Would you cheat?



  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    wow what a question, size of the person has nothing to do with why peple cheat. People cheat because their un happy or un satisfied one way or another and they will do it with whomever is willing to cheat with them and because they don't have respect for the current relationship their in.

    This is what I've been told by every guy I've asked the question "What would make you cheat?" -- They all say "If I'm not happy."

    HOWEVER, knowing my fiance, I'd say that's not true. I don't think he'd look to cheat on purpose, but I'm pretty sure he'd have a hard time saying no if someone seduced him. I could be wrong, but it just seems to me that if some good lookin chick came onto him and started to take advantage, he'd probably not push her off. Most people would say "Well why would you stay with him? You're disrespecting yourself." Well I'll tell you why. I have yet to find someone that I have more fun with and get along with better than him. Plus, there's the chance for cheating in any relationship. No one is perfect and I'm not going to give up what is currently a good relationship just due to the chance he might cheat. If I had that mentality, I'd never be able to date anyone. If he cheats, I break up with him and move on. Simple as that.

    I've been cheated on plenty of times. Once a woman bigger and uglier than I was (...wtf?!) and the rest all smaller and cuter.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    It bugs me too, & im pretty sure he has ways of jacking off to something. But we're having a baby now, and our baby is all that matter to me. I could care less about my fiance's porn addiction. (:

    Why does it bug you? Why are you 2 women trying to control your mens sexual requirements?
  • bekki0927
    bekki0927 Posts: 57
    sorry you got some pissy responses. its just a question... I get that....I think everyone has fantasized or thought about someone else attractive. I think its denial if you say you haven't! now that doesn't mean cheating, but lets be honest even if you are married you will still find the opposite sex attractive and can appreciate a nice body! now i don't believe people end up cheating with someone better looking per say. its just someone who is fulfilling a need at that moment. in fact statistics say that when most people cheat it is with someone who is similar in portions...interesting! I don't think this should make people angry : ? cheating should be discussed.its out there and talking about it with your partner and being open can prevent it!! just saying.... being calm and taking about the real factor that there is so much temptation can make your relationship stronger!
  • I would never cheat. not based on looks or personality or money or anything. My fiance cheated on me and left me for another women, it destroyed myself confidence and left me heartbroken, depressed and suffering from anxiety. Knowing how awful it is when someone cheats on you i would never ever do that.
    My new boyfriend has put on weight since we met, but i still think he is absolutely gorgeous!!!
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    It bugs me too, & im pretty sure he has ways of jacking off to something. But we're having a baby now, and our baby is all that matter to me. I could care less about my fiance's porn addiction. (:

    Why does it bug you? Why are you 2 women trying to control your mens sexual requirements?

    I meant to say Bugged. my bad.
    I never control him or his sexual requirements. I know its what guys do.
    But when he first started doing it (3 months into our relationship. we've been together for 2 years), he never payed any attention to me. Now i could care less since something else important is coming up. even if we didnt get pregnant, I still wouldnt care as of today, because I know he loves mee.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Not a chance. You gotta know you can get through the "ugly" parts of life together, and there are plenty. My hubby and I have seen eachother at our best and worst, it would not matter if he were horribly disfigured in an accident I would be by his side looking at his inner beauty and taking care of his wounds.

    I agree there are some pretty shallow people who base their relationship on looks and that is all they care about so they go on to the next hot thing whenever they fancy. That's not love that's lust.

    This is pretty much how I would answer .

    Me too!
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    sorry you got some pissy responses. its just a question... I get that....I think everyone has fantasized or thought about someone else attractive. I think its denial if you say you haven't! now that doesn't mean cheating, but lets be honest even if you are married you will still find the opposite sex attractive and can appreciate a nice body! now i don't believe people end up cheating with someone better looking per say. its just someone who is fulfilling a need at that moment. in fact statistics say that when most people cheat it is with someone who is similar in portions...interesting! I don't think this should make people angry : ? cheating should be discussed.its out there and talking about it with your partner and being open can prevent it!! just saying.... being calm and taking about the real factor that there is so much temptation can make your relationship stronger!


    I wont deny it, I always thought Marilyn Manson was attractive while i was with my fiance.. o.0
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    12 years of being faithful tells me I wouldn't.

    Thats all over with now though.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Beautifulredb - makes sense now. Couldn't get my head around why you want to control how you're man masturbates. I'm sure you women would be in uproar if someone came on and said my BF/hubby said I can't use my rabbit any more.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    I was cheated on for that very reason. My ex husband was never happy with my weight. I was either too thin or too fat. I was 10 pounds away from being back at my pre baby weight. It wasn't good enough for him. I had to listen to his BS for years and year until the weight just started coming back on. It was an emotional roller coaster. I gained a hundred pounds.

    He started cheating on me with women half my size. Always, half my size. The size I used to be. He's an *kitten* though... LMAOOO

    Some people just suck!
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Beautifulredb - makes sense now. Couldn't get my head around why you want to control how you're man masturbates. I'm sure you women would be in uproar if someone came on and said my BF/hubby said I can't use my rabbit any more.

    lol nah, id never control his sexual needs. If he wants to do, go ahead. Maybe once I lose this baby weight, and feel more comfortable, Ill even join in. I hear alot of women do that with the SO.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Mine all have - makes it enjoyable for you both :bigsmile:
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    12 years of being faithful tells me I wouldn't.

    Thats all over with now though.
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Mine all have - makes it enjoyable for you both :bigsmile:

    Lol nice. Id learn alot from it too.
    I hate seeing fake boobs...so, we'll just have to watch girls with real bewbies xD
  • BigCat175
    BigCat175 Posts: 38 Member
    Cheat? In a word, "NEVER!" Lived enough in this life to speak confidently on this one. If you never betray yourself, you'll never betray others. Kinda like the golden rule reworded. Cheers!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    No offense to anyone .. however, I believe with every ounce of my body that anyone can cheat. Period.

    ****.. i used to think I'd never believe in divorce.. time has been a eye opener to me.
    ****.. I used to think I would never cheat, that I was that unique man who would never ever do it.. time yet again was an eye opener
    **** I used to think that i would be that man for my partner that she'd have no reason ever to cheat on me.. yet again time was an eye opener
    I could go on....

    I love you all but.. NO ONE can ever say they wont. You have yet to be presented with a situation that may lead you down that path then.
    And I do believe that is so true! That is why you should always be mindful! For lack of a better term.
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    I can't even get 1 girl, how do you expect me to get 2???

    No I wouldn't cheat if I had a gf.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Beautifulredb - makes sense now. Couldn't get my head around why you want to control how you're man masturbates. I'm sure you women would be in uproar if someone came on and said my BF/hubby said I can't use my rabbit any more.

    Matt you got a way of making me throw up in my mouth! lol
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member

    Matt you got a way of making me throw up in my mouth! lol

    LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the most disgusting image ever !
  • chesterdogmine
    chesterdogmine Posts: 20 Member
    BS. You would do it in a moment. There is more to cheating than just physical attraction. Especially as you get older. You both get used to each other and the spontaniaty just disappears. You get fat and happy! And I am talking about both sides of this equation.