Gym Pet Peeves?



  • cwbzfan
    I hate the obnoxious grunter and growlers with a passion.

    Totally this . . . with the addition of the grunters who strut around doing absolutely nothing but are "set up" on 5 different benches for if and when they decide to actually DO something . . . . And . . . definitely the new year's resolutioners . . .
  • Leslie0423
    It's really mainly a seasonal thing, but right after new years and shortly before summer when people pile into the gym and take leisurely strolls on the treadmills while casually reading a magazine. Luckily they are usually all gone by mid february or by then they have decided to stick with it and actually try jogging.

    I hate running, and use my 30 minutes on the treadmill to do a brisk walk, so not all that get on the treadmill jog, it's not a rule with treadmills that they are only to be used for jogging/running.
  • *kitten* curling in the squat rack

    people that use multiple equipments at once

    people posing in front of the mirror where your working out(especially when they are A shape not IN shape)

    people that don't re rack weights

    people that stare at you when your going really heavy

    people that talk to you about lifting/nutrition when your trying to lift, knowledge aint bad, but broscience is
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I work out at home now, but when I would work out at the gym there were a few things that bothered me. The first, like most of us, is someone who does not clean a machine when they are done. I got on a machine that had sweat on it and it was disgusting. I clean the machines before and after but I just got off of that one because I did not even want to touch it.
    It also would bug me when an entire group of people would show up together and get on all of the treadmills or ellipticals and just stay there for an hour chatting while they were using the machines at a leisurely pace. If there are 15 machines and you are using 5 of them, fine, but not all 15 at once. I am sure that there is some type of gym etiquette about this.
  • AEC50
    AEC50 Posts: 124 Member
    When people go as groups to the gym and instead of concentrating they are talking to each other in a loud voice ><

    This! A few days ago, I was running (with headphone, thankfully!) and there was one woman on an elliptical yelling at her friend in the next row up on a treadmill the ENTIRE time. Really, people?

    I also hate it when people watch Rachel Ray at full volume in the small gym at the office. No headphones are enough to drown that out. :)
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i hate when people throw weights down that are extremely light anyway.

    i understand dropping weights if your lifting to point of failure and its really just that heavy (not that i drop weights but i can understand)

    but when ur lifting 10lb dumbells and have the energy to THROW THEM.. WTF!
  • johnsonje82
    johnsonje82 Posts: 46 Member
    i hate when people throw weights down that are extremely light anyway.

    i understand dropping weights if your lifting to point of failure and its really just that heavy (not that i drop weights but i can understand)

    but when ur lifting 10lb dumbells and have the energy to THROW THEM.. WTF!

    Yes, like when I guy finishes some "massive set" with the 15 pounders and lets them fly after the last rep...then looks around like he's a beast. C'mon man....
  • Leslie0423
    Girls in Zumba class who "travel" the floor like the own the place! They don't use their built in "rear view mirrors" when they move around and just assume that everyone will move for them. Lady you are in my personal space!! Look around you! Be considerate of others people!!

    In the middle of Zumba last night, the teacher had to stop the class and tell 3 people to get out that were about to throw down about one of them that kept running into the other two. The one girl always travels the room, not respecting other people's space, and we have very limited space!
  • Leslie0423
    I know some people can't help it, but BO is the worst to me!
  • cwbzfan
    *kitten* curling in the squat rack

    people that use multiple equipments at once

    people posing in front of the mirror where your working out(especially when they are A shape not IN shape)

    people that don't re rack weights

    people that stare at you when your going really heavy

    people that talk to you about lifting/nutrition when your trying to lift, knowledge aint bad, but broscience is

    This too!!!!
  • lmao i know what you mean, dudes squattin 135 or 225 re rack it like theyre gonna die if it doesn't get racked, screaming every single rep and set its annoying!
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    People wearing excessive amounts of cologne, perfume or smelly lotion. I almost had to stop my run twice the other day because of the old lady who was walking at a brisk 2.0 and the teenage girl who was walking on the steepest level for 5 min.... It is not easy to run and only breathe on one side of your mouth!
  • Jesyka_Gee
    Jesyka_Gee Posts: 27 Member
    After going to the gym for years, I've realized how gyms are just crawling with germs everywhere you turn! I feel I need to wipe down my machine before and after use. It's so gross when someone doesnt wipe down their machine, especially on a cardio machine. After all, it is a health/fitness center so lets keep them healthy!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    The woman I call Farrah Fawcett (due to her overly fluffy blonde hair) who hordes 6-8 pieces of equipment (swiss ball, barbells, dumbells, kettle ball, mat, bosu ball, etc) at once and "claims" to be using them all in her little corner WHILE she is across the room doing lat pull downs. Come on.

