Boob job!



  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had mine done last year and I would do it again! But I would go a bit bigger. I got 350CC's and am a 34D and that really isn't big at all. I recommend going a bit bigger than you think you want. You won't regret it. :) Boobs are fun!!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Oh and I'm a Christian. Me and God, we're still all good. He wouldn't give plastic surgeons the brains to do things such as this if he didn't intend them to use them. :)
  • missfancy1980
    I had mine done last year and I would do it again! But I would go a bit bigger. I got 350CC's and am a 34D and that really isn't big at all. I recommend going a bit bigger than you think you want. You won't regret it. :) Boobs are fun!!

    Agreed. I measure 32ff but only LOOK a D cup if that. Fakies are much smaller when in
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had mine done last year and I would do it again! But I would go a bit bigger. I got 350CC's and am a 34D and that really isn't big at all. I recommend going a bit bigger than you think you want. You won't regret it. :) Boobs are fun!!

    Agreed. I measure 32ff but only LOOK a D cup if that. Fakies are much smaller when in

    This is true! Especially for under the muscle!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I just want to be 20 again. Even with my A measurement. They now hang down to where my mini-skirt used to be, but then so does everything else. But no surgeon can give me what I want.

    Destined to become a crone, I figure that it will be better than being one of those old gals with the kohl-lined eyes wearing leapord print over wrinkly boobs trying to be babes long past the prime of life!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Went from a AA to a C... best thing I ever did to myself. I've always been convinced that lingerie companies do their level best to create horrifically UGLY bra/panty sets for women in a AA cup -

    Note: when you get new boobs, you get a little sumpin' extra, an HOURGLASS figure!!! Indeedy, God jipped me out of boobs, and I got them 12 years ago. Imagine my surprise when I took a good look in the mirror and noticed that SUDDENLY I was lookin' a lot like a WOMAN!!!! I finally looked like a REAL girl, not something that got twisted and punched around and left for dead on the side of the road.
    Seriously, between the fact that my nails don't grow, I was flat chested, had NO *kitten*, my hair was mousy ash brown, and I had to wear glasses. What a total CLUSTER.!

    Plastic surgery is a great idea, unlike other posters who think it's shallow. One can get carried away, but that's not generally the case when you have to think really carefully about what procedure to get and what would make you happiest and what would be the best use of your money. Enhance what you like - you only come through this way once. It's a wonderful self-esteem boost.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member

    It's the moral (and societal) issues I have when women get big beach ball boobs, even before they have kids (like that idiot famous person who got them and then was upset because she couldn't breast feed afterwards, it's like, Duh! You mess around in there with foreign objects enough and they aren't going to work properly!!) so that they are "attractive." There is nothing wrong with having little pert boobs. And I realize now that is not what you are adressing.

    So I take back what I said about conforming to society, it's ok for you to want to go back to where you want to be, as long as you aren't wanting to "fix" yourself into something totally new. It was a bit naive of me to not understand where you are coming from, escpecially since I haven't had kids. And I know you don't need approval from me, I am just apologizing mostly. :)

    Moral issues? LOL. Getting aesthetics confused with morals... isn't that difficult to do? Wow.

    Yes, I consider changing your body (as in, what God gave you) drastically is a moral issue. Getting a boob job is not necessarily just aesthetics. It is a big, invasive deal, it's not like dyeing your hair. I personally beleive that you should rock and be proud of what you were given, and not try "fix" it unless there is something wrong (ie: getting reduction surgery because your back is being damaged etc). In the original poster's case, like I outlined, she really isn't trying to "fix" HERSELF, she is trying to "fix" CHANGES to her body brought on by challenging events taking a toll. That is why I consider it a more aesthetic issue (more like upkeep) than a moral issue, and why I consider getting beach ball breast implants because you aren't happy with your cute pert ones (as in, CHANGING your body drastically) a moral issue.

    Do you not consider losing weight b/c you want to be as skinny as Kate Hudson 'changing' your body to 'fix' things? I mean you're so concerned about societal pressures but yet you want to look like a celebrity? The only difference I see is that breast augmentation is surgical, and I'm pretty sure the God that accepted circumcision and said if your right hand offends you then cut it off, doesn't have anything against surgery. Please don't take this the wrong way, but it seems like you're picking and choosing what's 'acceptable' based on your own personal preferences, rather than realizing that different people have different preferences and that's okay.

