Apple Cider Vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil



  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38
    It must be Virgin Coconut Oil, used for consumption, cooking. I buy mine at Trader Joe's and it comes in a glass jar 16 oz. for only $5.99. I place the bottle in hot tap water and let it melt and I take 3 Tablespoons each morning. Remember that if you don't watch your calories you can gain weight. I have found it gives me tons of energy, it has stablized my thyroid almost to the point that I don't need thyroid meds anymore. Maybe it has helped me because of health conditions. Everyone is different. It's worth a try and if you don't see a difference, you can always use it for a deep hair treatment before shampooing, as a body moisturizer, shaving, and cooking in place of butter i.e.; scrabbled eggs. It's also know to cause heart racing effects, so you may want to start off slow, with 1 teaspoon. I didn't experience this but some others have. Google the topic of using VCO and decide for yourself.
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
  • tammeegirl
    tammeegirl Posts: 27 Member
    Use the coconut oil in place of olive or canola oil. I use it in the pan to stir fry, etc. Its tasty I love it and helps with belly fat.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    what ever you do dont burp soon after drinking that glass of acv water. Some one might think you are a douche bag.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    congrats! This might explain while I lost 3 pounds in one day after eating indian. Wonder why.
  • I have had success with ACV helping my heartburn. I use coconut oil on a daily basis for cooking but do not take it by the teaspoonful as some do. I can not say that this has or has not helped with my weight loss but perhaps I will pay more attention to that in the future.
  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38
    what ever you do dont burp soon after drinking that glass of acv water. Some one might think you are a douche bag.
    and by your comment someone might think you are socially unacceptable.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I talked to guys in super supplements about Coconut oil and they explained that how it works is that it gives your body healthy fats that it needs. Coconut oils a very short strand of fat that takes too much work for your body to turn into long strands of fat (the fat your trying to lose). Since it cant turn it into a long strand of fat it burns it right away and your body says "oh ok, I am going to get a steady supply of fat so I can let go of some of the stuff I have been holding on to." You can use it on toast like butter or cook with it. He says its good on toast with cinnamon and your body craves fat. If you give it a healthy steady supply of fat like Coconut oil, your more likely to lose weight.

    I have taken ACV everyday and I find it helps with my joints and helps with weight loss.
  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38
    EXACTLY RIGHT.! :happy:
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    I talked to guys in super supplements about Coconut oil and they explained that how it works is that it gives your body healthy fats that it needs. Coconut oils a very short strand of fat that takes too much work for your body to turn into long strands of fat (the fat your trying to lose). Since it cant turn it into a long strand of fat it burns it right away and your body says "oh ok, I am going to get a steady supply of fat so I can let go of some of the stuff I have been holding on to." You can use it on toast like butter or cook with it. He says its good on toast with cinnamon and your body craves fat. If you give it a healthy steady supply of fat like Coconut oil, your more likely to lose weight.

    I have taken ACV everyday and I find it helps with my joints and helps with weight loss.
    Interesting reading.

    I have joint problems (basically too flexible) and get pain and fatigue from my body overcompensating.

    In what way does the ACV help your joints ?

    I so want to get rid of the belly fat, but in my case it may be loose skin TMI I know.

    I burn heaps of calories and weight loss was not a problem.
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    Is coconut oil something you can buy in the grocery store? I haven't ever seen it. What section is it in? Sorry, just curious about it. Thanks!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Not the apple cider vinegar but yes to the coconut oil.
    I eat it for good brain function but it has alot of other benefits especially for weight loss.
    Its a medium chain fatty acid and our body processes it differently than the standard satured fat type.

    I put it on salads add it uncooked to a rice dish and put it in drinks.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I've also heard that coconut oil helps combat alzheimers(sp?).

    There is a genetic disposition in my family for alzheimer's which is why I take coconut oil daily amongst other foods.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Reading on coconut oil (copied and pasted from another thread I posted on)

    Here is two links on peer reviewed research on this if you are interested -

    Just a health link explaining its benefits for laymen -

    Here is another link just on nutrition from an amazing woman. (I love TED talks) Really inspires me to enjoy as much truely healthy food as I can.

    Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria;search:tag:"tedxiowacity"
  • Leanne926
    Leanne926 Posts: 158 Member
    what ever you do dont burp soon after drinking that glass of acv water. Some one might think you are a douche bag.

    LOL!! :laugh:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I've just started taking apple cider vinegar. I've been told to get the unfiltered ACV with mother (the bacteria). It's supposed to aid in weight loss and also 'believed' (not proven) that it helps with diabetes, arthritis, and acne.

    I drink mine with 2 oz. pure apple juice diluted with water and some spices.
  • This is very interesting. Thanks for posting. One question- I happen to have the coconut oil- bought it and haven't used it yet- but will now. The apple cider vinegar I have is just one I purchased at our local grocery store for cooking. Probably grabbed the cheapest one there. Do you think that will work? Or should I buy something from the health food store?
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I cook with coconut oil and love a teaspoon in my coffee.
  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38
    I bought a cheap bottle at Albertson's and I'm using it until I can get over to Trader Joe's for Raw Organic ACV because I heard it's way better. But, in the meantime I haven't had a problem with the cheap stuff. I just put 2 teaspoons in 16 oz. of my brewed green/orange spice tea so you really can't taste it and I sip that throughout the day w/ a straw. My joints/stiffness has almost disappeared! My stomach is just about completely flat but I know that is from also taking the virgin coconut oil each day. I have so much energy and am feeling great compared to just a couple of weeks ago when I could barely walk, no energy. A car accident broke my neck almost 4 years ago and it's been all downhill since. Surgeries, pills, shots, you name it .. nothing worked and each day my body crippled up more and more, to the point where it felt like stone. Pain so severe I just wanted to cry because I didn't know what else I could do. So, I began searching myself just about willing to try anything to get better and get my life back. Natural home remedies, etc. and came across VCO virgin coconut oil and thought what do I have to loose? I had my husband take me to the store and bought it the next night. My neck was so swollen I could barely breath and it felt like I was being choked literally. I took a heaping tablespoon and within less than 15 min. my neck went back to normal, I could swallow, breath and see and feel my collar bones for the first time in almost 4 years! I took another tablespoon an hour later and w/in 30 min. my stomach was almost flat, back to normal. I began adding the ACV the next day in my tea and I keep using my VCO. To me it has been a life saver when all else has failed me miserably. No more pills, shots, etc. for me. I have seemed to do for myself what all the doctors haven't been able to do, cure me. Even my thryoid is almost normal and I've suffered with low thyroid for years. The VCO stimulates underactive thryoid and it stimulates your thyroid period. I am just speaking for myself and what it's done for me. I weighed 161 two weeks ago and I've lost 10lbs since then and have not changed my eating habits and I haven't even exercised (due to weather here). So, good luck to you and here's to hoping!