question tattoos...does anyone else think



  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    i love tattoos and have several, including a full sleeve, but what matters to me is how we treat each other. don't approach me in public and tell me you think i'm ugly, and i won't nitpick your appearance either!
    what bothers me is when people who don't like tattoos seem to feel that it's their duty to be unkind to me because of mine... as though they themselves were a paragon of morality and good looks! hah!
    I find it amazing that someone would have the gall to act that way. Whether I loved or hated tats, I would never feel that I had the right to try to make someone feel wrong because they have them. I hope you are able to just ignore the morons who would do that, because to dignify it with a retort, would just give them satisfaction.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I joke that the one between my shoulder blades is my "future tramp stamp."
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    Not weird at all! My husband hates them which is why I still do not have the hummingbird I want to get in memory of my Granny.
  • aeknopp
    aeknopp Posts: 10 Member
    To me it depends on the person who has them. My husband has tattoos on his arms and his leg and I find them sexy but then again he is my husband. I also have some 3 on my back and 1 on each wrist and my husband loves the..
  • I find them tasteless and unattractive.


    totally agree
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    LOVE TATTOOS! haha. I have places where i hate them,

    -depends on the person and the tattoo! -

    Heres mine :)

    I love all the hummingbirds you have!! Your work is beautiful. :)
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I dislike tattoos, looks very trashy, keep it classy-Ty

    I would assume you are joking considering you have a tattoo yourself!
    npe thats a birthmark but thank you im pretty self consious about it-Ty
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 659 Member
    I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE tattoos, but there are people I know that don't like them (baffles me). A guy with tattoos instantly becomes 5x more attractive and interesting
  • amandacochran15
    amandacochran15 Posts: 105 Member
    I love them personally. I have 11 currently and am getting a half sleeve this weekend. To each their own! I'm in the military and can only have a certain amount and all but one can be hidden if need be. And ALL have a meaning to me. Don't hate me for having them and I won't hate you for not :) An attractive guy (or girl) with tattoos... so much better! :)
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    My husband does not like them on women at all! I want to get one later on in life and have been trying to convince him they are not that bad! He has a small one on his hand that he got when he was 15 so since then he doesnt care for them. But whenever he see's a lady that has them he is turned off! I would say you are not at all weird! Different strokes for different folks :)
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    My ex told me he would never have a wife with a tattoo. I got a tattoo and then lost the ex. Best decision I ever made.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I don't have a negative tattoo view (oh, that rhymed) but there is nothing that is more of a disappointment when you see a beautiful woman in a wedding/bridesmaid dress and she has some tattoo that sticks out like a sore thumb on her back/chest/leg, etc.
  • naiomi85
    naiomi85 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't care for them's a whatever floats your boat kind of thing, haha.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    I did it!! Went today and got a small hummingbird for my Granny. She passed 18 months ago and was more like a mom to me. She loved hummingbirds and she was a little thing herself. I know she would fully support this because she had a tattoo on her upper thigh for 71 years!
  • AlliecoreXX
    AlliecoreXX Posts: 78 Member
    I love tasteful tattoos on anyone. I think they tell a part of a person's story, just like scars or laugh lines. I like to think that my tattoos help weed out a portion of men that wouldn't understand me once they got to know me. If they can see past my tats, chances are we already have a few things in common. It's kinda cool. :-P I get lots of "looks" from people in general but I don't care. I am who I am and I don't make any apologies for that. :) Tattoos on men, now....that's a requirement for hotness! :P
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I did it!! Went today and got a small hummingbird for my Granny. She passed 18 months ago and was more like a mom to me. She loved hummingbirds and she was a little thing herself. I know she would fully support this because she had a tattoo on her upper thigh for 71 years!

    :heart: It's a beautiful tribute, and I think it's so cute that your Granny had a tattoo!

    People always say "What'll you tell your grandkids?" but I never thought any less of my grandfather for having one. I never asked why he had it. It was just part of who he was. I also never knew WHAT it was, since it was quite faded by the time I was born! (Native American girl, btw.)

  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    Thank you Lorina! My grandfather (Popeye) had tattoos on his arm, but when he had skin cancer he had them removed. I remember as a little girl he had a naked lady on his arm and it made me giggle, but I never thought anything bad about him. Don't all sailors have tattoos? lol
  • sebbysmommy
    sebbysmommy Posts: 63 Member
    I like them on men for sure :) My hubby has been talking about getting one on his back but he has yet to work up the nerve, he is not fond of needles.

    I have the typical tramp stamp on my back, got it when I was 19 and spend 95% of my life drunk and passed out on someones floor.

    I now have 5 children and everyone wants to know what I will do when one of my kids wants to get a tattoo and my answer is always the same "When they are old enough they can do what ever they want". I am not ashamed of my tat although I will not be getting any more.
  • Sammijo24
    Sammijo24 Posts: 74 Member
    Dang I have one across my back between my shoulders too. I hope it don't make it's way down there! hahaha
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I think tattoos are very sexy! i love them! I'm not saying someone without tattoo's isn't but i find them very attactive!

    I have 6 myself and love every one of them. only my first two dont have any real meaning and i got these as soon as i hit 18... dont regret them but they just dont have any real meaning. my other ones are mostly dedicared to family members. i have one on my ribs which is dedicated to my grandad who passed away 3 years ago. i have one on my foot which doesn't look meaningful but each star is my family members.
    i have one my shoulder which is matching with my little brother!
    and the one around my wrist i got just after my husband and i split it says "everything happens for a reason"

    so as i was saying I LOVE TATTOOS!! but each to their own... i dont judge those who dont have tattoos and hope not to be judge by having them (even though i know i will be ... doesn't bother me)