Whats your least favorite thing someone has said to you abou



  • About 6 years ago, when I was pretty big, my grandfather came for a visit. I had not seen him for like 2 years because he lives far way. The first thing he said to me was "Oh my, you got fat!". Thank you, nice to see you too!

    Oh, and i absolutely HATED it when I was with (skinny) friends and they started criticising themselves. I remember having to learn a dance routine for my PE course with 2 friends of mine. Half way through practise they started going like "Oh I really need to lose 5lbs - I am sooooo fat". I was about 50lbs more than they were ... feeling absolutely crap.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Discussing with my now ex step mother about what I'd really like to do as a job

    Me " I like Mathis, and pretty sociable. I'd like to be a croupier in a casino"
    Her, looks me up and down "well you'll need to lose weight first"

    I was 12!!!!

    Her comment still haunts me to this day!
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    'You look great for someone who's had two kids'

    Honestly, that one gets my blood boiling, Id get banned from the mb's if I told you guys what Id like to say back!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    many years ago when i was in high school i was friends with this very spiteful girl, one minute she could be your best friend, and with a click of the fingers, she will turn into a right monster. anyway myself and her, and a few other friends were all the canteen at break time, and we used to have like a cheese burger at break time, and one day i sat down with them all and i said to them 'im not having a cheeseburger today as i want to try and cut down on them and loose a stone' and then this so called 'friend' turned around and said 'sophia, you'll never be able to loose weight, you are going to be big all your life no matter what!!'

    that was it for me! i broke down into tears infront of everyone (i probably looked like a right weirdo), i walked out the canteen grabbed my bag and caught the bus home. i still havent forgiven her to this day! stupid cow! grrrr.. but if i ever see her again, least ill be able to turn around and be like yeah ive dropped 3 dress sizes :smile: .. i bet she is well fat today actually! she used to eat like a horse in school and was a little chubby herself. soo i bet she's the sie of a house today! :laugh:
  • mekhetling
    mekhetling Posts: 10 Member
    I would say that my least favourite is when people say "You don't need to lose weight/be on diet/ watch what you eat" when they find out that I'm trying to lose weight... I've lost like 10kg already, and now joined MFP to lose the last 4-6 kg. Of course I'm not overweight any more, I'm halfway there!! That doesn't mean that I should give up now to make them feel more comfortable (and probably undo all my good work in the process) :(

    I've heard a lot of people say similar things, or people saying to them "you're too skinny" or whatever, when they haven't reached their goal yet. Nay-sayers like that are just unhappy with themselves, and your weight loss is throwing that into stark relief for them... so they try to bring you down because they're uncomfortable. Don't listen to them!
  • My least favourite thing,that I'm repulsive and ugly.. :-(
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 313 Member
    My Dad, a few years ago...."why is it that when women get married they always let themselves go?" - hitting my Mum, myself and my sister in one fell swoop!!
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    There was this guy I liked, I gave him a rose on Valentines day (FIRST time I ever made a move) You know what he did the rest of that year? Laugh at me with the girls in our class, get his friend to tell me I'm fat, And tell every he doesn't like me BECAUSE I'm fat.

    Also, whenever I talk about getting healthier or doing something like that, my "bestfriend" says "You won't do it, you never do, just get used to it.. you're fat!"

    Yup :) THOSE are my reasons for getting healthy, skinny, fit. I want them to eat their words :)

    You SO don't need people like that in your life hun!
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Are you on drugs? I heard people on crack lose weight! *really?!* ohh and don't lose anymore weight u will be too thin & I bet ur husband won't like that! Guys don't like thin girls u know!

    Ugh some people!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Are you on drugs? I heard people on crack lose weight! *really?!* ohh and don't lose anymore weight u will be too thin & I bet ur husband won't like that! Guys don't like thin girls u know!

    Ugh some people!
    You look great! Congrats on your hard work!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    My least favourite thing,that I'm repulsive and ugly.. :-(

    Really??!? Someone said that to you??
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Oh, and i absolutely HATED it when I was with (skinny) friends and they started criticising themselves. I remember having to learn a dance routine for my PE course with 2 friends of mine. Half way through practise they started going like "Oh I really need to lose 5lbs - I am sooooo fat". I was about 50lbs more than they were ... feeling absolutely crap.

    Yes I have a friend like this, too! I would confide in her my weight or something like that and she would turn around the next day, quote her weight and say what a cow she was. (50 lbs less than mine). However...I am pretty sure that I am smaller than her now and weigh less! ;)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    "people who count calories are stupid, just eat healthy" - the person knows full well that I count calories.

    "counting calories doesn't work" :mad: :explode:

    when I first started on MFP a year ago, I was talking about it (apparently too often) with a coworker who was also overweight. She commented a few times that I was too "obsessed" with counting calories and worrying about what I ate.

    So...fast forward one year. I've lost 45 pounds, kept it off, love running and feel awesome and healthy. Right after New Year's this coworker decided to go on the Tim Ferris "4 hour diet" eating plan...she's dropped 15 pounds so far, which I have complimented her on...and when I asked if she counted calories on this plan (since I don't know much about it) she was like "oh no...I just eat all the healthy foods on the plan and do my cheat day once a week and I don't HAVE to count calories, it's way easier than what you do" Hmm. I'm happy for her since it's working for her, but she's still acting like my way of doing things is a problem...um...ok. Whatever.

    Yeah, people seem to be so bothered by the fact that I'm counting calories, probably because you can visibly see that it's working & they're like jealous or something?

    Another thing that gets on my nerves is "How many calories are in this?" "How do you know how many calories are in food?" -- How can someone not know that most, if not all food has nutritional information on the packaging?! *Friend points at vending machine & says- "How many calories are in those crisps?" *I look at vending machine & say - 137 "How do you know that?", well maybe because the calories are written on the front of the packet!
  • intergalactick
    intergalactick Posts: 18 Member
    I was eating a little Weight Watchers key lime pie dessert, and my dad was like "You shouldn't eat dinner if you're gonna eat those too" YES, THANK YOU. DESSERT > DINNER. -___-
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I used to get a lot of unkind comments as a child as I had really bad psoriasis
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    You look fabulous. Will you keep the weight off this time?

    That one pisses me off the most.
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    I love and adore my dad, but sometimes he says stuff like, after me spending all week eating tofu and salad and oatmeal and working out every single day and then finally letting myself have a small snack on the weekend,

    "Oh, so I guess the diet's over, huh?"
  • "you look emaciated"
    "do you enjoy anything you eat? you never treat yourself to an icecream or something"
    "are you done losing weight?"
  • them "omg! you have lost a lot of weight. Are you sick?"

    me "No, I am not sick. I have been trying to lose weight"

    them "What pill are you taking?"

    me "i dont take anything but vitamins. I am just eating healthy and exercising"

    them "you havent lost all that thru execise alone. You are sick, arent you?"

  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    Oh, and another one, from when I was near my heaviest and before I changed my lifestyle. Was in the grocery store with my father and he was carry the basket, which had a bag of flour and a jar of pickles in it. Some huge dude who certainly had no right to be talking about anyone else's weight looks at my with a big friendly smile as he walks by and goes, "Hey, why's he carrying the basket? You're just going to eat it all!"

    Uh, yeah, because I really got fat eating entire bags of raw flour. Right...

    I was too confused to even really be offended. What made me angry was that he did it in front of my father.