Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    bump for lots of interesting reading later ;)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I wonder if anyone else is noticing that most of the women on this thread are toned and either a healthy weight or really close to it. It makes me wonder whether 1200 calorie folks are sabotaging themselves more than they think.

    And to share mine: my daily goal is 2200, plus exercise cals - and I'm 5'4" and 122.

    I agree, I started this thread because I was noticing a trend on MFP of very fit women claiming to eat more than 1800 calories and their bodies are my goal !! I decided to up my calories and wanted to hear from others that I was making the right choice...

    Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get a response like this..... ALL of you ladies ROCK !!!! xo
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    This thread is very inspiring. I will soon be increasing my calories to about 2000 a day, and will eat back my exercise calories. I am very close to my goal now. I've steadily lost weight while eating 1650-1800 calories per day, burning 400-600. I had many days when I ate over 2000, but still lost weight.
  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 125 pounds and I eat, on average, 1800 calories (some days over, some days under). I've lost 17 pounds since June 2011 on my 1800 calorie plan. I eat chocolate every day, I am not phobic about bread or pasta, and I love wine. Life is to be lived and I love food :-)

    That said, I do work out consistently -- I do weights twice a week, and interval cardio/bodyweight exercises for 20 minutes 3 times a week (think burpees, jump lunges, jump rope skipping). Even though my workouts are short, I give it my all (I am a sweaty mess after). Also, I generally eat about 125 grams of protein (a gram per body weight) in per day. I don't eat much junk food (but I'll have some if I want it) -- I eat lots of fruit and veggies.

    Maybe my weight loss was slow compared to others, but I never binged or felt deprived. And I am certainly never cranky about food, which my family is thankful for :-)
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Does this work for you if you've been exercising for quite a while? I can't lose any weight doing this. I exercise like crazy (6 days a week!) and couldn't lose a pound eating 1800 calories:( I think my body just adjusted to it. I like to eat but I want to lose some weight too.
  • butjuli
    butjuli Posts: 56 Member
    Hey ladies! I am about 5'2, about 158 lbs. I'm an athlete, or was I should say, but I have just started lifting heavily, and I always incorporate at least 30 minutes of cardio into my workouts (4-5 days a week). I have changed my calories from 1200 (til I plateaued), to 1400 (thought I was eating too much), and now to 1300, and haven't been eating back all my exercise calories, because I have been so confused as to what I need to do. Everyone seems to have different opinions. I could really use some help/advice from anyone willing to give it. Please feel free to add me. I would really appreciate it!! Thank you! =]
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    Okay, I admit I'm even MORE confused by the RMR, BMR, TDEE....

    If I did the "math" right on the TDEE site, I would need 1,543 calories per day. (That was figuring "moderate" exercise which they said was 3-5/days a week. If I figure the higher 6-7/days a week exercising (which is what I normally do), my calories are at 1,889.

    All that to ask, if this formula figures IN your activity, doesn't that mean I WOULDN'T eat back my exercise calories? (Because they're used to figure the TDEE). Or am I just being dense?

    Really appreciate all your help!

    I'm 47, 6' tall and weigh 189 if that helps with your response.
  • nal816
    nal816 Posts: 18
    Great thread! Just spent the evening reading every page. I bumped my calories up to 1800 last week and I'm already feeling better :) I'm training for a half-marathon and I need fuel!! MFP set me up for 1380 and I hated feeling like I HAD to work out in order to eat a bit more and feel normal. Now, at 1800 calories, I work out because I WANT to and still eat some of my exercise calories. Feeling much happier and less stressed. I'm 30, 5'5" and 168lbs.

    Thanks to all of you for the inspiration and great advice :)
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 832 Member
    Me.... averaging between 1700-2300 calories per day, and I'm down 6.8 lbs and 7 inches overall in the last six weeks. That's total calorie intake - I don't pay attention to the "net" number that MFP gives me. I'm following "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and by their guidelines I should be at 1842 calories on non-workout days and 2127 on workout days.

