Meat and early mortality



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Whenever I hear studies about certain foods will shorten your life span (for example, the local news last week did a bit about if you ate red meat once a day every day you'd be cutting your life short by x number of years) I have to chuckle. Because, really, we don't know when we're gonna die. Oh sure there's certain things that will give us diseases that do end lives, but who's to say that life's cut short? In the end, we are all going to die at some point and from something no matter how healthy we are or how much "bad stuff" we don't consume. That's the way life works, we're given a certain amount of time no matter what we do.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    From what I understand of the study, the reserachers recommend less than 1 pound of red meat per person, per week.

    If someone told you (general you, not anyone specific) that it was recommended to eat less than 1 pound of *cake* per person, per week. Everyone would say, "Well of course! Cake is bad for you. Eat in moderation. A little goes a long way!"

    But as soon as someone says you should limit your meat intake, people get super defensive about it. "You can take my meat over my cold dead body!"

    I wonder why that is... possibly because people understand that red meat isn't *really* good for you in the long run?

    or when someone sounds the death alarm. If it were cake will kill you, I would call b.s. on that too
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    in my mind, god, evolution, whatever... look at the facts..

    humans have both flat grinding teeth and sharper pointy ones, this suggests omnivore, we need a good BALANCE of both of these..

    and beer...lots and lots of beer (which qualifies as both meat and grain... Hops and "pork chop in a can")

    this is all correct. we have meat-eating chompers for a reason.

    (and I'm just gonna wait for the study conducted by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, I think, to balance it all out.)
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Yes, Red Meat can kill. And a few years ago, peanut butter could give you cancer, as can plastic and microwaves. I do wish the vegetarian would come down off it's high horse, slaughter it, cook it and see that life isn't so bad as an omnivore. You never see that being pushed on anyone, and the OMG DONT EAT MEAT scares are a little rediculous.
    really? nobody pushes eating meat? because my grandmother pushes meat on me all the time, despite the fact that i haven't eaten meat in four years. everybody i meet tries to push fish or seafood on me because they insist it's not meat (it was once alive, now it is dead- i'm not eating it). it seems like you're pushing meat on vegetarians and your horse is just as high as "the vegetarian"'s.

    A plant was once alive...just sayin'
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    (it was once alive, now it is dead- i'm not eating it)

    Really? Plants were never alive?

    DAMMIT. I knew I should have dropped out of high school!
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member
    I like meat.
    And I like vegetarians. Specially those who don't keep trying to convert you.

    But in my opinion: The only mammal I know that switched to almost strict vegetarian diet.... It's the panda.


    And there's scientists trying HARD to make then reproduce.

    When the species gave up on f... procriate, that means something.

    Ahhh I'm just messin with ya! :)
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    My Facebook friends have been going at each other over the report of this study in the L A Times.The study looked at red meat, not all meat. As others have said here, the statistical research model behind this study was flawed, despite the prestigious Harvard School of Public Health connection. At best it shows a correlations between eating red meat and earlier death, but correlation does not imply causality, and also there were issues around a failure to keep other diet and lifestyle factors equal between the two groups. I have enough other reasons to avoid red meat without needing to reply on this study.,0,565423.story
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    Everyone is going to die of something. No offense to vegetarians, if that's what you want to do, go for it.

    Steve Jobs was a vegetarian. He died due to cancer... just saying.
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Humans have been living long, healthy lives eating meat for thousands (and maybe even millions) of years.

    This study is biased and makes my head spin like the exorcist.

    Amen. I'm currently on Paleo and its main focus is meat/protein. This won't turn me!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    My grandmother is 89 years young, She has had eggs and bacon almost everyday of her life for breakfast and has smoked since she was 16. She has the energy and enthusiasm of a 40 year old.

    For every study I read I can always find one that contradicts its theory.

    I think we are predisposed to some cancers and illness regardless of how healthy of a life style we live.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I have no issues with vegeterians/vegans-to each their own. But I just want to say my grandfather ate steak 3-4 times a week for DECADES and died at 87 peaceufully,quickly and painlessly at home. He never was in a nursing home, had a long term hospital stay or needed hospice or anything like that. He had full ability to take care of himself and live his life until the day he died. So I'm a little skeptical of this study.
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    Yes, Red Meat can kill. And a few years ago, peanut butter could give you cancer, as can plastic and microwaves. I do wish the vegetarian would come down off it's high horse, slaughter it, cook it and see that life isn't so bad as an omnivore. You never see that being pushed on anyone, and the OMG DONT EAT MEAT scares are a little rediculous.
    really? nobody pushes eating meat? because my grandmother pushes meat on me all the time, despite the fact that i haven't eaten meat in four years. everybody i meet tries to push fish or seafood on me because they insist it's not meat (it was once alive, now it is dead- i'm not eating it). it seems like you're pushing meat on vegetarians and your horse is just as high as "the vegetarian"'s.

    This is true. I've not eaten meat in 5 years and have since given up all animal by-products.

    Would you be surprised to hear that people try to "trick" me into eating meat? That at most family gatherings or parties I am pestered by friends and family alike as to my choices?

    Do you believe that I do NOT bring it up to my family of my own accord (why would I when they are unsupportive) and I've been forced to endure cruel and unkind remarks about my eating habits?

