40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Found you last month and then got busy and didn't think to check the board on a regular basis, forgetting it's not like the news feed on the home page with constant updates So just took the time to catch up since my last post. SO MANY inspiring people here, I definitely will make it part of my routine when I log in now to check in and see how you are all doing.

    I, at times, have the same problem. I will lose a thread and then have to go searching for it.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia, it looks like the clouds you shook out of your mind are now in your ticker.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Deirdre, I think I am as confused as you.:huh:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I, at times, have the same problem. I will lose a thread and then have to go searching for it.:laugh:

    Click on "My Topics" and it will show you all the topics you have posted on.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome to the new cool kids.

    Started to reply this afternoon at work and then got side tracked...with work.

    Finally got my butt out of bed in time to get a P90X workout in. Ran after work today. was a tough 6 mile run. Had to stop and walk a couple of times which is a bit unusual for me, but I did get all the miles in under 60 minutes, so was pleased.

    Went to the gym that I do my strength training in yesterday and it was flooded. It had poured rain all day and with the mild temps and melting snow, the old building didn't stand a chance.

    Going to try and get up early again tomorrow and "bring it".

    have a good night all. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: sdereski, I hope that your gym gets back into business soon. I would freak out if mine were to close for a long time.

    Umpire, that is how I find my threads but this one particular thread just disappeared for a couple of days and then re-appeared. Strange.

    At least I understand this site better than I do my new cell phone !!!!:laugh:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    What do I tell everyone trying P90X or X2? - Don't skip the Yoga!

    After games last night and getting home late and my shoulders being mush after this week bet you can't guess what happened to me this morning... I skipped Yoga :(
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hi everyone.... Hope all is well with you all.

    Thank you Swiss for checking in on me. Your very sweet! (((HUGS)))

    I did miss all of you I've just been caught up in my new job and getting used to the new morning hours. I have never in my life been a morning person. Add to that my lack of energy equals a very tired girl. Does anyone know any good supplements that help with energy? I find myself to be extremely tired all the time.

    I'm planning on moving things out of the room I set up for my brothers girls and putting back my exercise equipment. Also find a home for the generator sense my hubby decided to leave it in front of my treadmill while it was folded up for the holidays. I need to get back on track. Maybe sense it's such a beautiful day I'll go for a walk outside.

    I'll check in a little later in the day and let ya know what all I got accomplished.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Oh ya... I forgot to let ya all know. I'm gonna Be a grandma in November! Crazy to think about just wish she lived closer.....
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Not pushing 40, I'm dragging it! 41 in 5 months.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Oh ya... I forgot to let ya all know. I'm gonna Be a grandma in November! Crazy to think about just wish she lived closer.....

    Congratulations!!!!! You're going to love it - best feeling in the world.
    I love, love being a grandma!! I'm very lucky, as my son and his family live the same town. :happy:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    What do I tell everyone trying P90X or X2? - Don't skip the Yoga!

    After games last night and getting home late and my shoulders being mush after this week bet you can't guess what happened to me this morning... I skipped Yoga :(

    Am going to really try not to skip it this time. I know it has amazing benefits! Took your hiccups away - that was REALLY impressive. :happy:
    Actually, I never "skipped" it, I just didn't ever do the entire workout.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I have to admit it was quite funny that today was Yoga day. I would have skipped no matter which day it was though. This morning I was dragging big time.
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 107 Member
    It's so nice to see 40 plus-ers with good eating and exercising habits. I'm tasting 50 (it's yucky) and it's getting much harder to stay fit. I've even had to back off my wine consumption to drop a few lbs! What has this world come to?
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    hello!! hope everyone is doing well! I know, I have not posted here in a few weeks. so sorry....although I know there are so many posters now I wasn't missed too much.

    I have been focusing so much in the last few weeks on finishing P90x. And I did it, day 90 was Thursday. I just wrote this yesterday if you want to give it a read.

    Am taking a lazy few days and starting up a 2nd round on Monday. I am tempted to start today but I keep telling myself a few days in between will be better. And, the schedule in the long run will be better if I start Monday (the hard stuff won't be on the weekends.....).

    Silvania---I need to catch up but have you started back up again?? Yes, Yoga is awesome. I started off hating it but boy do I feel great after I do it. So I slug though the whole thing. Am so proud I can do that right angle pose w/the grab now, when I couldn't at first. Although I still can't really do crane and am bad at the balance postures still.

    Umpire --great work on P90x 2!

    Tron! Congrats on being a grandma!! Wow! And hope your new job is going well.

    Still need to catch up on pages of posts....hope you are all doing well. I'll be back in the swing of things soon......
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    Robin - nice to see you back. I did read your blog and really enjoyed it. You should be SO proud of yourself...you really did a great job.

    I did start back up again, and have YOGA tomorrow!! Oh no!! Part of the problem is that my DVDs don't work that great. The first have of the Yoga DVD is fine, then it starts freezing up. Plyo doesn't work at all and shoulders & arms and Core freeze up constantly! So frustrating!! My g/f has P90X and Insanity on her computer.
    ter and is going to download a copy of each for me. Hoping that will help. I love the yoga poses, its the vinyassas that drive me nuts, but it's the poses part of the DVD that does not work.:grumble: However, I WILL give it an honest attempt tomorrow.

    Robin, your results were great - saw a definite change in your body - you are looking fit and strong!

    Not sure if I will be able to do all my consecutive days, as I do seem to be out of town a fair bit - long travel days, and I am in right smack in the middle of my marathon training schedule. Will do my best tho as it certainly does help with my overall strength.

    Am taking part in another stained glass workshop this weekend. Will post a picture of my finished product.
    Have a long run to do tomorrow. It's supposed to be sunny and warm. Am planning on doing that after my stained glass workshop.Glad for the longer daylight hours I'll get starting tomorrow. :happy: Don't forget to SPRING forward!

  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hi everyone! What a big site group we have now. Life has been crazy the past few months. I am trying to get back on track. I have been sick on and off since the first of the year. I even gained seven pounds. So first I need to start running again and then my old routines. My stomach looks like Im pregnant...LOL My exercise clothes dont even fit anymore. So No more complaining Im going to run today.

    Missed all of you guys and gals!!!
    Swiss---hi ya honey
    tron Congrats
    sderski...such a motivator
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I'm back from Hawaii. I am jet-lagged. I am not going to work-out tomorrow, and I"m pretty terrified of the heavy -lifting I have on the agenda for tomorrow.

    Aaahhhh, as they say, back in the saddle, again....

    Cheers, all!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh ya... I forgot to let ya all know. I'm gonna Be a grandma in November! Crazy to think about just wish she lived closer.....

    Julie!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I feel so bad that I have abandoned my own thread!!!! :sad: :sad: But in a way I am happy I started, all of you are doing an amazing job staying healthy and helping/motivating each other out!!! :drinker: :drinker: I am not really off the wagon. I have been really busy with work, both jobs, and family. I havent been logging my foods for a few weeks now. I am eating healthy, 85-95% of the time, well, last night was definitely in the 10% "bad". My husband and I decided to order pizza. LOL I dont remember the last time we did that or the last time I ate pizza anywhere so that is good then...I am finishing stage 2 of NROL4W today or tomorrow so moving on to stage 3 next weekend. There are 7 stages. :noway: I continue teaching my Zumba classes of course, working on some choreo this weekend as well. It is never ending... Take care!!! :flowerforyou: