I think my husband is trying to keep me fat.....



  • naturerunner
    That sounds just flat out mean. Stay strong. You can do it whether he is willing to help or not. When he brings home a cake enjoy a bowl of fresh fruit instead. When he offers you chips, take a nice long walk. Don't show any resistance to what he is doing, just simply avoid him and his temptations until he realizes that what he is doing is pushing you away. Soon he will realize that he would rather join you and support you rather than lose you. Keep up the good work! :)
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Is he overweight? I say screw him and do it for yourself. I know it is hard but you still seem to be doing a great job. I would outright call his a** out and ask him what his problem is. Obviously, he has one!!! Keep up the great work and determination. If you need freinds feel free to add me. Good luck
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I didn't read all the posts.....but here's my take on it....GUYS DON"T GET IT...there I said it....guys just don't understand. Especially if you are guilty of being a yo-yo dieter, they are still stuck in that habit of buying junk constantly and you jsut eating it with them. My dad is the same way, but at least he'll buy "light" icecream or "sugarfree" popcicles since im on a diet. Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean everyone is too, you have to teach yourself self control, and it's really really hard when those wonderful treats are taunting you in your own house. And he ordered two bread sticks, because he might have been afraid if he ate one and you said someonthing along the lines of "Hey i wanted a piece" or whatnot. Just put yourself in his shoes every now and then and realize you might have been guilty in the past of being hot and cold towards a healthy lifestyle and all he can do is come to terms after a while that you are really really serious this time.
  • angiebarker
    I understand. My parents use to do this to me. Luckily, my fiancee and i agree on a lot of food choices. Though sometimes when i tell him i just want to eat healthy during that day he will end up getting chips. Its frustrating and i don't think he does it on purpose but maybe your hubby is worried that your going to lose too much weight? Or maybe he doesn't want to give up eating those foods with you because its something he enjoys doing with you. You should try sitting down with him and ask him why he keeps buying all this stuff.
    Good luck
    ~ A
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member

    I did make him walk with me last night as "punishment" for the junk i found when i came home. He wasn't happy about it and complained the whole time but he walked the 1.5mile with me..lol

    Have you read that back? That doesn't sound like you are talking about your husband who you love, that sounds like you're a bit of a control freak, the man can't even eats what he wants were he wants without being punished. You need to put a bit of perspective on things.

    amen....just because the mom decides to be on a diet doesn't mean the whole family has to...I try to encourage my dad to work out with my or do the wii fit, and all we got was he made a character on the wii lol. But if you are the main cook, then you can say what's for dinner, if he wants to order out, that's on him, he shouldn't be "punished" for the life he wants to live. He might see how much happer you are when you lose your weight and he will follow your example, but you can't force a grown man to do something he doesn't want to do....maybe he's rebelling against you?
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Is he bringing these foods home JUST for you, or is he partaking in them himself? If it's the latter, he's not trying to keep you fat, he just isn't concerned about losing weight himself (does he need to?) and you're just going to have to have the willpower not to eat them. If he IS buying them just for you, then sit him down and gently tell him why you're trying to make healthier choices and that while you appreciate the thought, it's detrimental to what you are trying to do. It could be that food is his way of showing affection and if this is the case, ask him to bring in things like fruit, hummus and veggies or nuts if he wants to treat you.

    Try including him in your new, healthier lifestyle. You could try cooking a healthy meal together so he realises you don't need to eat junk to have a good time. Invite him to come on long walks with you. Don't automatically assume he's trying to keep you fat just because he's bringing junk home. It could well be that he just doesn't get it, or doesn't fully understand how important this is to you.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member

    I did make him walk with me last night as "punishment" for the junk i found when i came home. He wasn't happy about it and complained the whole time but he walked the 1.5mile with me..lol

    Have you read that back? That doesn't sound like you are talking about your husband who you love, that sounds like you're a bit of a control freak, the man can't even eats what he wants were he wants without being punished. You need to put a bit of perspective on things.

    Oh and this. It's one thing to be like 'Hey, I'm going on a walk, want to come?', but to punish HIM for food HE is putting in HIS mouth seems way controlling. Just because you're trying not to eat crap, doesn't mean he has to.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    You need to realize he has not changed , you have.

    If you want to be healthy and lose weight , you have to do it on your own.

    If he want to eat junk let him , is his body. I'm pretty sure if he did not bring you anything , you would complain because he is eating junk behind your back and you are not allow to do it.
  • lillmssy
    OMG.....do I know the feeling.....I don't mean to cause a problem BUT you are in control of yourself!! Be strong and don't eat the ****!
    After a while he will know that you mean buisness and you are not going to eat it.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm sure someone else has said this, but I'm not going to read through 6 pages of people telling you that you need to be supported and to throw out your husbands food.