    Well... that, my friend, is how omnivores push their agenda onto vegetarians. There are militant omnivores just as there are militant vegans. Not all of us are on a "high horse." Some of just want to live and let live.

    It's the defensiveness that leads to rude words and behaviors.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yes, Red Meat can kill. And a few years ago, peanut butter could give you cancer, as can plastic and microwaves. I do wish the vegetarian would come down off it's high horse, slaughter it, cook it and see that life isn't so bad as an omnivore. You never see that being pushed on anyone, and the OMG DONT EAT MEAT scares are a little rediculous.

    Looks to me like red meat is trying to do more than just kill here, LOL. Watch it with the horns, mister!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I guess I'll just die young and happy with a nice big steak in front of me then...

    I hope you never get to the point where it needs to be cut up for you in a nursing home. THAT is my big fear. The end-stage of cancer, heart disease, and strokes isn't pretty.

    Don't worry! They now insist on tube feedings that go directly into the stomach to prolong people's lives! I'm sure they can accomodate the meat lover's needs by having the family puree the steak up and send it down the pike. Tube feedings are a hassle though, and for some reason, most patients always tried to pull them out, but we tied their hands up to keep them away. It's the only "humane" thing to do to keep people alive..... keep feeding them at all costs.....although most are on Ensure or some other "nutrient" rich cocktail. Enjoy! Not everyone is able to drop dead in their tracks one day nice and young and "healthy". Best of luck to those who believe they can die young and happy with a nice big steak in front of them. Usually it is after it is in.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    Yes, Red Meat can kill. And a few years ago, peanut butter could give you cancer, as can plastic and microwaves. I do wish the vegetarian would come down off it's high horse, slaughter it, cook it and see that life isn't so bad as an omnivore. You never see that being pushed on anyone, and the OMG DONT EAT MEAT scares are a little rediculous.
    really? nobody pushes eating meat? because my grandmother pushes meat on me all the time, despite the fact that i haven't eaten meat in four years. everybody i meet tries to push fish or seafood on me because they insist it's not meat (it was once alive, now it is dead- i'm not eating it). it seems like you're pushing meat on vegetarians and your horse is just as high as "the vegetarian"'s.

    A plant was once alive...just sayin'
    you're right. it was was alive. but plants don't feel pain. they don't have nerves. they don't have feelings.
    i wouldn't eat my cat or my boyfriend's dogs, so why would i eat a cow or a pig or a fish?
    if you want to, that's fine. but it's my personal choice to not eat meat, and people constantly try to tell me i shouldn't. i've never told anybody they need to stop eating meat because it's unhealthy for them, but people always tell me i need to eat meat because it's unhealthy not to.
  • HopeFaithLove71
    HopeFaithLove71 Posts: 22 Member
    OP, thank you for posting the link
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    Yes, Red Meat can kill. And a few years ago, peanut butter could give you cancer, as can plastic and microwaves. I do wish the vegetarian would come down off it's high horse, slaughter it, cook it and see that life isn't so bad as an omnivore. You never see that being pushed on anyone, and the OMG DONT EAT MEAT scares are a little rediculous.
    really? nobody pushes eating meat? because my grandmother pushes meat on me all the time, despite the fact that i haven't eaten meat in four years. everybody i meet tries to push fish or seafood on me because they insist it's not meat (it was once alive, now it is dead- i'm not eating it). it seems like you're pushing meat on vegetarians and your horse is just as high as "the vegetarian"'s.

    A plant was once alive...just sayin'

    lol! i very rarely eat dead animals, especially red meat. i don't like it when vegetarians push me to NOT EAT MEAT and I don't like it when my own mother pushes me TO EAT MORE MEAT. i don't like it, but don't say anything because neither opinion will change.. can't we all just get along. "/
  • Mommy_x3
    Mommy_x3 Posts: 48
    We need meat. We DONT NEED grains!

    Anyway, veg-fed healthy lean meat is good for you. NOT the **** 'meat' USDA gives us. Do the research.... It's obvious the gov is killing us. The reason all this 'meat' is bad for us is because of all the **** they put in it to keep it longer.
    We NEED natural, healthy, veg-fed lean meat!

    Eat the GOOD meat and ditch the BAD 'meat' and you will be fine :-)
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    We need meat. We DONT NEED grains!

    It's obvious the gov is killing us.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Whenever I hear studies about certain foods will shorten your life span (for example, the local news last week did a bit about if you ate red meat once a day every day you'd be cutting your life short by x number of years) I have to chuckle. Because, really, we don't know when we're gonna die. Oh sure there's certain things that will give us diseases that do end lives, but who's to say that life's cut short? In the end, we are all going to die at some point and from something no matter how healthy we are or how much "bad stuff" we don't consume. That's the way life works, we're given a certain amount of time no matter what we do.

    My father died at age 60 after a life of heavy meat-eating, and the consequent clogged arteries. His kidneys were dying. He passed out daily due to carotid plaques. And, he finally died of a massive heart attack after 3 years as a cardiac cripple. I was 18 when he died and decided right then and there to go vegetarian. Almost 40 years later, I have no serious health problems which I think is partly due to my early decision to eat plants, not meat. This study affirms what I have personally seen and experienced.