Whats your least favorite thing someone has said to you abou



  • MissSaraSunshine
    My grandmother (who is not a nice lady) once told me that if I didn't thin up then my husband would leave me. BTW, My husband has loved me during ALL my sizes! He would never be shallow enough to leave me because of the weight I am!

    She is not very thin herself!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    "The first 7 pounds are easy...good luck losing anymore"--my former therapist (she also said some other rude things too). Long story short, I am now seeing a new (and much better) therapist.
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    the worst thing that's been said to me was actually meant as a joke (I think) but I did not find it funny--one of my coworkers made a joke about me being anorexic. Definitely NOT anorexic-I know she was just jokingly pointing out that she thought I had lost all the weight I needed to, but I did not find it funny.

    this same thing happened to me. i was NOT amused, although as it was someone i had to be polite to i think i dry-chuckled and changed the subject.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I saw my dad after I'd lost 50 lbs. He said "I guess you look a little smaller, but you got a long way to go". Gee, thanks for the support :(
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a high school librarian. We have a teacher who makes amazingly good cupcakes, and always shares them with staff. She sent one my way on Friday and my Student Assistant (I have one every class period) begged me to give her my cupcake. Knowing how good they are, and having had a very light breakfast, I wasn't about to give it up.

    Her response?

    "You're just gonna get fat again. If you eat that cupcake you're gonna blow everything and balloon right back up to where you were."
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    My mom says I will be a chunky monkey if I keep eating the way I am. When I saw my ex from high school he grabbed my stomache and said "wow what happened to you?"

    OMG What a ****!! You should have said " I can lose my weight you will always be a stupid fool"
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    People continue to say "your husband must really love the new you."
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    "You look different...I think it's the new glasses."

    (Note, the "new glasses" were several months old; the weight loss was new.)

    I remember getting the "did you done something different with your hair?" a lot at the beginning.
    Yeah i took about 20 pounds off of the thing underneath it.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I hate eating in front of my grandmother because she always gives me a look and says "You're going to eat that."

    My grandma does the opposite. "Mija, have another quesadilla. I made you two more."

  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I recently gained my weight and even more recently recently started getting back in shape and before I had finally decided I had what it took to get back in the fitness game my father-in-law liked to say things like "you know, you could lose weight if you start running." Really?!? No **** Sherlock, thanks for continuing to point out all the weight I have gained as if I don't already feel embarrassed about it. Oh, and BTW, I am well aware of HOW to lose weight so, ummm, thanks.
  • charmedlife78
    I have a friend that has continued to tell me that if i lose anymore weight, it wont be flattering on my body. Ill look funny! and then my mom when we go out to eat or something and i have in my mind what im going to order she will say *cant you cheat just a little?* i DO have days I indulge in something but not ALL the time as she would suggest i do every time we are eating out or at my aunts house. What else....... oh and like some of the other posts, when i do have pizza or fried chicken the family member with the comments *i thought you were on a diet*. Lifestyle changes and diets are 2 different things.... sigh.. what else. Sometimes while visiting my papa in the nursing home for alzheimers patients, they will have pies or cakes for anyone to have and if Im with my mom visiting, and they offer me a slice of cake and i decline, my mom thinks she needs to tell them that im on this strict diet. Its not a strict diet... id rather have a snack thats going to fuel my body and not convert to sugar after being swallowed. Ill probably think of more later on tonight.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    "You look anorexic! Omg I don't even want to hug you because I'll break you!"

    "Omg...someone get this girl a sandwich...."
  • MissMouse85
    MissMouse85 Posts: 38 Member
    One of my (incredibly thin) friends said to me last week... "I think you're losing weight too fast. You're not crash dieting are you?"

    Um... no. It's taken me two months to lose 10 pounds, so it's not too fast, and I did it by eating right and sweating more. :laugh:
  • karylee44
    I'm a high school librarian. We have a teacher who makes amazingly good cupcakes, and always shares them with staff. She sent one my way on Friday and my Student Assistant (I have one every class period) begged me to give her my cupcake. Knowing how good they are, and having had a very light breakfast, I wasn't about to give it up.

    Her response?

    "You're just gonna get fat again. If you eat that cupcake you're gonna blow everything and balloon right back up to where you were."

    sounds like a detention to me!
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    "Umm, don't you think you're a little big?"

    "No offense, but he's not into girls of your, uh...size."

    Edited for grammar :blushing:
  • CathiC2
    Wow! Did you get fat!!! :(
  • jessicajoy87
    I think you would look good in a size 13. - this is from my mom. Size 13? I'm over a hundred pounds over weight and that is only 2 sizes down from where I am now! It really doesnt make me angry I just couldn't come up with something. I try really hard to not get myself in situations like that.

    Oh a few years ago when I was 5 months pregnant this 4 or 5 year old say, "Momma that girl has a really big bottom!" Is it ok to punch little girls in the face! Lol!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    2.) Well you're young. Its much easier for you.

    Actually I am not "that" young. That may give me a slightly larger edge than you, but you are only 5-10 years older than me. And thanks for acknowledging that all of the *kitten* busting I've done for the past 7 months has been easy! ;)

    What are yours?

    That one irks me, too. I spent all my teens and 20s feeling like a little kid because I'm the youngest of 6. One would think by my late thirties, almost 40, I could get a little bit of respect, but instead I've gotten comments like, "Let's see you keep eating like you do (I eat a lot, because I burn a lot) and look that way when you're 60." :laugh:
  • allnewskinnyme
    allnewskinnyme Posts: 64 Member
    When showing off in my new dress all my mum said was "make sure you don't leave the house without tights. Your legs still need some work"

  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    I just hate hearing people tell me what I can and cannot eat. I got this all the time before as a vegetarian but it is worse now that I've been using MFP. It isn't that I CAN'T eat the cookies you brought in to work or CAN'T eat a burger, its that I choose not to. Nit picky perhaps but it makes me crazy. "Well, if you can't have this and this and this, what CAN you have?" Ugh. What ever I F-ing fancy, that is what. :)

    Also, 3 of my co-workers and I use MFP and support each other. I had gained 3lbs and was a little upset about it because I had been working so hard and was talking to one of the girls about it when a different co-worker started asking me about all my new habits. He was like "you're not eating candy bars are you?" and I said no, and then this 90lb teenager who works with me said "YES YOU DID, YOU ATE 2 PIECES YESTERDAY!!". And I had forgotten that I had 2 dark chocolate mini Dove chocolates which amounted to all of 80 calories. And then the first co worker said "Well that is why you're gaining weight you can't be eating chocolate". UGH. So ignorant. Yeah, 80 calories of dark chocolate was the cause of the 3lb weight fluctuation which was probably muscle since I've been running more regularly. Whatever.