Dog owners, am i being selfish?



  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I have a long-hair chilhuahua who is 11 months old ... she stays at home for 9 hours during the day while we work. She stays in a puppy playpen (six sided wire portable cage) with a puppy pad. She has plenty of toys to keep her entertained and we also have two cats in the house. Once she stops chewing we will allow her to run loose in the house with the cats while we work.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My husband and I work an 8 hour day and have a 30-45 minute commute (each way). We have three dogs - all pugs. They do just fine on their own for the day. They're all healthy, happy, quiet, calm and well-mannered. We picked pugs specifically because they're a low-energy, laid-back breed. They don't need lots of stimulation or exercise. And...we have three of them because they keep each other company - and that prevents issues with separation anxiety. I grew up in a house with a neurotic, spastic, high-energy border collie-dalmation mix that needed lots of time, attention and exercise and couldn't bear to be alone. She destroyed many things in my parents house. She was the wrong breed and temperament for our busy family.

    So... I think you can definitely get a dog with your schedule. Just pick the right breed and consider getting a pair. :-)

    And the following has not been true in my personal experience...
    Smaller dogs tend to be more 'yappy' as is next doors which we're on the verge of feeding chocolate covered chicken bones in a bid to put it out of it's incessant barking misery! Large dogs are calmer (less to prove) and also look into the difference into female/male temperaments of a breed.
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    .i walk my dog in the morning, then go to work for 8 hours. i get someone to let him out in the garden at lunch time for a wee. then my daughter is home from school by 3.15pm and he can go out in the garden whenever he wants. then i walk him in the evening. so he gets a wee roughly every 3 hours in the day, lol! And he’s only a small dog.

    i wouldn’t want to leave him all day, I don’t think it would be fair on him. he does have 4 cats to play with though and yes at the weekend, i notice he just sleeps a lot in the hours he is used to being alone.

    My friends dog goes for a wee in the garden in the morning and is then left inside all day till she gets home in the evening and is then walked. she said her dog never has a problem waiting. So I presume it depends on the dog.

    Most people I know hire a dog walker to take their dogs out for a walk in the day when they are at work. I think if you are not going to be around, this is a good plan. Or a dog proof garden and a dog door?

  • modgirlrachel
    modgirlrachel Posts: 44 Member
    Adopt an older dog and do some research on breeds that are more independent and don't need excessive amounts of exercise :)
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    My bf and I have a dog. While we're not out for 8 hours a day (apart from maybe once every few weeks) we're regularly out for 4-5 hours in the day. We have a dog crate which is basically their home. Dogs love it, see it as their "den" and as long as they're fed before and when you get back they should be fine. Most of the time all they do is sleep anyway.

    After I finish uni this year, I will be looking for a full time job which will mean the same situation as you. We are planning to move by the end of the year, to a house with a bigger garden, building a secure run for him there, with a little shed / kennel inside it to sleep in, and getting a second dog for company :) Worth a thought if you have a big garden?
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    I've had my beagle for 5 years, since he was a puppy. I work 8 hour days and I work about 45 minutes away from my house. I leave the house at 545 am for work and I don't get back til around 345 pm. My fiance works from 7 am to 8-9pm everyday. The dog is there alone for about 8-9 hours a day, and he's perfectly fine. I make sure he has water and food everyday and plenty of toys and I turn the TV on in the living room for him and the radio on in the kitchen. Just be sure, when you are home to pay attention to the dog and take him outside to play, etc. More than likely the dog will sleep most of the time you are gone.

    I have a beagle as well, her name is Pickles and it's almost the same situation. She sleeps all day and doesn't even notice that I;m at work but I am sure to take her out DAILY for a walk as soon as I get home =) She has to go check her "pee-mail" you know!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    I could say the same about you with your cats. We stopped letting ours out because when we lived in the country with tons of room for them to roam, they got hit by cars and a couple killed by wild animals. So, I could call you selfish for letting your cats out just so you don't have to clean a litter box.

    But I won't. Because I don't judge people so harshly.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    while puppies are cute, a rescue is better as they are already housebroken.

    and yes, dogs sleep a lot... yep, even those high energy ones. I have a Weimaraner and a JRT. I take my JRT out for runs with me, she loves it and really calms her down. The Weim is difficult to manage on the leash and I'd be toast if he sees another dog while I'm running. He gets a good long walk with me each day and the run of the yard after squirrels.

    Can you install a doggie door?
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    wow, thanks for all the responses so far, lots to consider.

    I am looking into what services are availiable locally as far as pop in walkers etc go as this will probably affect my decision.

    I by no means live in a city, a small town maybe.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Our first dog was a rescue dog - a cocker spaniel who was around 1 when we got her. Incredibly nervy little thing when we got her (didn't come out from behind the sofa for 2 weeks, only to eat and pee and poop) but she was adorable and lived with us for a very happy 13 years or so.