    That's a very good point. However, if you recall I said DRASTICALLY changing your body. I don't want to look like Kate Hudson, I just saw a picture of her once and her height was the same as mine and she looked healthy and beautiful at that weight (which the picture reported was 135) so it became my inspiration. I am not going to go get a nose job so that I look like her, because I don't want to and that would be drastically changing my body.

    You are right in that God accepted (mandated) circumcision, but while many would say this is for aesthetic purposes it was actually for deeper reasons, one of which being for heigine. Secondly, "cutting off your right hand" is NOT a reference to surgery, it is a point about how abhorrent it is to sin. It is a far cry from going under the knife for cosmetic purposes.

    Of course I am picking and choosing what is acceptable based on my own opinions because that is what opinions are. But I am trying to back it up with reason and knowledge and to have a semi-intelligent discussion with others in this community about it. If you see above I even changed my opinion about the original post, so I am learning from you just as you are all maybe perhaps learning a bit of a new perspective from me.

    I have implants and I think God's alright with it because it made me (and it still makes me) really really happy. My guess is, and I've never met God so this is pure speculation, he has bigger fish to fry than this.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Once I'm at my goal weight and I've maintained it a bit I'm going to get a reduction and due to scoliosis and back pain I'm hoping that I can get it covered due to medical issue!!!

    I also am going to maybe have a tummy tuck and am saving for that as well!!!

    Being someone who is a 38 G (really a 36 GG but I don't want to buy another bra) I would really advise against implants. I have so many back pains because of the size of my breasts and it's hard to find clothes that fit right. If I want to not look preggo and show off my waist then I'm skin tight on the boobs, if I dress to not be showing off the girls I look pregnant. It's not a win win especially since I don't want to have skin tight clothes working in a middle school. Those boys don't need anything else to be looking at!!!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have implants and I think God's alright with it because it made me (and it still makes me) really really happy. My guess is, and I've never met God so this is pure speculation, he has bigger fish to fry than this.............................................................................

    I agree! Except I hope he is baking the fish, it is healthier! :laugh:
  • veromancha
    veromancha Posts: 158 Member
    i'm going to have to have a tummy tuck i have loose skin on my tummy it looks like a raisin when i lose all my weight. I will never have a six pack no matter how hard i work and it's very discouraging because i would be in a size four when i am at m thinnest except for that so i feel ya. I say do what feels good for you.

    I Too would love a tummy tuck, however I'm not sure if I'm done having I want to wait on that one, I dislike my stretchmarks so bad!!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Breast reduction in 2005.

    I would do it again in a heartbeat. Without a second thought.

    Granted, that's a little different, but they did a lift at the same time.

    Regarding breastfeeding - with the reduction (so a little different) they thought I was good to go. I had my son in 2008 and did not produce milk. I took it pretty hard, and spent three months pumping for literally 4 ounces a DAY total. No increase in production was made, despite all my desperate efforts. I gave up.

    When my daughter was born my husband convinced me to give the pump a whirl, "just in case". SO glad he did because I OVER produced for 8 months, until I caught Lyme disease. Then my milk supply died. It was very sad, but I was thrilled I did so well.

    very interesting... I'm interested in a boob reduction.. lift.. and maybe a very small implant to keep them perky for years to come... but I exclusively pump with my kiddos.. so I always said I'd do it AFTER we got fixed so we knew for sure there would be no more babies in my womb.. this just confirms that I made the right decision... thanks for sharing!!! I couldn't imagine not pumping for as long as my job lets me... I can only be on maternity leave for about 5ish months after the baby is born and it's really hard to pump when you're 30,000 ft in the air... in an airplane lav!! lol
  • veromancha
    veromancha Posts: 158 Member
    I have wanted this since I was 18 years old. I had my first child at 17. I still want it so bad. I have never been able to afford it but am thinking that financing is the way to go. Screw it. I have never gotten undressed in front of anyone with the lights on in my life. Being a teen mom and breastfeeding, I never had perky breasts. :( I have been walking around with a plastic surgeon's card in my wallet for about 4 years now. I am thinking mommy make over now. I never heard of that before.

