I think my husband is trying to keep me fat.....



  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
  • moothartk
    Make him put his stuff in a certain area of the kitchen... in a cupboard that you NEVER open. Put his stuff in the fridge in an area away from your food. That way you can at least see it less to be tempted less. Good luck.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I understand the house full of tempting treats! My DH is underweight and has a hard time eating enough to maintain, let alone gain weight! :noway: He is also the cook around here and has a bit sweet tooth. Here's what I had to resort to: 1) told him after Xmas that I wanted him not to cook for me until my birthday (march 13) and I would take care of my own food. He skeptically agreed.
    2. Ignore the eye rolls when I weigh & measure portions and read labels for serving size.
    3. Accept that those are "his" 4 canisters of M&M's on the counter (I kid you not, 4 CANISTERS of all varieties of M&M's in my house ALL THE TIME! they sit next to the jelly beans but behind the 2 tins of gourmet Blegian chocolate cookies.) He needs to eat as much as he can, almost like medicine. I wouldn't take his medicine, would I? So I won't eat his food.
    4. Pull up my Big Girl Panties and do what I know I need to do for myself, and quit whining about it.
    5. Taped my mantra on the mirror: "I am my only obstacle, the rest is just excuses."

    Other people have done this, you have empathy and help here--you can do it! Maybe your DH is worried you'll look so hot that you don't want him anymore. Maybe he feels guilty for not taking care of himself and embarrassed next to your level of commitment to heath. Maybe he missed the shared pleasures you shared over meals. Maybe you could ask him?
  • busymnmom
    I feel your pain. My husband always brings junk food in. Right now, he just sat down next to me with a huge bowl of ice cream and asked me if I wanted some. HELLOOOO, NO!! And I told him that. Stay strong. It is hard when they don't support you.
  • fateschild
    fateschild Posts: 114 Member
    One of the things that I haven't seen on here, although I might have missed it. I did skip a few pages.

    Anyway, it might be a lack of knowledge. My husband was always bringing home foods that weren't healthy for me. I started asking him to read the labels on the food before he bought it. He is still surprised even now at just how bad some of the food he loves is. He is fairly fit and bikes everywhere, so he can eat a lot more that I can. He never worried about how many calories or how much fat/carbs were in his food.

    He has also admitted to some insecurities about me being too thin, but i have assured him that my goal weight is not so thin that I lose all my curves. I like having curves. But I did want to move out of the obese range. I want to be healthier and able to move around more. I also emphasized all the things that I can do better with less weight on my body.

    I agree with a lot of people on here that you need to have a heart to heart with him. My family is still less than supportive, but they have learned to be less obstructive, And I still have to deal with pizza, cookies and chips in my house.

    You can add me if you want. I am on here all the time.
  • kcobrien525
    OMG I just posted about this same thing. My husband works at pizza place so he gets it for either half off or free. Plus they brownies and ice-cream there. I've begged my husband not to bring it home, not to go to the store late at night and get a bunch of crap food and beer. He always says, " I know babe. I really wanna be healthy" ....... what the frick? It's is so frustrating. I asked my husband if he was trying to keep me big, and he said" Yea I like my women big".... I feel ya girl!!! I'm good if it s not in the house but if it's in the house I'm most likely going to eat it.

    I don't really have any advice to give to you because were in the same sinking ship but, what someone commented on mine was that as long as you stay healthy and strive to be he will most likely follow along. It might take awhile though. Good luck hun. Don't let it be a set back! I know it gets discouraging.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Just keep doing what you have been doing. Dont eat it!! You cant make him change or control what he does, you can only control what you do. Hang in there, exercize, be awesome and it will all work out!!
  • LHAMON2009
    I have a different perspetive on this topic. My husband does the same things but at the same time I am the one trying to lose weight not him. Yes it is hard having that stuff in the house but I have to have my own self control and not be tempted by it. I can not force my husband to give up on food items he enjoys just because I want to loose weight. I am not saying that at times my husband hasnt tried to persuade me into eating unhealthy options but I tell him thank you but no. Go easy on the guy and if it is that big of a deal have a conversation with him and ask him if he could try to be more understanding. Do not have an argument over it but a conversation I know for my husband if I even raise my voice he tunes me out. Good luck.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I know a lot of women who have lost a ton of weight (via surgery) and then left their husbands/boyfriends. They start feeling good about themselves then they totally ditch their partner, so I understand the fear, kinda. Sounds like deep down, he doesn't want you to feel good about yourself, and that's a problem. Love means wanting your partner to be happy no matter what the cost is to you. Talk to him about it, it sounds like he has some real issues that he may need to get help for. Good luck and hang tough. I am impressed that you are able to avoid eating what he brings home, I don't think I could be that strong.

    Perhaps these women are leaving their boyfriends/husbands because they change as a person themselves -- they're changing into insecure, negative and unsupportive boyfriends and I know if that was me I wouldn't want to stick around either. I'd much prefer the man I originally fell in love with who was confident, positive and supportive! If they know the reasons you're doing it for and you have a strong and loving bond, weight shouldn't be an issue.