    Current dog is Ruby, a springer spaniel who is gorgeous. Amazing personality and so so vibrant - she loves long walks and is cheeky! We had Ruby from a puppy and got her when I was on uni break, so I basically trained her, so it worked well. She copes fine now, being 3, whilst my mum is at work all day - although my sister has funny shift patterns so there is usually someone about. As said before, they generally sleep if nobody is around to stimulate them! Crate training is great though... Ruby LOVES her bed... she goes there for quiet time of her own accord and sleeps there at night. She also knows she's not allowed upstairs.

    I'd definitely look at breeds and what you want out of a dog... I love spaniels, for me they have the perfect mix of personality, energy and cheekiness haha. Then again I'm biased! Happy dog hunting :)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    If you don't mind big dogs, a Mastiff is a GREAT breed for this. They are incredibly laid back, but can be so playful when their owners come home. They are incredibly low maintenance as well. They love to sleep.

    I have an 8 (almost 9) year old Mastiff and he loves to sleep. No need for a dog walker. His bladder is made of iron....haha
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Get a couple of pound puppies. They can keep each other company and they are great workout buddies. We have 4 dogs. I work about 45 minutes from our place. Only one of our dogs is really good for working out (standard poodle, who was a rescue) The others are little and prefer short walks.

    PS........if you own your home a dog door is an option.
    ^^^This...we have a doggy door and a fenced in yard. Our Lilly can come and go as she pleases and we don't have to go out when it's raining to walk her. She loves the freedom. We still go on walks, but if you can do a doggy door, it makes life soooo much easier!

    My parents have a Maltese they have trained to a litter box, so if you get a small dog, that is a viable option as well!
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    What you're asking is the exact reason why I have a cat! I work 10 hour days, so a dog is unrealistic for me. Also I can go away for a night or two, and the cat is perfectly fine. Think about it. Cats are a furry companion, if you get an older one, the personality is developed so no surprises. The litterbox is the answer to the bathroom concerns, and no smell if cleaned regularly. Also, there is none of that annoying barking, whining, or howling. And they dont eat your shoes, couch, or other items. All they need is a scratching post, or get it declawed.

    They are independent, but will cuddle. Unfortunately, you can't take them out for a run, but I have taught mine to fetch in the house, so she is a cat/dog!

    Just my opinion!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.
    Wow, so dogs are better off being euthanized because no one wants them then they are being left alone for 8 hours? I think the dogs would beg to differ.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Consider an adult dog. Lots of people work full time and have dogs. I happen to live close enough to go home for lunch every day, but many dogs can go 8+ hours without needing to potty. I agree with the others, rescue is a great way to go. Both of my goldens are rescue dogs.

    THIS!!! Is what I did - and he has no trouble being at home while I am at work for 8 hours. We just play and walk before and after work. If you get a rescue - you are able to research and meet tons of adult dogs and people at the shelters or their foster parents are able to tell you about the dog and it's qualities, behaviors etc. I know the joy of having a puppy is great, but if you can find a dog that needs a home that you know will be able to do just fine at home, it's the best way to go!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    Ummm... no. Maybe big, country-style, farm dogs are meant to run free. I wouldn't know... I've never had the opportunity to live on more than 2 acres of land. Regardless, I assure you... my pugs are NOT meant to run free. I am 99.9% sure they would die if they did.

    And as far as companionship - my dogs have one another. I'm pretty sure packs of dogs are a natural thing.

    And there is nothing I dislike more than free-roaming cats. I live in the mountains and almost all of my neighbors have multiple free-roaming cats. They crap on my deck, the kill the native birds, pick up ticks and diseases, they leave foot prints on my car, they get picked off by coyotes, get stuck in drainage pipes and basically are a huge, unhealthy, annoying menace. If people care about their cats' health and safety - they should be kept indoors and treated like pets.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    How is this selfish? Lots of people work and have dogs...
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    Seriously? Are you trying to say people, like myself, aren't good 'parents' to their animal babies because we have to work during the day? This makes me SO angry. How about you not judge other people like that?

    The fact you aren't worried about the cats getting HIT by a car outside, or stolen, or killed is shocking. I have had my BLACK cat hurt because its a 'black cat' outside. Someone shot it with a be-be gun. I also have to be SO careful near Halloween. Three years ago, I had to pick our hit by a car almost dead but still crying cat out of the street. She was my little sisters cat.

    Talk about cruel...As my mother has told me ALL my life, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    My dog is alone during the day, but gets LOTS of love when he's at home. He's fawned over.

    I wouldn't say it's selfish, perse. I would rather my dog be out all day with someone, but everyone has to work.

    It's better to have a loving home where he's taken out as often as possible and looked after well then rotting in some shelter, on the streets or in a pet shop.

    Just remember, adopt, don't shop.