swimsuit competition...



  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    HERE'S TO REVIVING A DEAD THREAD, WELL... BECAUSE EVER SINCE IT DIED OUT, I'VE LET MYSELF GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( Seriously, this thread was the ONLY FREAKING THING that worked for me. I tried joining various challenge groups, etc. to no avail. Sure, scale numbers are one thing and you can have really great drops and still look flabby, not everybody has access to a regular caliper whiz... but PICTURES... pictures everyone can appreciate!!! No holding yourself up to somebody else's standard or idea of fit or healthy eating. The only people we compete with here are ourselves. It's also way easier to stay motivated when you can *see* the changes in your body for yourself.

    Here's to getting back on track. Doesn't matter what day of the month you pick to post, just post once a month regularly and we'll see if we can breathe some life back into this thing! I want to be WAY more cut by summer and the "true" swimsuit season. Post whatever stats you feel like keeping track of for comparison's sake.

    As for me: *sigh* There's gotta be something to getting breast augmentation that made me so much more complacent about the rest of my body. It's like, "Well, they're not looking at much else so why bother?"... Well, it's pretty damn sad that I think my body as-a-whole looked better before the surgery with a super-deluxe push-up bra than I do now with the bolt-ons :/ Kinda effed up, so I’m going to bust my butt to change it. At least the girls dropped into place finally.

    For reference- I'm 5'8.5" tall

    Last Year:
    This Year:

    Last Year's Stats Around Time of Photos:
    18.85% Body Fat, Composition better than 74% of female population
    23.3 BMI and 39th percentile of women with same height and age range
    Maintenance = 2050 net calories/day.

    This Year's Restarting Stats at Time of Photos:
    22.2% Body Fat, Composition better than 62% of female population
    24.5 BMI, BMI in 48th percentile of women with same height and age range
    Measurements: Neck-13.25”/Upper Arm-13”/Bust-39”/Underbust-31.75”/Waist-30”/Hip Bones-36”/Hip@Fullest-41.5”/Thigh@Fullest-24”/Upper Knee-16.75”/Calf@Fullest-15”
    Waist to Hip Ratio: .72 Circumferential, .66 Frontal
    Past Month:
    Maintenance = around 1700-1900 net calories/day
    Macro Breakdown: 45% Carbs / 39% Fat / 16% Protein
    Avg. Workout Frequency: 2.75 times per week
    Avg. Workout Length: 75 minutes
    Avg. Workout Burn: 650 calories
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    I'm with ya! I thought everyone forgot about it! Lol
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm in :)
  • mariacamera
    mariacamera Posts: 14 Member
    So, I wasn't here last year. What would the first day for swimsuit photo be?
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    So, I wasn't here last year. What would the first day for swimsuit photo be?

    No problem :) Just once a month whenever you're ready on a regular basis. Last year I think they always did the 1st, but uh... yeah, lately I've tended to carry the extra 2-4lbs of ToM weight at that time, so I already went ahead and going to stick with mid-month for me, personally. Plus if we stagger them, the thread doesn't die 3 weeks out of 4 and nobody gets lost in the shuffle with everyone posting en-mass.

    Looking forward to seeing some other pics even if they're just starting point ones!

    (Holy cow I can tell where all my extra creeped up in the past year! *coughs as a diversion while covering up the latest posterior view* I'm going to aim for increasing workout frequency to 3-4x/wk, test "eat more to lose" again by going up to 1900 net because I'm plateauing/gaining on 1700 and my metabolism can't be that crappy and hitting the H2O HARD.)
  • Zoeotis
    Zoeotis Posts: 9 Member
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I say we Start a new one for 2012....I will start it.. Swimsuit Competition 2012 is now open! let's do this peeps
  • brushe
    brushe Posts: 181 Member
    will there be new thread or using the previous.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    new thread..look for it under Motivation and support..."Swimsuit Competition 2012" is the title
  • Candi8099
    Candi8099 Posts: 178 Member
    Taking pics in WalMart in the swimsuit section - Hahahaha AWESOME!! GREAT sense of humor!! Hilarious!!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    new thread..look for it under Motivation and support..."Swimsuit Competition 2012" is the title

    I take it the mods pulled it already? Joke thread?
  • I can't find the new thread?
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    its there i just bumped it
  • sheaz85
    sheaz85 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm def in!:smile:
  • StellarTex
    StellarTex Posts: 111 Member
    It's about that time of the year again? Anyone want to restart the competition?
  • aalbert_82
    aalbert_82 Posts: 95 Member