Would you date someone whose religion is different than your



  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Why are ya'll panties tied in a bunch over a few written words on a message board...calm the **** down.

    Hey, hey, hey! Those knots took me hours to do!
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    So apparently other people are allowed to confess their bigotry here but when I attack their bigotry suddenly I am "Attacking" the poor deluded user. That shows how stupid religious is, we are suppossed to "tolerate" religious inspired bigotry because we might attack the poor persons beliefs but the unbeliever is supposed to put up with all sorts of bigotry. There is no free speech on this site, I'm done. Report this post if you want cry babies.

    You have your opinion, and I have mine. Also...your response is in no way addressing my OP. So are you just trolling around to comment on the drama? :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Mary was not Divine, just a young Jewish girl. God could just have easily chose any other Jewish girl, but he chose Mary. That makes her special, but not worthy of worship.

    As someone who was raised a young Jewish girl, I would be pretty annoyed to be "chosen".

    Aw c'mon, you get to float up to Heaven, totally intact, get a crown, never age and get a whole series of prayers in your honor...and eternal vriginity. It's like some bizarro-land version of Twilight but less werewolvian.

    Aactually Mary had other children after she had Jesus so she didn't die a virgin.
  • mmlg4
    mmlg4 Posts: 2 Member
    As some have said b/f, it seems that he will 'say' whatever it takes to get you back. Looking back, I would not date someone who did not believe the same way that I do. My hubby and I both have a personal relationship with the Lord and we disagree on a few 'major doctrinal issues' . Even that has made it difficult for us b/c it makes it very hard to choose a place of worship that really fits us both. As the other lady said "we are told Not to be unequally yolked and there is plenty of reason for that..... "a house divided will not stand." He knows what you need/are looking for and He will bring him along at just the right time:) There is a great book called "Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones if you like to read and need some encouragement!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Aactually Mary had other children after she had Jesus so she didn't die a virgin.

    Maybe in your religion. Not mine.
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    As some have said b/f, it seems that he will 'say' whatever it takes to get you back. Looking back, I would not date someone who did not believe the same way that I do. My hubby and I both have a personal relationship with the Lord and we disagree on a few 'major doctrinal issues' . Even that has made it difficult for us b/c it makes it very hard to choose a place of worship that really fits us both. As the other lady said "we are told Not to be unequally yolked and there is plenty of reason for that..... "a house divided will not stand." He knows what you need/are looking for and He will bring him along at just the right time:) There is a great book called "Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones if you like to read and need some encouragement!

    Thanks! I will have to check that book out.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    I have and wouldn't do it again. He was Muslim and I grew up Christian. There was always discussions on me changing and it wasn't happening, Jack. Then of course we brought a child into it. -_-
  • Meglm1117
    Meglm1117 Posts: 70
    Pray about it! God answers prayer!
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Why are ya'll panties tied in a bunch over a few written words on a message board...calm the **** down.

    Hey, hey, hey! Those knots took me hours to do!

    Well I guess you're gonna have to spend a few more hours untying them now....get to steppin.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I would not be with someone who was religious. Sorry, I just couldn't do it. I like that my boyfriend is my best friend and we agree on many things and we can joke around about things and we don't have any major clashing lifestyle differences. I would be really annoyed if the father of my children was constantly talking about god this and jesus that to our children. (or any other religion)
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Why are ya'll panties tied in a bunch over a few written words on a message board...calm the **** down.

    Hey, hey, hey! Those knots took me hours to do!

    Well I guess you're gonna have to spend a few more hours untying them now....get to steppin.

    I'm not hearing the safe word.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    I was out of line before. I apologize.

    You just earned loads of respect from me. So many people on internet forums never "listen" to what others write. We all say/do things that are rude sometimes...either unintentionally or b/c we are having an off moment or a bad day or whatever; however, it takes a big person to admit that the stance they took might not have been warranted and apologize. I find that to be one of the best personality traits someone can have. Bravo to you!
  • seonf
    seonf Posts: 24 Member
    So apparently other people are allowed to confess their bigotry here but when I attack their bigotry suddenly I am "Attacking" the poor deluded user. That shows how stupid religious is, we are suppossed to "tolerate" religious inspired bigotry because we might attack the poor persons beliefs but the unbeliever is supposed to put up with all sorts of bigotry. There is no free speech on this site, I'm done. Report this post if you want cry babies.

    You have your opinion, and I have mine. Also...your response is in no way addressing my OP. So are you just trolling around to comment on the drama? :flowerforyou:

    If I don't take the flower will i go to hell? ;)
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    How important do you think it is to date someone who has the same religious beliefs as you? I want your opinions, please!

    My wife was raised Catholic. I am an atheist. I don't try to change her, and she does not try to change me. We've been married over 20 years.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My boyfriend has a different religion than me. I'm Christian, but not very religious, and he's agnostic or something. It really doesn't matter much to me.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I married someone with a religion different than mine... however we can both talk openly about our thoughts and opinions, about religious or non-religious topics. Accepting someone elses opinions or views doesn't mean you have to believe in them.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    As a life long athiest who has NO anger toward something I consider imaginary,I would and have dated someone who is a believer.My husband believes and we are very happy together. My 16 year old believes,my 4 year old has not stated an opinion on the subject:laugh:
    I really dont care that my son an husband belive as long as they are not hatefull
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have to say I am pretty surprised with the answers. I honestly thought 'sure, as long as we respect each others beliefs and raise our kids learning from both perspectives, so they can to do the same' would be the general gist of it. I'm not judging, just observing.

    My parents, a Jew and a Christian, ran into this problem when they had kids. How does one teach a child to believe in the existence of Christ, and believe that the savior has not yet come to Earth simultaneously?

    My boyfriend and I don't ever plan on having children, so that really isn't an issue for me, but I wouldn't really be comfortable dating someone who believed in a higher being.

    How did that work out for your parents? I'm Jewish but raised in a very non-observant household...when I was a kid friends would invite me to various churches and my parents always encouraged me to go and learn about other religions if I wanted to. They raised me to judge others by their character and actions, not by which house of worship they attend on Saturday or Sunday or Wednesday night...as an adult, I am probably the most "religious" in my family and I would consider myself more spiritual than anything else. I used to teach Sunday school for my synagogue...I had many students from interfaith families (one Jewish and one non-Jewish parent--sometimes the other parent was Christian, sometimes, atheist, sometimes I don't know). All of the families made it work and my students learned to accept people of ALL faiths (or lack of faith, as it were).

    As for myself, being that Jews are pretty much a minority...I date very few Jews. I've dated people of many faiths, but frankly a really ultra-religious Christian guy wouldn't want to date me because I wouldn't espouse the same beliefs.
  • llarsen29
    llarsen29 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm an atheist and have been in a relationship with a pretty religious (Christian) guy. Occasionally we have disagreements, but we both respect each others' beliefs so that allows us to agree to disagree and move on. As far as kids, I wouldn't care either way. I grew up going to church and made my own decisions when the time came. I don't regret the way I was brought up...it just doesn't jive with me.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    hi! I am a believer and my husband believes but does not attend church with us and does not live his life according to scipture. I think it is very important to have Christ in the center of your marriage because with Christ at the Center that will be your focus.
    Its hard and marriage is hard and why go into a relation ship where you dont belive in the same thing?

    Because its not a deal breaker my relationship is living proof of that