    Since I'm going to assume that you are an adult, I'm just going to say TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN EATING HABITS! Just because your husband brings food that he likes to eat in the house doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it. I seriously doubt you two would be married if he was holding a gun to your head telling you to pick up the food and chew! Seriously make your own decisions and stop blaming others! This is about YOU, not him!
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    Keep up the good work that you have done losing the 7! Take his negitive and turn in to your positive and keep working out and making the right choices on what you put in your body! Only you can eat what he brings in and each time you resist the stronger you get and won't want that crap! You can do this!
  • Wildcat682
    The problem is that fat girls do not know how to handle attention. This is especially true for long-term fat girls, a.k.a 10+ years of L.A syndrome. This category of girls do not know how to handle the attention guys will show them when they are no longer revolting to look at. A fat friend of mine was happily married to a fat guy. He was a good guy and treated her good. She was faithful, cheerful, and loving wife to her husband. The only thing she was unhappy with was her weight. One day, she decided to get skinny and achieved her goal. She went from 220lbs to 120lbs and looked smoking hot. Her husband did not lose weight and stayed a massive 270lbs on a 5'10'' frame. Within one year of reaching her goal, she had already had several affairs with guys that never would have shown her the time of day when she was fat. Now she is divorced, has to pay child support to her ex-husband, is on drugs, and is now the town "stress reliever". The reason? She could not handle the new-found attention she received as a skinny girl because she never dealt with it before.

    For all the people talking down about your husband, you might want to look at it a different way. Maybe he is just trying to keep you from screwing up your life. He might not think you can handle the pressures of being a skinny girl in fat America.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I haven't read all the other replies so you've probably heard this one before :smile: have you talked to him about it - like properly talked? My husband said something the other day (after feeding me chocolate!!) when I asked him why he brought the stuff in the house when he knows I'll just eat it he said that he was worried guys would be after me when I "got really hot" - I'm taking it as a compliment :laugh: but maybe it is something like that?!? He might be feeling a bit insecure and rather than saying so, this is the way he is showing it.
  • danisul
    Don't give in - Be strong. Tell him how what he's doing makes you feel. It is probably best if you don't "shove it in his face", but instead, share with him that you need to feel supported in what you're doing to improve your health. One day, one workout, one meal at a time~ Shut out the negative, embrace the positive, even if you waver a little here and there - keep moving forward and never look back. Good luck.
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member

    I did make him walk with me last night as "punishment" for the junk i found when i came home. He wasn't happy about it and complained the whole time but he walked the 1.5mile with me..lol

    Have you read that back? That doesn't sound like you are talking about your husband who you love, that sounds like you're a bit of a control freak, the man can't even eats what he wants were he wants without being punished. You need to put a bit of perspective on things.

    Far from a control freak . When I said it to him it was in a joking manner and he took it as such. I never said he couldn't eat what he wants. Nobody has that much control over what someone puts in their mouth. I simply want him to be a little more aware of what he is bringing into the house. Food is almost like a drug for me. I just wish he would understand that.
  • Blohndie77
    I throw the junk food in the garbage. It works for the most part. There's a lot less crap in the house. Unless his kids are here. Keep trying, though. Don't give up. You'll only be letting yourself down. You have the power to control how you live your life. Be strong!
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    He is not on a diet. You are. Just because you are ready, doesn't mean he is.

    Just a thought.

    I concur! He still can eat and drink whatever he wants. Your choices are your own!
  • MrsInmon
    MrsInmon Posts: 49 Member
    My husband thinks I will divorce him as soon as I feel sexy with my body. He keeps asking me to buy junk food and he makes me feel bad when I spend time on my phone logging my food on MFP. At the restaurants, he gets on my case loud enough for others to hear. If I leave him, it won't be because I look and feel good, it's because of his insecureness and his assholeness.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    My hubby and grandkids always have candy & other stuff I love in the house.....I feel as if it makes me stronger. I don't eat it because I know if I do I wont stop at one!! When we have pizza I have a small piece, and a big salad. My hubby made fresh warm homebaked peanut butter cookies last night. The smell in the house was awesome....so I went to the movies. My hubby says I was so sweet when I was heavier....and that I am meaner now.....lol. I want to be thin and healthier. He is usually there for me, and we have been married for 25 years this year. He's just going to have to get used to the new me....and I am all the stronger for it!

    Good luck to you!!
  • mbar12
    mbar12 Posts: 125 Member
    After reading this, I am so thankful for my husband. He also has some insecurity with me losing weight, but he just has asked two or three times kind of jokingly if I would leave him for someone else. I reassured him that after 31 years of marriage I had him broken in well, lol, and that I am losing weight for me, not for any other reason. He has accepted this, and really doesnt seem to have a problem with me dieting and exercising. He did mention that I had been spending a bit much time at the gym, so I told him I would limit it to 3 times a week (I exercise at home the other days).
    My husband could probably stand to lose weight and I have mentioned that he try just so we dont have to buy him a bigger size in clothes... I realize that I cant instill in him the desire to lose weight. He has to gain this on his own. I do, however, ask him to put certain foods where I dont see them, such as cookies, etc and I ask him not to make brownies.
    I guess what others have said is true.... you need to reassure him, and find some ground of compromise. I dont agree that you have to just suck it up and be able to resist because food is a powerful thing..... it can break all of the resolve you can muster if it is constantly being put right before you. I would suggest maybe you share your excitement of your successes with him. Tell him how good it has made you feel to lose that 7 lbs. and share your goals. Maybe this will help him to get on board, and help him to be more supportive.