    I am very lucky to have my boyfriend who is fun, fit, healthy, supportive and positive! Yes it annoys him a little that everything in our apartment is low calorie or has a Weight Watchers logo on it, but he is really happy with my successes and is always encouraging me and giving me praise for my efforts! We have a lot of fun exercising together and training together too! I hope your partner comes around - have a chat to him about why you want to lose weight, let him know how much you love him and how that won't change and maybe encourage him to make some better choices too. There are soooo many plus sides to eating better quality food!
  • mommysean
    I found this post, as I too, thought my husband was trying to keep me fat. After reading many, many, many responses to this original post I realized the only one who can keep me fat is me. I don't HAVE to eat any of that cherry pie or cinnamon rolls he brought home declaring I brought you a special treat. I also realized that I don't need to be mad at him either, and I figured out that if I don't eat any of it and it just sits and goes bad because I don't eat it he has not been buying it anymore. I didn't have to say a word LOL
  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    Sometimes you have to encourage yourself and find you're own will power, because people let people down all the time. You are doing good keep it up. I'll be adding you as a friend.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    When significant others arent supportive, it becomes so much harder. What would happen if you printed out that post and had your husband read it? would he start to understand?

    this and also please tell us that hubby is overweight- because if he is as thin as a rail and still eating all of that I will be so depressed... :-)
  • Momiofour
    Momiofour Posts: 155 Member
    Is he unhealthy? From what you have posted...his diet seems very unhealthy! It could be that you reached your limit and obtained this desire to change your lifestyle when he hasn't. Perhaps he feels it will be lonely to do the things you used to do together...all alone, even if it was sharing a meal together. I think he sounds lonely and he is trying to pull you back in. Talk to him and tell him that just because you are changing your lifestyle it doesnt mean you are leaving him...just that you are leaving the junk behind!
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    DO YOU!!! Know your mission and stick to it! You have alot of great advise here...read it...use it... but stay on track!! I know what you're going through....BELIEVE in you...YOU can do it!!! My hubby finally commented after losing 50 lbs....did he really not notice.....he commented because so many others were.....Live for YOU!!!!!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    As hard as it is, this is sometimes an INDIVIDUAL journey without the support we need. I'm going to be optimistic and say that your husband does not wnt to keep you overweight but rather he's focused on what he enjoys eating and not taking into consideration what's good for you. That being said, it takes a made up mind lady and inspite of the fact he brings in the bad, you must make sure that with all that bad stuff he's bringing, make sure your fridge/cabs are stocked with good foods for your journey. Best wishes to you--you can do it :)
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    My suggestion: know what YOU eat.
    He is not responsible for your food choices - you are.
    Have your food - your salads, your soups, your lean meats, in the house.
    If he brings home McDonalds, eat your soup or salad, and see if you can fit half a burger, or a McNugget or two, into your food plan.
    If he brings home ice cream or sorbet, see if you can fit 1/2 cup into your food plan.
    If you go out to dinner, eat something before you go, so that you're "too full" to finish, and bring the rest home, to have for lunch.
    think of it as sabotaging a saboteur. And make it fun!
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    I completely understand. Same situation here. :/ What really helps is surrounding yourself with positive things such as success stories, active MFP friends (has helped me A LOT), follow fitness people on instagram, or watch "The Biggest Loser" or "Losing it with Jillian". When no one else is there to support you then you have to find other stuff that will even if unfortunately it isn't our significant other. BUILD your motivation and will.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I know this is hard on you but.....you cannot control what he chooses to eat anymore than he can control what you choose to eat. Taking ownership for yourself is something that you are always going to have to deal with even after you have reached your goal. Do have a heart to heart talk with him---he may not be intentionally inconsiderate. He may just miss his "partner in food crime" and may also resent you for "leaving him" alone in that. He may not need or be ready to change his eating habits and may be a little insecure about your reasons for wanting to lose. Reassure him that you are not preparing to enter the market and leave him--you just want and deserve to be healthy. Invite him to join you--but don't be surprised if you have to continue alone in this journey. Only YOU are responsible for YOU. Good luck, be strong and you'll succeed for sure!
  • sbdoolin
    sbdoolin Posts: 6 Member
    He is not on a diet. You are. Just because you are ready, doesn't mean he is.

    Just a thought.

    So, it might be that he's trying to sabotage you...or it might just be this.

    My husband is very lean and athletic naturally (so annoying). It's not really fair to him to demand that we keep a treat-less house and I feel terrible when he's gone to the trouble to prepare something that doesn't fit in with my calorie goals. My method is eat a small portion of whatever it is he's made, or have a single serving of a snack, then eat a salad or drink a big glass of water. I still get to eat tasty things, just in smaller portions. It's also good practice for life outside the house, where no one knows or cares that you're trying to lose weight.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    My husband often brings home chips and chocolate and soda, he often brings home cupcakes, muffins, danish, etc. And he's known to eat them right in front of me, and even offer them to me.

    Guess what?

    My husband isn't trying to keep me fat or sabotage me.

    He's incredibly supportive of my efforts. He searches out calorie counts for me, weighs and measures things when he cooks, makes a point to give me details on anything new that comes in to the house.

    There is absolutely no reason why he can't have in the house the things he wants. Whether I choose to indulge in the treats he brings into the house is my business. And only my business.

    Sometimes it's hellish hard to not indulge, sometimes I fail miserably at self control, but again, it's nothing to do with him. It's me.

    Even if my husband were actively attempting to sabotage my efforts (and he knows if he tried to stuff something in my mouth he'd get bitten) it just comes down to this one thing.

    I am an adult. I make the choice what to put in my mouth.