Lighten the **** up!



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Of course food isn't the only positive in life--that's not the point of this thread. The point was that treating yourself with food every once in a while, if food rewards are your thing, isn't going to kill you.

    Omg Im almost to the finish line! Im going to reward myself by turning around and walking back toward the starting line! Woo!!!

    How about eating it because you want it- not because you toot it as part of some skewed reward/punishment system. If food is fuel, then why is it a reward in here?

    You reward your body by giving it what it needs and making it stronger, by stretching and pushing and jumping and playing and doing all of the things it was engineered to do. Not by 'letting' it eat junkfood.

    If you want junk food, then go ahead and have your cake and eat it... but dont do it because you are rewarding yourself for going to the gym. Reward yourself for going to the gym, by going to the gym again.
  • bgc85
    bgc85 Posts: 68
    :heart: Applause!!! :heart:

  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    whatever make you feel better ...... i'd never lower myself to being a candy eating fatty ;)

    oh I kid i kid, I eat candy everyday drop the pitchfork
  • stacymay13
    stacymay13 Posts: 95 Member
    bottom line, depriving yourself NEVER works, trust me I've done this, but I've also adjusted my "treats" I love ice cream, so instead of a galloon of jerry's in the house, I grab a McDonalds cone. Satisfys and keeps me from going overborad. Deprivation is the issue and I dont think this post is about just chocolate to the defensive people. it's about bieng able to enjoy this lifestyle change, because if you don't enjoy it or find pleasure in it, you WILL fail. 1 day, you will hit a plateau, or will give into that one good off plan treat and beat yourself to death, which normally causes feelings of despair, shame, and ironically a binge of said junk and can often create a cycle. I don't want to avoid parties and celebrations for the rest of my life out of fear. it's ok to have cake, adjust accordinglingy etc:

    When I read this post it inspired me not because I wanted a kit kat, or think this person is trying to make everyone gobble chocolate, but because it reminded me that i'm not on a diet. I'm on a journey to be able to enjoy all aspects of life and embrace it, not set myself apart by standing on the wall. Good post!!

    Im sorry, but what you meant was... depriving never works FOR YOU.

    Thanks for your input, but everyone is different. I dont feel she is telling me to stuff myself with chocolate, I feel as though she is making a blanket statement that people love junk food and shouldnt rule it out of their lives forever because they will mess up and binge or feel guilty and not get enjoyment out of their lives as they should.

    TO me that is not acceptable, because I never needed those things to begin with. Even if my body was craving junk, sometimes not giving in to temptation is an even bigger victory. And sometimes, it can undo an entire day of work, just to taste a cupcake for 30 seconds...

    I dont feel deprived, I feel healthy when I say no. And saying no is pretty easy, for many people, the more you workout and train your body. It starts craving completely different things.

    I just wanted to say that I actually agree with a lot of the things you said. I'll take strawberries over chocolate any day lol. I just wanted to be supportive of the people who do eat a cupcake every once in awhile.
  • chelleyr9
    chelleyr9 Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome post!! Love it!
  • StatutoryGrape
    Of course food isn't the only positive in life--that's not the point of this thread. The point was that treating yourself with food every once in a while, if food rewards are your thing, isn't going to kill you.

    Omg Im almost to the finish line! Im going to reward myself by turning around and walking back toward the starting line! Woo!!!

    How about eating it because you want it- not because you toot it as part of some skewed reward/punishment system. If food is fuel, then why is it a reward in here?

    You reward your body by giving it what it needs and making it stronger, by stretching and pushing and jumping and playing and doing all of the things it was engineered to do. Not by 'letting' it eat junkfood.

    If you want junk food, then go ahead and have your cake and eat it... but dont do it because you are rewarding yourself for going to the gym. Reward yourself for going to the gym, by going to the gym again.

    I personally do not do the whole "food reward" thing--if I want something, I'll eat it because I feel like it, not because I did X, Y, or Z. That being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with people who do reward themselves with "bad" food from time to time--that's their business.

    But then, I don't tend to stress about food anyway, as I've never been more than 5-10 pounds overweight. I'm not afraid of food. I know that if I eat something that's maybe not-so-great for me, I'm not going to derail myself or go "back to fat." To each their own.
  • pcox0624
    pcox0624 Posts: 20
    I ran 2 miles at the gym then ended up at Baskin Robbins.....MMMMM. We need treats once in a while!!!!! I figure I earned it:)
  • debv17
    debv17 Posts: 3
    well said..research shows if you cheat once in a whole, you tend to stay on the diet longer. I'm trying to change my habits in general, but that Ben & Jerry's just beckons all the time
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    I understand what you're saying Yoovie. It's an oxymoron. I can't reward the fact that I quit smoking by smoking a cigarette. I can't reward myself for saving my money by blowing it. Junk food should never be an award for eating well. It doesn't make any sense. Reward yourself in other ways.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    LOL my first thought after reading this was... are you sure don't aren't regretting it or feeling a little guilty hence the long rant hehehehe :wink: .. but know I totally get what you are saying and it is very true. its a lifestyle not a diet :-) :drinker:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you aren't feeling deprived, then you must be doing it right.


    This sums it all up, whether you're someone who loves having little indulgences or someone who loves not having them. If what you're doing is working for you on both a physical and emotional level... you're doing it right.
  • flstarlady65
    Very well put. I couldn't imagine not going through life without a nice "forgiving" treat on occasion. Whether it's a sweet or fat. I gave into some loaded beef nachos on Saturday and then got right back on track Sunday. We are only human and find that our will is pushed to the limit sometimes. We must give in to temptation! :devil:
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I don't know if anyone else has asked this question but I really couldn't bring myself to go through all the pages;

    What flavour was it??? or was just the normal one.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I eat whatever I want but I dont go over my calories! I am a little crazy about it, but it works for me...
  • Tanishhaaaaaa
    Tanishhaaaaaa Posts: 54 Member
    I just finished eating two of these home made raisin pretzels.... NO REGRETS.
  • cinnamon8
    Whoo Hoo I whole heartly agree!!!
  • swycoff17
    swycoff17 Posts: 50 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very well put!
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    oh and have you tried the peanut butter chunkys their gorgeous?

    Oh yesss! They're lush. They also seem to be sold out whenever I fancy one. :sad:
  • MissJenn33
    MissJenn33 Posts: 131
    What's a Kit Kat Chunky? I've had green tea Kit Kat, but never heard of a chunky version...

    Although it's probably because, when I get to the candy aisle, I head straight for the coconut Twix and/or Butterfinger :bigsmile:

    There's a coconut twix?????????????????????? OMG I need to get to a store ASAP!:love:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
This discussion has been closed.