40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Just checking in real quick....day went by too fast and now it's almost time to leave work!

    Hope everyone is having a good day....I'll post later when I get a chance to read everyone's post.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, Insanity is a 60 day program. I don't think I could take more than that! It's tough!!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Have been battling a summer cold. Did not get to the gym or the river (river was rained out a couple of days last week). There is a rain make-up session tonight at the river. We go to the gym to see our trainer, so I am not sure I will have the energy to do the river, which makes me sad.

    Brother-in-law is still in ICU at Ochsner getting liver transplant work-up tests. My mother and little sister are with him. They are still trying to get his blood pressure up before letting him out of the ICU. We are going to Mississippi to see whoever is there at the end of this week. May be staying at my mother's house with no mom there. We are very grateful that he is at Ochsner and they are doing the transplnat work-up.

    My weight has been the same for several weeks now. Considering everything else going on, I am not going to worry as long it is not creeping up.

    Husband picked the other "giant" pumpkin: 47 pounds. Still getting some squash and a few tomatoes. Okra is very happy in the hot dry weather.

    Congrats to everyone doing so well. Take care! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!

    The Insanity continues! You know, when you see results almost immediately, the motivation is there to stick with the program. I've always done physical and aerobic exercises, but never like this. I guess my body is responding to the completely different stimulus that Insanity provides. Plus, I can really feel the progress inside. I'm only finishing my 2nd week. I can't wait to see the change after the 60 days are up!

    Tex, my thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong!

    Tron, I'm glad to see that you & hubby will have a nice get-away for a few days...enjoy!

    Mk, the NordicTrak is a neat piece of equipment. Once you get the hang of it, you can really get a good workout.

    Stiring, you must be chomping at the bit right now to start P90X. You will love the workouts.
  • cheryl220
    cheryl220 Posts: 4 Member
    Can anyone join this group? I am over 40 and I really need to get back on track! I have been trying to loss the same 20 pounds for about 2 years. I lost 60 pounds and I am having trouble just keeping that off.:cry: I starting gaining then I really start watching what I am eating and exercising until I loss the extra weight I gained then I just keep repeating the cycle over and over. Anyone else had this same problem etc.? Did you every loss the last 20 pounds and keep if off?
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome Cheryl and Happy Tuesday All! I'm back after a long weekend of golf fun. Did you see me on TV? The Buick Open was lots of fun for the whole family. I am happy to report that I was able to squeeze in workouts on Friday night and I did get my long run in Sunday morning. I'm up to 9 miles which is good since my 10 mile race is less than 3 weeks away. Burned 1000 calories on the long run but I'm pretty sure I drank all of those back in Red Stripes:embarassed:

    I quickly read through the posts and it was great to catch up. Like Swiss during the summer I'm always battling the teenagers in my house for computer time.

    Sing: Glad to hear about your progress with Insanity. It sounds like the plyometrics would be great for me. I hate them but I know that my improved running pace probably owes a lot to the CX Burn Intervals and that workout has a lot of Plyo as well.

    Stiring: I actually know what you mean about dense foods (even though I don't have the pleasure of working through that right now). Look at your normal foods and see if you can increase calories in easy ways. For me that usually means switching out my light yogurt for full calorie yogurt and my unsweetened almond breeze for the sweetened version. Right there you talking about increasing my morning smoothie by almost 200 calories. Plus don't forget nuts and seeds both dense.

    Alf: I know you will be enjoying your time away. My husband and I are headed to a B&B to celebrate our anniversary this weekend and I can't wait.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, was that you in the green man costume? Wait a minute...maybe it was you shouting "get in the hole" every time Tiger hit a shot!! Good tournament, too bad it's over.

    Welcome Cheryl! No magic bullet to losing weight and keeping it off, especially as we age. Diet and exercise MUST be a lifestyle, not just for temporary weight loss. Good luck on this fitness journey.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Welcome Cheryl!! :flowerforyou: I've gained and lost weight too many times in my life to count. I am determined this time to keep it off, and as singfree advised, I'm doing that by completely changing my lifestyle. I hit my goal three months ago, but I still continuously monitor what I eat to keep myself from going back to my old habits. Hopefully, someday, the new habits will be...well....habitual, but until that time, I'm going to keep working at this to make sure I never have to go on another diet again. Please ask if you have any questions. Losing the last 20 pounds is never easy, especially over 40.

