I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    cell phones and perfume
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    perfume and cologne. Why do some people feel the need to lather up before they come to sweat???
  • Lmfloyd28
    Lmfloyd28 Posts: 24 Member
    That skinny ***** with the fake boobs and lips that does nothing the whole time I'm working my butt off aside from carrying her water around. Everyday.
  • jrws80
    jrws80 Posts: 1
    Douche bags
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193

    People that don't wipe the machines down. EWW

    On the cardio the guy that sounds like he is getting some because he is working hard. That is what I get for NO ipod.

    I have a spin bike at home that I use when lazy or excess energy. I live on the first floor, and open the window. Nothing like the teenaged boys in the complex staring at my butt.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I feel like a jerk for saying this, but the "resolutioners" or the people throughout the year that decide they are going to go to the gym for like 2-3 weeks and clog up all of the classes & machines and then decide not to go again. If you keep with it, then good for you! But, I hate not being able to get into a class when its filled with faces I've never seen before and probably won't ever see again. April will probably begin another round when people realize bathing suit season is just around the corner... grrr...

    They drove me nuts too. I have a relatively small gym, it only has maybe 10 treadmills available. And for the entire month of January, it was nearly impossible to get a treadmill when I showed up after work. Good for you if you stick with it, but if you're going to come to the gym to make yourself feel better for a few weeks, not even break a sweat and leisurely read a magazine, you should just save your money and stay home. At least now it's back to normal...
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I definitely don't like the creepers at the gym that stare at me (and it's pretty darn obvious). It was the reason I was hesitant to start a weight lifting program, because the weights side of my gym is almost always exclusively male except for girls with their personal trainers. I'm on week 2 of the New Rules of Lifting. Yes, I can deadlift 60 lbs already, yes I'm wearing a tank top, and no, that doesn't invite you to stare at my boobs the entire time I'm working out. I belong in the weight's section too...

    I do workout with my makeup on though, I go to the gym straight from work and I don't ever both to wipe it off. It's usually a mess by time I'm done anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me. I've never put makeup on prior to going to the gym if it's the first thing I'm doing in the day or something.

    Ugh. This. My gym belongs to my university, so almost exclusively students are there, particularly male students in the weight room; I alternatively get dirty looks from the guys who seem to believe they deserve a spot on a weight bench more than me, and open stares at all my interesting bits. Knock. It. Off.
  • lwalters5
    lwalters5 Posts: 37 Member
    Free pizza night every first Monday of the month. It's so hard to resist.
  • ryckrock
    ryckrock Posts: 5 Member
    people who don't wipe down their area..Also, on dudes who feel too free in the locker room...really stretching nude guy?!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    whoops wrong quote
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    people too old to walk let alone workout

    WTF? No one is ever too old to workout.
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member

    I wasn't refering to you in my post. I was refering to the person who quoted you, which I then quoted. That person did make a general statement that included "everyone", not just herself. You, however, did not do that. So it wasn't about you.

    Gotcha! just wanted to make sure. don't want to offend anybody. :)
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Children.... which to me is ANYONE under 18.... (well, I could make an exception here and there, but it would be a case by case basis).

    AND.... Mother's who have no freakin' sense and bring their 8 yr. old SON into the WOMEN'S locker room! There are FAMILY locker rooms just for this situation.

    You must not have kids...

    I agree with kids not being in the gym part, but sometimes you have to drag your son into the women's locker room if the family one is full! Especially if he has to pee. I am not sending him in the men's locker room by himself!

    Your 8 year old can't manage to pee by himself?

    I must be a totally slack parent cause my 5 year old manages just fine by himself.
  • bennjammin
    bennjammin Posts: 40 Member
    I wish my gym had a ban on squatters. You know, people that sit on a piece of equipment and do a set every fifteen minutes (if any) as if they were at home.

    In my opinion, it's common courtesy to re-rack your weights even if you didn't load the equipment. It's part of the workout experience and makes it a little more obvious that the equipment is available.
  • crystalgoede
    See below
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    I wish my gym had a ban on: people on the machine next to you looking at your progress and what you're doing. ARGGHHHH!! It's my machine and my workout!! :D

    I usually put a towel on the display or keep a magazine open. I don't like even seeing my own progress constantly; if I'm watching the timer or the calorie count, it seems to take twice as long, lol.

    But yes, that's annoying.

    Me too...if it is not covered, my eyeballs have a mind of their own and constantly check out the time, which of course is usually only 45 seconds further than the last time I looked lol.
  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    I wish these threads didn't always turn into a free-for-all body-hating, workout-judging spree. That old guy who you don't want to see naked? Yeah, he prob doesn't want to see you naked, either. The girl wearing makeup at the gym? I sincerely doubt you're getting less of a workout just because she's in the room. Who cares.
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    I wish my gym had a ban on people who jump on the treadmills and stand there and talk with the person next to them for 40 mins and dont use the machine!

  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    I wish my gym had a ban on: people on the machine next to you looking at your progress and what you're doing. ARGGHHHH!! It's my machine and my workout!! :D

    I usually put a towel on the display or keep a magazine open. I don't like even seeing my own progress constantly; if I'm watching the timer or the calorie count, it seems to take twice as long, lol.

    But yes, that's annoying.

    Me too...if it is not covered, my eyeballs have a mind of their own and constantly check out the time, which of course is usually only 45 seconds further than the last time I looked lol.

    You can make it 45 seconds? I sure can't! Haha.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    I wasn't refering to you in my post. I was refering to the person who quoted you, which I then quoted. That person did make a general statement that included "everyone", not just herself. You, however, did not do that. So it wasn't about you.

    Gotcha! just wanted to make sure. don't want to offend anybody. :)

    Lol It's my fault. I was too lazy to edit it so that it only quoted the other person. & you're gorgeous, I'm sure you look beautiful with or without make-up!