Team UK: Week 8 and 9



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I weighed in today and lost another kg. I am now officially at my half way mark :happy:

    Burnt 1470 cals today but since I have been home I have done nothing but yawn, can't snap out of it :yawn:

    Hope you are all doing well, keep up the good work :drinker:


    Forgot I could add this:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Alright day today, wasnt very hungry at lunch so only had a small one which kept my cals low today instead of my usual over abit! :)

    Defo drinking more water instead of tea and pop....Only had I think 3 or 4 cups today in work and having none at home. I think that will change though when my mum gets back from her holiday tomorrow cause she is a tea feind and always makes me a cuppa when she does!!

    Agree with you Helen...regular bm deffo helps the weight loss. If you havent been regular I think you can even gain a pound!! Bowl of bran flakes a day...! lol

    No exercise for me today...Had to tidy up the whole house when I got in so couldnt be bothered after that! I will class that as my exercise.....:happy:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    tidying the house is exercise ChrisyJade 120 min. Cleaning, heavy, vigorous effort burns 504 cals :happy: just log it :wink: :bigsmile:

    I have decided to go training first thing in the morning just after a banana and a glass of water then come home and have my porridge with flaxseed and an apple. I felt a little ill today after training because my stomach was still so full. I am amazed that I lost a whole kg though.
    I couldn't train on a complete empty stomach, but I might take a banana with me aswell just in case I feel dizzy.

    Good luck tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Training is going well... although i get frustrated with myself... recently i have been burning anywhere from 500-800 cals a session where i used to burn 200-500.. im still only eating 1,200 (whoever can see my diary will know) and i do worry i will go into starvation mode and stop loosing... My instructor at the gym tells me im fine doing that.. I have a desk job so im constantly sitting down and dont really get to move about.. and when i get the chance to i really give it my all.. i was down the gym last night for 2hours n burnt 786.. the most i have ever done.. and i wasnt hungry when i got home (already had dinner and it was about 10.44pm once i was home) so i just went to bed.. is this really really bad?

    Sorry to drag on but so many people are telling me its fine to do this.. but this site goes on so much about "Starvation mode" that im just a little confused!!????

    HELP! :indifferent:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i really dont understand the who 'eating your exercise calories' - whats the point in burning them off just to eat them again?
    if your trainer is saying your fine i would go with that

    im doing a 'fatburner' class tomorrow :smile: iver never done one before so i hope it burns a lot of calories (anyone know how many??)

    im also going to look at the Pay as you go option at the gym, and if i can afford it, i'll do it
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    I think its fine to not eat the calories, expecially if its late at night as its not good to eat before you go to bed! Maybe if you're doing it every day but every so often im sure it doesnt matter. I rarely eat the extra calories I burn off...I think people go abit OTT with the whole starvation mode malark!

    Not even had breakfast yet.....Hoping for a good day though! :D PMA!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I did an hour work out before breakfast and feel absolutely brilliant, I have decided to have a little rest now that my belly is full too and then later on go back for another 90 min. work out, I seem to have loads of energy. Maybe it's because I am over the plateau and I started losing again, I did pop on the scales before training and saw that I was a few pounds lighter than yesterday but I won't count it as a loss until my weigh in next week.

    kpnuts, I work out every day and usually burn around 1700 cals (give or take a few hundred depending on day) I could never eat that many calories on top of my daily cals. I do make sure I get plenty of protein (i.e (goats) milk, eggs, chicken, fish) and grab a handful of nuts (raw only)
    don't forget the water and you will be fine. I have hit plateau and it lasted a few weeks, mighty pain in the rear.

    Good luck all :flowerforyou:

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  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning...

    I err... kind of went to the cinema last night and had a bag of pick n mix... and for the life of me wouldnt know how many cals i had!? im thinking its got to be in the 600's cause 100g of choccy is 500ish.. and i had more than that.. shoot! :angry:

    Soooo anyways.. im not gonna let it get to me.. just had an extra loooooong gym session.. work my rear end off and not worry about it.. OH and its my dads birthday today and my mum has insisted on buying a chocoloate cake.. HA HA... im soooooo not happy with this.. I mustn't give into cake.. THAT IS THE ONE THING I TOLD MYSELF TO AVOID IN THE MONTH OF JULY!! so anyways i have dropped 2lbs.. so its all good.. just cant have anymore "slip ups" :grumble:

    How was everyones days yesterday?

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    the only bad thing for me yesterday was the fact i had peanut butter cups (yum yum) but i did work them into my calories.

    I did my fatburner class today and it was soooooo fun!! im definatly going back each week
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing so well! I seem to have reached a plateau. Gained a pound about 2 weeks ago and I'm just sticking at that :( Everyone seems to do it though and get over it, so I'm not too bothered. As long as I don't gain anymore!!
    I'm off to T in the Park tomorrow so I know I'll have a lot of calories through alcohol (mainly cider) but I'll make sure I'm dancing lots to burn it all off!!!!

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend, you'll all be cleaner than me!

