MFP Runner's Club



  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    Tah-dah! I DID IT! My speedwork today was VERY hard but I managed to do it. YIPPEEE -- can you tell I'm excited and extremely happy that it's done!

    It was 7 miles with 3x1600m at 8:00min pace with 800m jogs -- whew! Never knew I could run so fast :)

    hope you have a happy Thursday -- I'm off to the running store for new shoes. I have had SO many problems with my current shoes and now after having them 3 months and feeling better about them I get another blister today! Ouch! I'm tired of hurting feet -- going to try a different brand -- any favorites out there????

    Great job on that speedwork! Whew!
    My favorite shoes are Asics-just got a new pair of 2140's. I have also had good luck with New Balance which are my husbands preference.

    thanks -- I have tried Mizunos, Saucony, and Etonic (those are my 3 most recent pairs.) Hoping to get the blister-free brand this time :bigsmile:

    You might check your socks, too. They may be part of the blister issue?

    all of my socks are the high dollar running socks....please don't tell me I've wasted $8+ a pair YIKES!!! I have tried to never skimp on socks or shoes -- just think I got a lemon as far as my current shoes are concerned!:huh:

    Sounds like you probably have good socks then. Good luck finding some good shoes--I talked to a guy recently that swore by Brooks. So, there are 3 more brands for you to try--Asics, NB, and Brooks. I always like to look around at races and see what the majority is wearing. At my race last weekend, there was definitely an Asics majority!

    You just have to find what is right for you--I bet you could talk to 20 people and find they mention all the shoes you and I just listed!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thanks Jodi -- I'm going to meet the owner of the local running store. He has always been most helpful -- I think I just made a poor choice this last time. I've suffered with them for 3 months -- time to move on:drinker:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Ran 4k this morning - tougher than I expected but I did CX Burn Intervals first so I'm guessing that is why I was huffing and puffing along.
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks Jodi -- I'm going to meet the owner of the local running store. He has always been most helpful -- I think I just made a poor choice this last time. I've suffered with them for 3 months -- time to move on:drinker:

    You've got a good plan--best of luck!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Wow! This thread is rocking with success today. Way to go everyone!

    It is great to see everyone posting. Even those that are resting or injured.:flowerforyou:

    I got my new Nathan water bottle today. I can't wait to run tomorrow so I can try it out.

    Shoes: It just depends on your foot type. I am normal (pronation-wise) but I have a medium to high arch.

    I started with Mizunos and they worked fine until I upped my mileage. The first pair of Mizunos worked great. So, I purchased the second pair, started running more, and the heel pain started.

    Next I went to Asics b/c all of my running friends recommended them. That was a painful 169 miles.

    Next I went to Saucony. I am currently on my 4th model. I've been trying different models of Saucony. So far, I have not found a model that is comfortable and gives me a ton of miles. So far, I am comfortable until 250-350 miles. Then, I have to replace them.

    Enjoy the day
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Wow! This thread is rocking with success today. Way to go everyone!

    It is great to see everyone posting. Even those that are resting or injured.:flowerforyou:

    I got my new Nathan water bottle today. I can't wait to run tomorrow so I can try it out.

    Shoes: It just depends on your foot type. I am normal (pronation-wise) but I have a medium to high arch.

    I started with Mizunos and they worked fine until I upped my mileage. The first pair of Mizunos worked great. So, I purchased the second pair, started running more, and the heel pain started.

    Next I went to Asics b/c all of my running friends recommended them. That was a painful 169 miles.

    Next I went to Saucony. I am currently on my 4th model. I've been trying different models of Saucony. So far, I have not found a model that is comfortable and gives me a ton of miles. So far, I am comfortable until 250-350 miles. Then, I have to replace them.

    Enjoy the day

    Wow -- I need to let my husband read this. He thinks I'm just trying to collect running shoes in every color available :huh:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    My two cents on blisters

    1) A dab of vaseline between toes will eliminate blisters there. I do this for long runs.

    2) Wide toe box shoes help with blisters on outside of toes (saucony, new balance are my personal choices)

    3) Blisters in the arch area... they are hard to eliminate on long runs, and hot weather. You need a perfect fit, and wow, how do you do that? After a few blisters this toughens and they won't be as bad. Those with high or low arches have the biggest challenge, so it's good to do a self test and see if you need to recycle shoe inserts (you know, they come right out)

    4) Check if your pronation is correct for shoe sizing too. Most are standard, but do a self test there too and see where you are at.

    Self test for arches. Get your foot wet and then step on dry pavement or a paper and check the guide on runners world:,7120,s6-240-319-326-7152-0,00.html
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I agree that after a while your feet toughen up so you don't get blisters as much. I went for a pedicure a week or so ago and told the lady not to touch my callouses because it took me a long time to get them! She laughed at me, but I was serious.

    I have Saucony shoes right now, but I was having trouble with my knees until I bought arch supports to put into them. Now they feel fine.

    I did a six mile tempo run today, which felt good. Have a great day everybody.:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I went for a pedicure a week or so ago and told the lady not to touch my callouses because it took me a long time to get them! She laughed at me, but I was serious.

