Gym Pet Peeves?



  • I can't stand for people to be just standing around doing nothing! It is a gym!!! and can't stand the little skinny *kitten* bi..t..e...s in the middle of the floor doing whatever and thinking they are all that .. You can tell they just want attention.. MAYBE one day I will be out
    in the middle doing the same and annoying somebody.... :))

    Also, can't stand to see overweight people acting like they are working out really hard and never breaking a sweat !
  • Most of my pet peeves have already been said. I only read through the first two pages but I like to go in the sauna after my workouts. There is one girl who ALWAYS smacks her gum in there. Ugh, I have not forgotten my ipod since I got stuck in there twice with her.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I hate when people use their nasty workout towel to wipe machines down (in reality, just smearing their sweat around) instead of the fresh paper towel + disinfectant spray.

    Ha ha!! Okay....well, I will keep that in mind the next time I even think about doing that..........*sheepish grin*.......figured that if I didn't use the towel until I was absolutely done with my machine, that the towel would still be considered "clean" and therefore, no smearing of my own sweat around........but when you really think about it, you are right!

    Why would you wipe down a machine, then wipe your body with it? That is gross. Maybe you never thought about it, but you are wiping the machine germs all over your face. :sick: :frown: Sorry, Just an opinion.:flowerforyou:

    My gym peeve is the person that shows up next to you doused in what ever perfume of calogne they had handy, while your huffin and puffin away. It's very difficult to breath when that happens.
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Pet Peeve - folks who put weights back in wrong places. Nothing like finding a ten pound weight in the 25 pound slot, and the 25 pounder sitting on the floor.

    We have a couple of slops too, who refuse to put their used towels in the basket, they just leave them on benches and the floor.

    Finally, both men and women slobs who apparently weren't taught to dry off before progressing into the dressing room. Every day we have to mop up from the mess left behind.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I have now realized my biggest pet peeve. People who want the machines cleaned! I am not a germ phobe and could care less if my machine is wiped down when I go to use it. I don't see why I should have to take the time to get a towel and spray and wipe down a machine for those who are going to use it next unless there is an obvious sweat mark on the seat. If you are the one with the germ isssues then you should take the time before you get on to use it and wipe it down.

    I totally agree with you!!! However, I do clean the machine BEFORE I get on it. Why would you want to trust that someone else cleaned the machine before you? I'm an adult and I take responsibility for making sure the machine is clean when I get on it. I don't clean it afterwards because I'm not there to take care of others. Clean your machine if you want it clean! I manage it, so can you!!!
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    I don't notice other people in the gym because I'm there to workout and leave ASAP. Be polite, be clean, lift heavy and get done are my gym agenda.
  • ThisIsMaggie
    ThisIsMaggie Posts: 31 Member
    Excessive grunting.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Ok I am one of those persons who doesnt wipe down or disinfect the entire machine after using it. I will make sure I didn't leave any sweat on it or anything. But this might be a little opposite of what everyone is posting, but one of my biggest pet peeves are those people who come in spraying down the entire machine like they are about to do open heart surgery on it! Geesh your not gonna be licking it! wipe the handles bar, thats it! If someone's germs gets on your legs or your shoes, it's not going to kill you. Your in a public gym, what do you expect? Second are those women who come to the gym with a face full of make up! Are you here to work out or to go to a club? I secretly wish that it burn thier eyeballs.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    The ladies wear too much clothing
  • tycholien
    tycholien Posts: 33 Member
    Mine is this, not been through the whole thread yet so not sure if anyone else has said he same but...


    I mean, they go to the gym to do a workout, to burn calories but for a reason that I have been unable to fathom, they cannot be arsed to walk from their car to the gym if it is more than 50m. I guess they don't want to blow their workout or something by over doing it...

    Ahhhhh, been wanting to get that off my chest for years...
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    For apartment gym users who need a code or keypad to get in. You're in the fitness zone, hardcore working out, then someone is rubbernecking through the damn window waving at you to open the damn door since they don't have their stupid keys. P!sses me off. BE PREPARED!!! Bring your stupid keypad and leave me alone! D< Maybe I'm just a bword in the morning, but damn.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member

    - Overenthusiastic *****es who nearly knock you out in Aerobics classes
    - Machine hoggers
    - People who set up their bodypump station on top of you, even though there's a crap load of space to go around
    - People who get fully dressed up to work out
    - Rake thin girls who just stand around and talk
    - Loud-*kitten* juice head lifters. I didn't come to the gym to listen to a porn soundtrack...

    And that's all...for now :ohwell:
  • sgimpys
    sgimpys Posts: 12 Member about the old naked men in the locker room who want to have a chat about this weekends golf tourny or how unseaonably warm its been. I dont care...i just came in here to wash my hands because some idiot before me didnt wipe the machine down and now I have other peoples grimmy sweat on my hands!!!!

    And when you are on a treadmill or elliptical and there about about 20 free machines, but the idiot who comes in and has to use the one right next to you. Theres 19 available machines between machine number 1 and number 20 (me). Why do you have to get on number 19??????