    TxMs, I'm thinking of you and your family. I hope you feel better soon.

    mkwood, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. That's kind of funny about your husband and the Nordic Track! I hope he sticks with it. My husband is still doing relatively well, and I'm surprised how long he has stuck with this. It really is nice having somebody else in the house with the same goals.

    tron, good luck starting 30 Day Shred again!!

    zebras, the weekend at the Casino sounds like fun. It is hard to adapt to eating away from home.

    singfree, your feedback on Insanity has me so looking forward to being able to do this program. I saw your question in the Insanity thread about mixing P90X and Insanity. I know a few people are doing this type of program (either with P90X or STS) on a couple of other sites I visit, but both programs in a modified way (in other words, using the weight training DVDs of P90X and the cardio of Insanity on alternating days). I haven't gotten any good feedback on how that is working yet, but I know it is being done. If I see anything on results and/or issues, I'll be sure to report them back here.

    duffy, congrats on the running! And thanks for your input on calorie dense foods. I've been upping my serving size of peanut butter/almond butter, and adding more nuts to my evening salad. I'm also trying to add some avacado/guacamole to some lunches/dinners. We'll see what happens.

    I'm headed off to do a cardio/lower body circuit workout today. My body feels so much better after taking those couple of days off last week. I think I'll take at least two full days off again at the end of next week before starting P90X. I really want to be in a position of giving that program my all.

    I hope everybody has a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Cheryl, I am finding that the ONLY way that the weight will stay off is to start and stay on a new lifestyle. We can never go back to eating as we did before. We have to re-adjust our thinking. The last few pounds are so hard but they can be lost. I have only 1 more pound and then I will set another goal. Probably another 5 pounds. I have found that reaching my goal is easier if I set it small and then set another one. I am losing only 1 pound a month but at least my weight is dropping. When you reach your goal this time up your calorie count slowly and do not stop the exercise.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome Cheryl. This is a great group of people here and you will get lots of encouragement and really great advice here. :happy:

    Thanks Sing... Its so nice being able to do things with my husband again. I almost forgot what that was like. :laugh: That car show will be so much fun. They have a lot of "regulars" there so some of the cars I have already seen in past shows but its still lots of fun.... :tongue:

    Swiss... I agree with setting small goals for yourself so you dont get overwhelmed. :smile:

    String... P90X huh.... Dang girl your gonna have to take some pictures of the muscles your gonna have after that program. :wink:

    Duffy... Happy Anniversary. Mine is on Saturday, our 22nd. Geesh, do people still stay married that long these days?:laugh:

    So today is my day 2 of the shred. I am a little sore today but thats a good thing. I also have 5 dogs in my house today, 3 of which are not fully potty trained:grumble: I really cant stand that:explode: One is my younger daughters and will be going home tomorrow evening and the other 2 are my eldest daughters that now live here. All's I can say is that getting these dogs on track to what they should be doing cant come soon enough. The other 2 dogs are mine and thank goodness I dont have to worry about them. (:bigsmile: Proud doggy parent)
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good Tuesday Morning!

    Mk, the NordicTrak is a neat piece of equipment. Once you get the hang of it, you can really get a good workout.

    Singfree, we've had the NordicTrak for about 15 years, but it's been in the basement storage room for about 5 years:laugh: I know it's a good workout, we've just been suffering from "motivation deficit syndrome" since the hubby retired from active duty 9 years ago! :laugh: I was really surprised to find it out in the family room; he's made comments about needing to get it out, so I guess he's found some motivation. :happy: He's got bad knees, hips and a bad neck, so can't run anymore:frown: Running PT in combat boots for over 10 years is hard on joints......and then the army wonders why so many older soldiers have messed up knees, hips and backs?:grumble:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    MK, at least the NordicTrac is low impact and should be kind to the joints. I don't jog any longer, because the constant pounding was tough on the knees. Insanity involves a lot of plyo or jump training moves which is not too good on the knees, but so far it's been ok.

    Tron, I love to see old and restored cars. I don't like racing, though...sorry NASCAR fans. A few years ago in CA my brother-in-law took us to the Nethercut Museum, which had an outstanding collection of cars dating back to the late 1800s.

    Talking about setting goals..I don't set weight goals, but fitness goals. I want to be this fit by the time I go on vacation, Sept. 1, Christmas, etc... I think people become discouraged when they need to lose a lot of weight and it does not come off fast enough. Take it a pound at a time. Our daughter -in-law is dealing with this. She had weight issues before the baby, and now she is really struggling with it. But...she lacks willpower and self-control. She is motivated for a few days and then makes bad food/ drink choices.

    Stiring, the only drawback about Insanity is that I am leaning out all over. The muscle definition I developed with weight training is slowly slipping away. It's funny, I feel quite strong, but the muscles are not as large. I have a small frame to begin with, and it is hard for me to put on muscle size even when I am lifting a lot. On the upside, the tendonitis in my elbow is not bothering me any longer!

    Swiss, I really like your new picture. You look great!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I am up early today...:yawn: I am never up at 6am but I have to take my daughters dog to get neutered because she has to work. I need to try to get up early anyway. I normally dont go to bed until after 2am (which was no exception last night) just because of my husbands schedule but now that he's quit one job and is going to focus on another we will be having to get up early so he can do that.