    That is hilarious!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That is one thing I have not had a problem with - blisters.:embarassed:
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Heading out for a 5 mile run tonight at my favorite spot-the local nature center!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Checking in late - it's been a crazy busy day, but I managed some speedwork today:

    1 mile warmup
    4 x 1600 @7:46 with 800 jogs
    1 Mile cooldown
    Total 8 miles

    I was able to do all my speed laps under 7:46, except for the last one. I did it in 7:47 :blushing: . It was killer, but to me speedwork isn't as bad as my tempo runs - those are the ones that make me call out for my mommy! :tongue: At least with speed work, I can look look forward to the jogs in between.

    Looks like everyone has had a good day with some excellent runs.

    As fars as shoes go - I've been an Asics girl since I started running, but the guy at the running store switched me to Nike Moto 6. I'm due for a new pair real soon. I think I might try to change it up.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday - Today is an off day for me. Just wanted to put in another vote for Vaseline as blister prevention. I do all my hot spots ever since I got some nasty blisters in the Indy Mini - let me tell you I was praying for puddles on the route just to have some cooling relief after the blisters surfaced.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    4 easy miles for me today. I went out an hour earlier than usual trying to beat the heat. I beat the heat and got 98% humidity instead.:laugh: I think I prefer the heat...:noway:

    Nathan water bottle review: I liked it much better than my fuel belt handheld b/c I did not have to hold it at all. The Nathan also has a cool "race cap" feature that I LOVE. I can drink from the bottle anytime without using my teeth to open it and the water stays in while I'm running no matter what angle I hold the bottle at. I'll have to get used to the bottle though. For some reason, wearing something on my hand makes it a little harder for me to relax while I run. This bottle also has multiple hand positions. I'll try out a different hand position on my next run and see if that helps me.

    Enjoy the day

    I am so excited. Today is our annual ladies only pool party.:tongue:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Morning everyone!! Went on a fun 2 mile speed work this morning. 1st mile at 7:59 then the 2nd mile at 7:39!!! That's by far the fastest pace I have hit so far... :drinker:

    Planning about 9-10 tomorrow, so hopefully I didn't mess that up this morning.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Got in 4.5 miles in my new shoes -- ended up with the Asics GT-2140. Tried on LOTS of shoes -- Asics, Brooks, Saucony -- and fully expected to get Saucony. I was pleasantly surprised with the feel of the Asics. They fit very well with good toe room -- I like to have some wiggle room. Now time will tell if they are the ones!

    Hope you all have a Happy Friday!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    4 easy miles for me today. I went out an hour earlier than usual trying to beat the heat. I beat the heat and got 98% humidity instead.:laugh: I think I prefer the heat...:noway:

    Nathan water bottle review: I liked it much better than my fuel belt handheld b/c I did not have to hold it at all. The Nathan also has a cool "race cap" feature that I LOVE. I can drink from the bottle anytime without using my teeth to open it and the water stays in while I'm running no matter what angle I hold the bottle at. I'll have to get used to the bottle though. For some reason, wearing something on my hand makes it a little harder for me to relax while I run. This bottle also has multiple hand positions. I'll try out a different hand position on my next run and see if that helps me.

    Enjoy the day

    I am so excited. Today is our annual ladies only pool party.:tongue:

    Keep us posted on the water bottle. I had the same problem. I had the bottle on my hand tight enough so I didn't have to hold it....but found myself unable to relax that shoulder. by the end of my run my shoulder was aching. Love to hear if a different hand position makes a difference.

    Enjoy your pool party!

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Friday - Today is an off day for me. Just wanted to put in another vote for Vaseline as blister prevention. I do all my hot spots ever since I got some nasty blisters in the Indy Mini - let me tell you I was praying for puddles on the route just to have some cooling relief after the blisters surfaced.

    I've been using the body glide (but must admit I forgot to put it on my feet the day I got the severe blister :embarassed: ) -- is vaseline a better choice for feet?
  • I had a windy pre-typhoon run this afternoon. Still awfully hot, and I bet if this typhoon does make landfall, it'll be on the weekend! I enjoy running in the wind. It gets me really pumped up.

    I realized last night that the marathon I've got my eye on is in almost exactly 14 weeks. Guess it's time to start the training! I've got a good base and I've been doing the occasional long run, but no focused training yet. Anyone else aiming at a November marathon?
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    wow -- typhoons -- where are you? where I'm at we deal with hurricanes -- and it is no fun!!! My daughter was born 3 weeks before hurricane Isabell hit and let me tell you, having a new born and a 17month old with no electricity for weeks is not fun! hope it misses you and you just get the good effects like the wind!

    I'm training for a 1/2 in September. I used the training plan from runners world. my training partner has not been following a program....and she said she can definitely see an improvement in me. :smokin: We run our long run together on the weekends.

    Good luck!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    2) Wide toe box shoes help with blisters on outside of toes (saucony, new balance are my personal choices)

    I second the wider toe box. I love my Asics GT-2140's. They are the only shoes that don't give me blisters or black toenails. :noway: I've never used vaseline, just body glide.
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