    Stats: 5'2", 34 years old, started at 200.8 and currently 194. I work out with weights three times a week and cardio roughly twice.
  • Karenlaw30
    hello glade to see someone that over 125 lbs for a change 51lbs that great im just getting started i know this FP is really going to help me a lot to see what i'm eating everyday when i find out to put up my pic i will :smile:
  • Karenlaw30
    well i'm 353lbs and 5"10 i was wonder if anyone else were 2530 cal. thats a lot never thought i hear someone say you not eating enough.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Okay, I admit I'm even MORE confused by the RMR, BMR, TDEE....

    If I did the "math" right on the TDEE site, I would need 1,543 calories per day. (That was figuring "moderate" exercise which they said was 3-5/days a week. If I figure the higher 6-7/days a week exercising (which is what I normally do), my calories are at 1,889.

    All that to ask, if this formula figures IN your activity, doesn't that mean I WOULDN'T eat back my exercise calories? (Because they're used to figure the TDEE). Or am I just being dense?

    Really appreciate all your help!

    I'm 47, 6' tall and weigh 189 if that helps with your response.

    If you ate what the TDEE from that site was, you should not eat your exercise calories. However, on mfp, they calculate without exercise factored in, so you should eat your exercise calories. However logging food and using exercise machine numbers is wildly inaccurate. I think that is why some people do better without eating exercise calories (I think those are the people who are less obsessive about weighing and logging). So if you think you might not always remember everything, or if you frequently eat things you don't prepare and don't know how many calories they contain, you can leave a buffer by only eating part of the exercise calories.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I generally eat around or over 1800 :D
  • poofycat
    poofycat Posts: 28 Member
    So does this also work for someone with over 100 pounds to lose? Is that a dumb question? I was doing WW and barely losing and I thought it was becuase they gave me too much food. Now I don't know what's right...
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    So does this also work for someone with over 100 pounds to lose? Is that a dumb question? I was doing WW and barely losing and I thought it was becuase they gave me too much food. Now I don't know what's right...
    it does - i started out at 276 and this morning i weighed in at 238.2 - my goal weight is 160.
    even doing it half-assed last month, i lost a pound a week trying to net 1845 a day. a lot of times i went over, and i didnt exercise as much as i should. but i try really hard to not net below my BMR
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    I just recently changed to 1900 i do nurse a bit but after exercise cals i will eat 2100+ depending on the workout. hoping to start lifting in about a month and a half (life with our business is too crazy to add the extra hour to get to and from the gym on top of my schedule) i did the 1200 thing too and was tired, stressed, MEAN, craving and hungry all the time. Would i like to lose quickly?! sure! but im fine not losing so fast.. in fact ive been almost the same weight for the few weeks ive been doing this but i have gone down almost two pant sizes (i do lots of squats and whatnot at home right now DVDs elliptical etc)
  • mamaparks87
    mamaparks87 Posts: 54 Member
    Okay I am jumping on board with this. MFP says my goal is 1700 cals per day if I want to lose 1lb per week. Is this what I eat even if I exercise or do I eat those in addition to this? I plan to do the 30 day shred and have no idea how many calories that will burn.
    I am 5'6, 218lbs, 24 yrs old.
  • thelassiemickyjames
    I'm 24 and 5'2, I feel so starved on 1200 so I bumped it up to 1500 but it turns out I am comfortable eating around 1600-1700/day (net) and even more if I have a brutal workout! Still am losing and making wise choices by upping my protein intake, which has helped with strength training and toning! No more starving! YAY!
  • thelassiemickyjames
    Okay I am jumping on board with this. MFP says my goal is 1700 cals per day if I want to lose 1lb per week. Is this what I eat even if I exercise or do I eat those in addition to this? I plan to do the 30 day shred and have no idea how many calories that will burn.
    I am 5'6, 218lbs, 24 yrs old.

    That sounds like an excellent start. 30 day shred will kick your butt in a good way. Love that its a short workout too! and you will feel plenty satisfied on 1700 if you still make wise choices (lots of live foods & good proteins!)
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    I try to eat 1600 net calories/day, but sometimes I burn up to 1000 calories for exercise (I have an HRM - I do a lot of running, krav maga, strength training) so at most I am eating 2600 calories/day (average burn is probably 600 - 800 calories, so 2200 calories/day is a good average). I've lost an average of 1 lb/wk for over a year.