    People who stand around on or near equipment socializing with their friends. Do it somewhere else.

    People who are barely moving on cardio machines because they're too busy staring at the other people on machines who are actually working out. Go people watch at Disneyland or the airport. Get off the cardio machine so someone else can use it!

    People who make huge grunting noises when lifting. Really? I manage to struggle in silence - I wish they would too.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Oh, and a sub-pet peeve that goes along with the last one...........not cleaning your machine off. Granted, I myself usually don't use the chemical-soaked wipes for cleaning off the machines sometimes..........but I at least wipe it with my workout towel that I don't use at all until I am done with the machine, have a chance to wipe it clean, and then that's when I use it.......but just going off the machine to another without wiping it down is just rude......

    I usually at least dry the machine down with a towel so that there's not puddles and drops of sweat all over it. However, my gym does not provide disinfectant spray for members to use because they've had too many cases of people spraying the screens and electronic components of the machines directly, causing damage to the machine. Instead, the desk attendant goes around all the machines about twice/hr and disinfects them all.
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    So my newest pet peeve is getting my butt slapped. My number one is when fetus's (teens) come in groups and are loud and obnoxious, they are only there to socialize and it is distracting. Thank god for headphones and ipods because I would want to trip them on the treadmill ;)

    I also don't like when women and men come in bathed in cologne or perfume, I am not talking about a light decent smell. I am talking about a overwhelming smell and you all do is gag and when you are trying to run and it hurts your lungs because your inhaling the fumes. I don't even have asthma and it sucks, its the worst when the gym is packed and there is no where to go and it is way to cold to run outside (Spring come faster!).
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i have two.

    1. the hulks..... the guys who have huge top halves and wee skinny legs who wear a vest thats that small it would fit a 12 year old girl..... the hulks sit in front of the mirror with ridiculously sized weights, lift it once. put it down. ---- stare in mirror at unnaturally tanned body for scotland, then repeat process with other arm. maybe nod aknowledingly at other hulks and send a text message or 2.

    2. the barbies. .... the ridiculously orange girls who are caked in make-up who gather at the abs machine which is conviently located behind the free weight where the hulks hang about. the barbies wear more make-up than i own and are always in packs of 2 or 3 and never seperate. they always have perfect hair and never sweat and spend the whole time giggling and staring at hulks.

    both should be banned
  • cwbzfan
    i hate when people throw weights down that are extremely light anyway.

    i understand dropping weights if your lifting to point of failure and its really just that heavy (not that i drop weights but i can understand)

    but when ur lifting 10lb dumbells and have the energy to THROW THEM.. WTF!

    Yes, like when I guy finishes some "massive set" with the 15 pounders and lets them fly after the last rep...then looks around like he's a beast. C'mon man....

    Aww c'mon guys . . . if these clowns don't drop their weights or slam the freakin' machines so hard they are frayin' the cables - then no one will ever notice their grunting, lazy behinds . . .
  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 479 Member
    Older men (and some that are married) who stare at my 16 y/o daughter when we work out together! REALLY????
  • johnsonje82
    johnsonje82 Posts: 46 Member
    i hate when people throw weights down that are extremely light anyway.

    i understand dropping weights if your lifting to point of failure and its really just that heavy (not that i drop weights but i can understand)

    but when ur lifting 10lb dumbells and have the energy to THROW THEM.. WTF!

    Yes, like when I guy finishes some "massive set" with the 15 pounders and lets them fly after the last rep...then looks around like he's a beast. C'mon man....

    Aww c'mon guys . . . if these clowns don't drop their weights or slam the freakin' machines so hard they are frayin' the cables - then no one will ever notice their grunting, lazy behinds . . .

    Most of that element fall into this group too: " the guys who have huge top halves and wee skinny legs who wear a vest thats that small it would fit a 12 year old girl..... "