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im having a "liquid" day today.. by that i mean... Look at my diary and you will know..! Filling up on porridge for breakfast.. 2 sachets! lol still munching through it now.. with a banana.. lunch will be fruit smoothies :P and then dinner will be an omelet.. sooo basically food that wont make me too bloated!!!

    so hey ho lets see how this goes!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Oh and a long work-out too!!! :happy:

    i weighed myself this morning and i was 10st 4lb.. however i have only set myself as a 2lb weight loss so far cause it could change.. and i dont belive my scales at home! :laugh:

    whats everyone up to today? Some people are dissapearing! COME BACK!!! :heart:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member

    I weighed myself this morning (normal weigh in day) and weighed in at 170.2lbs :happy: , so I am well happy. The plateau has broken and the weight has dropped :drinker: :drinker:

    I have started a new workout routine at home, I do 25minutes on my exercise bke, then the 10 minute ab routine from my dvd and then either 10/15minutes on the rowing machine or back on the bike. Haven't been able to do much walking as last week it was too hot and I didn't want to burn the children or this week its been too wet!!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend, my eldest son goes away with the school on sunday for 3 days :cry:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109

    done some house work for our mam and going to have a workout sesh since i havent budged on my weight and am still on 181 lbs!!
    I think its down to going to the cinema yesterday but i only had those slushie things and i had some chocolate last night :devil: haha but all is well because iv been working out tuesday, wednesday and yesterday and going to today as well :smile:

    going to stick to quite a low calorie intake at the weekend as i wont have time for any workout sesh's but i am supposed to be cutting the grass which is quite big so that should burn quite a lot of calories so hoping for my weigh in next week will not have moved up.

    hope everyone is good and well done mumsanutter :happy:

    andd how many eggs do you use in your omelet kpnuts23, just so i know how many to use for a healthy range ???:smile:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Had this weekend off, was absolutely wonderful and spent two hours in the gym both days, I feel a great sense of achievement :happy:

    Coming week: Unfortunately I am on nightshift this week so food is going to be a challenge, I can never seem to eat 3 meals. Will have my usual porridge and will make some soup, might do a chicken soup with loads of veg. I eat roughly 8 eggs a week for my protein and I am sticking to the alpro soya and the goats milk instead of the cow. Will stick to 90 to 120 min. training, I feel like the weight is dropping off, can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday :smile:

    Hope you all had a great weekend :flowerforyou: :drinker: :glasses:

    Helen xx

    P.S. now that I am doing more in the gym I must 'up' my protein intake, need to buy more whey this week and have it twice a day. (not a hardship considering it's chocolate flavour) :laugh:

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  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    ive found a diet online that im going to do
    its the 10lbs in 30 days diet - you eat around 1500 a day, but the way ive put it into my food diary it will be about 1300 with snacks because im not using their breakfast recommendations. So we will see how that goes.
    i lost 0.4lbs last week, not as much as i'd hoped but its a start
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Another 1lb down!! whooeeey!! im getting into this properly.. however i had a bit of a food weekend ( not everything is recorded in my food diary) however i have already planned 1/2 the weeks food!! :laugh: good times!

    how was everyones weekend?

    Helen.. you workouts must be sooooper intense!! Keep at it! You seem to enjoy it aswell which is a good thing! :happy:

    Katherine :heart:
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    terrible terrible weekend for me! was my friends hen do on saturday and i was drinking from about 3 in the afternoon! had a good breakfast and a walk before i went out and the lunch i had pre ordered was good (salad, olives and spanish tortilla) but then the wine and coctails got half of my food from the weekend hasn't been recorded and when i weighed in this morning i had put on 2lbs!!! :sad: need to get back into it starting from NOW!
  • I've had a really good week despite not expecting it, have lost 3lbs!!! I'm so pleased, another 4lbs and I will have hit my 3 stone mark, want that as a minimum by the end of July so fingers crossed! :happy:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hey kpnuts, my training is pretty intense and yes I really love it. :happy:
    I missed it terribly today because of dentist and work. I will have to be on my best behaviour with food today because it's weigh in day tomorrow. I am supposed to have a rest day once a week so it might as well be today... :ohwell:

    Good luck curvykate with the new diet, please let us know how its going :flowerforyou:

    Well done Chrrystargirl and kpnuts with the poundage gone :drinker:

    Pick yourself up ChristyJade and dust yourself off and keep on trying (remember exercise burns those cals) :wink:

    I will be back tomorrow to let you know of my loss or gain :bigsmile:


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    P.S. feel free to add me as friend if you want a private chat, I am practically always online (thanks to work lol) :happy:
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    :smile: Heyy, well done everyone on there weight loss, and i thought i would share mine, iv lost 2lbs over the weekend but the strange thing is i didnt eat healthy but i also never overdone it on junk. I did manage to do about 30 mins workout on saturday but i ate a big aero choc bar over the weekend, a steak pie yesterday and about 3 packets of crisps over the weekend period but that was it for the junk on the weekend but i cant get over still losing weight, i had my fingers crossed that i would just still be the same on the weigh in but suppose this is better:bigsmile:

    anyyyway off for a workout, hoping to reach 175lbs by end of next week :happy: wish me luck and good luck to everyone else:flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:

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