besides water... what do you drink?????!?



  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    Iced tea (unsweetened). Black coffee (limit is 2 cups in the morning). An occasional glass of wine. LOTS and LOTS of Ice cold water. :bigsmile:

    Every once in a great while, I may have a (regular) soda, THen I really have to think about it because once I have one, I'm craving soda non-stop.

    I tend to stay away from the artifical sweeteners because they trigger migraines. OUCH.

    Instead of drinking fruit jiuce, I'll snack on oranges or tangerines. They're sweet and juicy AND usually curbs my craving for a syrupy sweet beverage.
  • I drink water, unsweet tea (with a packet of sweet n low), crystal lite.
    You can also make a infused tea at home. You can cut up fresh fruit to help flavor your tea with out all the sugar. I like it with peach, strawberry, blackberry.... You can also add lemon or lime....Have fun experimenting. :happy:
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    All I ever drink is water!!! I tried adding coconut milk to my protein smoothies, but decided that there really was no substantial benefit to that, so even my smoothies are made with water. I used to love sweet tea (WAY too much!) but since December I have eliminated processed sugar from my diet and I don't do caffeine anymore either.
  • Babs540
    Babs540 Posts: 19 Member
    I found these fabulous drink mixes at Target. They are only 10 calories, naturally sweetened and 1 pouch can sweeten more then the recommended 16 oz. of water. Here's a link to them:

    Lots of flavors too. My Fav is the apple pear. Cheers!
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    lots of tea. herbal or green. its good for you and it can count towards your water intake. plus green tea helps fuel weight loss. its a two for two deal. just dont add anything to it. eventually u adjust to the taste.
  • cjpk90
    cjpk90 Posts: 2 Member
    Powerade Zero.
    Propel Zero.
    Water with MiO or the Great Value brand equivalent.
    Hot chocolate (occasionally).
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    About once a week I have a diet 7-up or diet ginger ale. About once a month, I'll have a glass of juice. But most of the time it's regular water or sparkling water.
  • Nothing :p

    Decaff tea occasionally, but other than that... just water. :)
  • as replacement for a sugar laden glass of wine or cocktail, as a treat at night, i have a fresca with a splash of sugar free cranberry juice and a a crystal highball :)
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Tea, 25 cal diet hot chocolate, and pepsi max
  • hroughout the day,i carry around a 20 oz clear, refreshing looking and tasting, water bottle with lots of ice and oranges....i end up drinking about 80 ounces of water a day...cuz it looks so refreshing, i want to drink it!!
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    Tropicana 50
    Green tea
    Ocean spray light
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I've just recently been completely weaning myself off sweeteners (by the way, I've discovered that the rest of my food tastes better--who knew?). So I'm down to drinking water, iced tea with no sweetener, hot tea, coffee, milk. But here's my secret weapon: Good Earth Original Tea. I let it steep a while so it's really strong. It has a lot of cinnamon and some other herbs like mint, and lemon balm, etc. Whatever, it tastes amazingly sweet without any kind of sweetener. (I admit I used to sweeten it, though.)
  • Smudjie
    Smudjie Posts: 126 Member
    Cyrstal light, Powerade Zero, water with lemon, Trop 50 (mostly water though)
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Tea -- there are some great herbal teas out there that don't require sugar to taste great. Iced black tea is also great. (Make sure you get a good brand though.)

    You can substitute sugar with agave syrup or honey, if you still want sweetness. You won't have to use as much. Honey has some excellent health benefits to it that white sugar does not.

    You can spice up your water by adding fruit (e.g., berries, or lemon, lime, or orange wedges).
  • I hate drinking water, but I kicked the pop habit so Im drinking about 6 to 8 glasses of water now with crystal light in it. There is 10 calories in a package so I use half a pk for a bottle of water to flavor it...:drinker:
  • Besides drinking about 80-100 ounces of water... I also drink, unsweet tea (caffeine at work), unsweet tea (decaf at home) and on the weekends I will have a couple of regular sodas. I'm trying really hard to kick the soda but I'm addicted :) I did stop drinking soda during the week and my next goal is to only have one soda on the weekend. Final goal would be to kick the soda all together or maybe one a month.
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    I have a cup of coffee in the morning and I LOVE my Crystal Light! :bigsmile:
  • I buy a lot of different fruity herb teas, Celestial Seasonings mostly, and I will drink them either hot or iced. The fruity flavors like Raspberry Zinger and True Blueberry have a sweetness all their own and you can leave out the sugar and definitely leave out the artificial sweeteners. Those are worse than anything!

    If I have a carbonated craving, I go for flavored seltzers(not club soda-too much sodium), but the kind that don't have artificial sweeteners or sugar in them. Buy a plain seltzer and add a splash of cranberry or pomegranate juice. Do a virgin mojito by mashing fresh mint in a glass, a wedge of lime and the lemon-lime seltzer....YUM!

    Besides water, the above drinks let me save the calories for the good coconut rum ;)
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I mostly drink water. I think I'm gonna look into some diet green tea drinks since green tea is supposed to be so good for you and helpful to weight loss. I drink the occasional diet soft drink, and no matter what size it is, it tends to take me all day long to drink it. I usually have things like crystal light around the house, but I haven't had any in a long time either.