

  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I choked on the bread-I busted that first thing! Oh well - here's to todays challenge...

    Good jog last night - completed a trail that I have only done intervals on so I was very happy with myself. Probably hit the elliptical today for a good 30 minute quicky workout.

    don't feel so bad. i ate a bunch of crackers and kept telling myself 'this isn't bread this isn't bread' but i ate half the friggen stack! it is so breadlike!!!:angry:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Yes you can buy they frozen without any seasoning or you can buy them fresh as I do, sauce them then freeze them.
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    You ladies should check for some AWESOME recipes. I swear by that website. You can search under healthy recipes for "under 300/200/100" calories or by low cholesterol, diabetic, etc. YUMMY recipes on there!!!!!

    Speaking of yummy, I just had a delicious sandwich for lunch-tomato, avocado, cheese, salt and miracle whip light-DELICIOUSNESS!!! I am in a much better mood after enjoying it :laugh:
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Re: staying under cals. I found that since I cut out bread a couple months ago, it's been easy to stay close to 1200 cals a day. Bread and pasta oh and cheese, are my weaknesses and will easily put me over. The problrem I'm having is eating all the exercise cals. Before I worked out yesteray I had consumed 1046 cals so I forced myself to drink a glass of 1% milk before working out which brought me up 110 cals but then I burned 710 cals on my walk/hike and had to eat something before going to bed. I drank a glass of chocolate milk and had a 100 cal bag of popcorn but that combined is only 210 so I ate 1 1/2 cup of pineapple but couldn't eat anything more. My deficit was huge!

    710 cals?!?! long are you walking/hiking for?! That's intense! (<---and I don't know why it put what I just typed in a quote) :laugh:
  • Changeisgonnacome

    710 cals?!?! long are you walking/hiking for?! That's intense! (<---and I don't know why it put what I just typed in a quote) :laugh:

    I walked for 90 mins. We didn't take the dogs or baby this time so we were booting it up the mountain. We usually do a 7.2 km walk but last night we went a different way which I haven't charted out on google maps yet but I'm pretty sure it added at least a km and a half. It WAS intense but fabulous! I love walking when my allergies aren't acting up. :tongue:

    You're comment caused me to double check my cals burned and I realised I misquoted myself. I burned 678 but with the remaining cals leftover from not eating all my 1200 left me with 710 cals to eat before bed. Still a lot I think.
  • sarahkatie28
    Oh darn i need to create a book of recipes...ive lost all the ones i liked from years ago that were all really good and really healthy recipes :sad: :sad:

    aw that sucks that you have to start from scratch, but it could be fun and a new begining! i think im gonna make one, itll be like a hobby, ill put them in a cute scrapbook! excited.

    ooh maybe everyone can contribute! That'd be fun, like a recipe swap. :tongue:
    What do ya'll think?
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    im already over today, i totally pigged out on butter popcorn after eating a peanutbutter and banana pita and a bowl of cheerios...and a salad. im a pig. grrr. i may go blading tonight. i have to hang onto this stupid feeling. i don't know why i did it. ack.

    next time i feel like piggingout, im gonna run, even if i feel lazy.
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks Nickytoo :smile: My day is getting a bit better.

    Check in: Took my puppy on a 30 min walk this morning than did a nice 20 min session of yoga. The walk was about 10 min longer than usual, and I'm going to have to call it a day on exercise cause I just feel sick today!!!: :sick: Drinking lots of water as usual but still..yucky!!! Maybe a cool shower will help. I can't tell if my body is sore from lifting or if I really am coming down with something. NO FUN!!! Sorry if I'm whining today, girls! :cry: I really am getting to be in a better mood!!
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Thanks Nickytoo :smile: My day is getting a bit better.

    Check in: Took my puppy on a 30 min walk this morning than did a nice 20 min session of yoga. The walk was about 10 min longer than usual, and I'm going to have to call it a day on exercise cause I just feel sick today!!!: :sick: Drinking lots of water as usual but still..yucky!!! Maybe a cool shower will help. I can't tell if my body is sore from lifting or if I really am coming down with something. NO FUN!!! Sorry if I'm whining today, girls! :cry: I really am getting to be in a better mood!!

    Yayy!!! I'm glad. :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    hit 75 pounds with weigh in this morning - was down 1.2 - I am so excited to hit this milestone!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Oh darn i need to create a book of recipes...ive lost all the ones i liked from years ago that were all really good and really healthy recipes :sad: :sad:

    aw that sucks that you have to start from scratch, but it could be fun and a new begining! i think im gonna make one, itll be like a hobby, ill put them in a cute scrapbook! excited.

    ooh maybe everyone can contribute! That'd be fun, like a recipe swap. :tongue:
    What do ya'll think?
    sounds like a good plan to me :)...healthy dinners can be a pain in the bum to figure out sometimes...

    and btw i did good with the exercise challenge last night and now im just waiting for 10:30 to roll around so that i can weigh myself...

    what are peoples thoughts on a baby eating flaxseed? he wanted some of my oatmeal and i gave it to him not remembering it had flaxseed and oat barely or some s**t in it :ohwell:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    GOOD JOB CHRISSYH!!! :drinker:

    Ugh weigh in did NOT go good for me. I gained 4 ounces. Went from 130.4 to 131.2. Hopefully it's just water weight. Although I DID lose a 1/2 inch in my butt!! That's good and bad...I like my butt, it's cute and little, I don't want to lose it-it's my GUT that needs to go and is being stubborn!!!! :sad: :mad: Back to 2-a-day workouts!! I WILL lose weight...I WILL lose weight!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    weigh in: 140

    im down 5 lbs. that is actually my weight from yesterday, i weigh in with another group too on wednesdays so i don't want to duplicate it.
  • sarahkatie28
    Congrats Chrissyh! That's awesome!

    Checking in:

    Did great yesterday and I weighed myself this morning, 147!
    Woohoo! :happy: :happy:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    GOOD JOB CHRISSYH!!! :drinker:

    Ugh weigh in did NOT go good for me. I gained 4 ounces. Went from 130.4 to 131.2. Hopefully it's just water weight. Although I DID lose a 1/2 inch in my butt!! That's good and bad...I like my butt, it's cute and little, I don't want to lose it-it's my GUT that needs to go and is being stubborn!!!! :sad: :mad: Back to 2-a-day workouts!! I WILL lose weight...I WILL lose weight!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    congrats chrissy!!!

    i am the same way, i want to lose my tummy, my butt i want to keep, and my boobs, but i know that i can't have my cake and eat it too.
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Checking in... my scale doesn't have ounces so I can't be very precise, but... I'm not gaining... NO changes here. :ohwell: There's always next week, right? lol
  • wanttobnshape

    I'm new to this site and wanted to see if I could join you all in losing weight:bigsmile: Here are my number's


    My weigh in day is Wed's:smile:

  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Checking in... my scale doesn't have ounces so I can't be very precise, but... I'm not gaining... NO changes here. :ohwell: There's always next week, right? lol

    you arent gaining but you are maintaining, and that is still great!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Checking in... my scale doesn't have ounces so I can't be very precise, but... I'm not gaining... NO changes here. :ohwell: There's always next week, right? lol

    you arent gaining but you are maintaining, and that is still great!

    :happy: Thank you...encouragement and support is a big help!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I have a dial scale so it's not that precise. Last week I was exactly 165. Now I'm between 164 and 165 so I'm going with 164.5 as my weight.:tongue: