have a treadmill and i like walking outside more.
  • jess_h_2
    jess_h_2 Posts: 49
    I'm new and after talking to my daughter would like toto join your June Starters group of which she is a member.

    I think it's WONDERFUL that you are joining with your daughter. I FINALLY convinced my mom to check it out and since then we have sort of became accountablilty partners. We walk together in the morning and know we have someone behind us when we feel like just giving it in. It's so much easier and waaaaaaay more fun having a partner in crime. ;) Welcome to the site and to June Starters!!!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Here is my weigh in and I am very happy with my results :)

    Start weight: 257
    Last weight: 257
    Today Weight: 252
    Total Loss: 5 lbs
    Goal: 170
    Goal 1: 231 (10%)
  • sassycat
    sassycat Posts: 108
    My Monday weigh in: I am at the same weight. 176---but it is that time of the month! Yuck!:sick: I did manage to get some walking in over the weekend and guess what----I did not drink any alcoholic beverages this weekend----only water and green tea!! And it was so hot this weekend! "Perfect drinking weather-ha ha:laugh: !!
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    My Monday weigh in **174. I only lost one pound but it is my TOM too. Better luck next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I've only been going since wed, but I'll do the weigh in as well.
    I started out at 209, and am at 200!
    9 lbs lost! :bigsmile:

    Mu next goal is to be 198.
  • SShay832001
    SShay832001 Posts: 11 Member
    I started June 2nd and weighed in at 244.5.:sad:
    I just weighed myself this morning and I am at 229.5:drinker:
    My ultimate goal is to be my healthy weight of 140lbs, so I have a whole person to lose!
    My girlfriend is doing it with me, which helps a lot and she has lost 15lbs also. I also have the most awesome three year old son in the world :heart: , who is my most motivation because I want him to eat healthy and be active, so I have to start setting the example! I wsh everyone luck. :happy:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hello to all. My name is Julie and I'm really glad that Kandy started this group because it's just what I needed. I'm married with 4 children-2 of them grown and married with children of their own. Everyone tells me that I'm the youngest grandma they know!

    SW: 157
    mini GW:145
    FInal goal????
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome all! :flowerforyou:
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