    Sing... You would love hot august nights in Reno. At least 4 casinos have cars there and in Sparks they drive them down the strip. :smile:

    I didnt exercise yesterday. First of all I was sore from the day before but also it was difficult with 3 teenage boys running in and out, my son had friends over, PLUS watching the 5 dogs. Gosh that was crazy enough!!!:noway: So today after I get back from taking the dog to the vet and having a business meeting with a friend over breakfast I plan on getting busy.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Morning All! Today may be a day off for me. I acted as one of the chaperones at band camp last night and needless to say did not sleep much.

    Sing: Yep that was me in the green suit:laugh: Actually on Sunday we were on 18 and you can see the whole family when Bob Heintz hit is 2nd shot into the spectators. As far as insanity goes, leaning sounds great but you said losing definition - that doesn't sound all that great to me. I can't wait to hear if your knees make through the 60 days. Nothing like having our own little guinea pig.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, I really think that you will benefit from this workout. Supplement it with some strength training if you want. Even though I would like to lift weights, I am going to give Insanity the full 60 days without weights then evaluate what to do next. I'm leaning toward P90X for 90 days, but substituting an Insanity workout on cardio days. Like Stiring, I will need to monitor my intake even more closely in the next few weeks.

    I'm glad you were in the green suit. Did you hear David Feherty's gas explosion? Too funny!!! :laugh:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Wednesday everyone.

    I have attempted to add a ticker to my posts, my apologies in advance if it doesn't work!

    Happy to report that I have re-lost that extra weight gained over the weekend, plus an additional pound, so I am looking at 215 (down 5 on MFP, and 60 total!) Hooray for me. I want to thank you all for your support, because this site and everyone's encouragement is really making a huge difference.

    Its fun reading about everyone's sucesses and all the little things going on in everyone's lives. I'm still sorting out who's who in the group. I'm really surprised at how much I've gotten into the forum side of MFP, since I have refused to join things like Facebook (FaceCult LOL) or Twitter.

    Well, thanks again, everyone.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss, zebras! :drinker: I'm happy you've joined our group.

    singfree, I'm kind of with duffy on what you said about Insanity. While getting lean is good, I'm not so much for losing what very little definition I actually have. I'm thinking when I tackle Insanity that I may do a simple 10 minute strength training session after each workout.....just one body part per day. Maybe that would at least keep some of the definition. I don't know.

    I saw your question over in the Insanity thread about calories. Are you seriously thinking of going to 3000 a day? It wouldn't surprise me if you needed that many calories. I've been losing weight at 2200 calories, and I'm female, shorter, and, I would argue, not at active as you. So I don't think 3000 calories would be too much for you while doing Insanity.

    Yes, I did say I'm still losing weight. :explode: I dropped below 100 yesterday (for the first time since I was a teenager!), and am there again today. I saw a post from somebody over in that Insanity thread (in response to singfree) who is struggling with maintaining as well, so I don't feel so bad right now. I never dreamed I would lose weight when eating 2200 calories a day. I'm finding this to be the most compelling advertisement for increased fitness ever. :tongue: But I'm increasing my calories yet again....to about 2400 a day. We'll see what happens.

    I did a back, shoulder, bicep strength training workout this morning, followed by a little kickboxing. I think this will be my last heavy weight workout before starting P90X in 11 or 12 days. I'll do a few full body workouts over the next week and then probably one last circuit workout before I get rolling with that program. I'll probably set my calories up even higher once I start P90X to see if I can't actually add some muscle mass. I'm not sure if I can (being a middle-aged female and all), but I figure I might give it a try to see what happens. That would be my preferred method for gaining back at least some of the weight I think I need to regain right now.

    tron, get some sleep!! It sounds like you might need it just taking care of all those dogs. :wink:

    Hope this finds everybody doing well!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Siring...I don't EVER remember being below 100. I was about 110 all through my teen years. I always wanted to be a tiny as you but I am too tall for that. I have upped my calories in the hopes that maybe I am not eating enough. I did drop another pound but am also bouncing back and forth about two pounds. I need a break through.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Thanks Stiring!

    Can I ask how tall you are? And where you were weight wise when you started MFP? I'm 5'2" and don't ever remember being 100 lbs. I really just don't remember what I weighed back in High School but I remember being about a size 10 maybe a 12 and still feeling bigger than most girls. My bones are truly big, and my girls are impressive too, no matter what size I am!

    I'm aiming for like 137 which is about half of what I started with a year and two months ago.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    zebras, I'm 5'2" as well. I'm very small-boned, so I spent most of my younger days between 100 and 110, and still was constantly told by a plethora of people at the time (boyfriends, my mother, my grandmother, my violin teacher, etc) that I needed to lose weight. Frustrating times those were.

    Anyhow, I started my weightloss journey at 143 (back in January) and was about 140 when I joined MFP toward the end of that month. I was a size 8/10 at the time. On my frame, that was too much weight. But I also think it is a very healthy weight for somebody our height with a slightly different build (as you indicated you have....seeing as you actually mentioned you have 'girls'....and I don't :sad:....:tongue: ), so I think your goal of 137 is reasonable and very, very healthy.