    I had my first baby at 19, and I hear you about the lights on deal!! Oh and also about financing, I already have my card approved!! LOL!
  • Hopelessbird
    I am planning on getting them too. I am asian and right now at 36B. I would like to lose enough weight and get Ds.

    FYI, my husband got electrolysis on his eyebrows to make them perfectly shaped and remove the unibrow at 11 years old. At 25, he got a hair transpant so he will still have full head of hair in his 30s. He is saving for a 2nd hair transplant to remain youthful when he reaches his 40s.

    I haven't gotten any work done yet but I get monthly chemical peels to slowly remove fine lines. After 6 gradual peels, I look the same as when I was 23. I am getting my 7th peel Saturday.
  • bergsangel
    bergsangel Posts: 131
    Oh and I'm a Christian. Me and God, we're still all good. He wouldn't give plastic surgeons the brains to do things such as this if he didn't intend them to use them. :)

    This ^ Love it.

    Anyone who does not havechildren and/or did not breastfeed them CAN have an opinion, but trust me honey, they don't
    Had 3, breastfed them all, the last one AFTER my surgery, produced the most milk with her and nursed her for 14 months! And I love them!
  • 2bfit4fun
    2bfit4fun Posts: 12
    Budgeting for mine (both tummy and girls) as we post!!! Go for it!
  • mrsdobbers
    Verogomez, you have a beautiful family! First and foremost congratulations on that and your weight loss progress and future goals!
    Pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss can take a very negative toll on the body and breasts for many women. There are a lot of options to help some of the areas you would like to improve. Please do lots of research and meet with a number of plastic surgeons before making any decisions. There are a number of resources and supportive forums that you might benefit from, please feel free to message me and I'll tell you more about it. Good luck with your journey and always remember it is about you and what makes you happy.

    To the negative posts on this thread, I had my first breast augmentation at 20 years old because in high school I looked like a 14 year old boy with no chest at all. It hurt my self confidence and made me unhappy with how I looked. I do not feel like my choice to improve myself was immoral. I would think lying, cheating and stealing would be immoral. But I never lied about what I wanted or what I did. I am open about my augmentation, and I know not everyone agrees with my choice. But we are all unique individuals and no one person has the right to judge others or make them feel badly for their wishes. If you think about it, it was pretty immoral of me to stuff my bra with all the wonders that Victoria Secret had to offer because that is lying and trickery in essence.
    What about the guy who said he would have a hair transplant because of a receeding hair line? That's a change to what God gave you. Is that also immoral?
    And why does a drastic change affect the level of immorality? So my first augmentation wasn't quite immoral, but the one I had five months ago to go bigger (probably what you might consider "beach ball barbie") is more immoral?? And like others have said, society does not get to see my breasts. This was a choice made after much consideration and research by myself and my husband.

    I am not asking anyone who is against plastic surgery to defend themselves, but I do not think it is respectful to pass judgement on this woman or any person at all for wanting to improve themselves. I'm on this forum to improve myself and find support along the way. I respect people who do not want surgery, that's fine for them. But please have the same respect for those of us who have made the choice to do so.
  • melisalyons
    melisalyons Posts: 24 Member
    I'm not even going to address the judgmental comments made . I just wanted to say I got mine done almost 2 years ago and couldn't be happier :) I had 4 kids breastfeed them all and my boobs just got sad so I perked them up and went bigger ;) . I would do it all again if I had to :)
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I have implants because the breasts God gave me tried their damndest to kill me. Cancer aside, I probably would have gotten them anyway. Even now, I think I'll end up getting them upsized the next time I have to have surgery. Because I can.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have implants because the breasts God gave me tried their damndest to kill me. Cancer aside, I probably would have gotten them anyway. Even now, I think I'll end up getting them upsized the next time I have to have surgery. Because I can.

    High-five for beating cancer and otherwise doing whatever's right for you. :-)
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Ya that!!!! ^^^^^^^^ :)
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