Women who don't accept male friend requests



  • I do have guy friends but when I joined MFP I had a discussion with my husband and told him that if he was uncomfortable with me having guy friends that I wouldn't. He knows that I love him and am only on here for support so he is perfectly fine with me having guy friends. However, if he wasn't then I wouldn't out of respect for the one I love :smooched:

    I have had to delete a guy before because I felt he was on here for the wrong reasons..........GIRL Shopping!!! I don't have time for stupid games :noway:
  • littleredrodeo
    littleredrodeo Posts: 8 Member
    simple, they prefer females only on this journey. period. it is their right. enough said.

    love what you said here. I have male and female friends myself... but I respect those who only want the same sex for support through their weight loss
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Maybe for any number of reasons. Who cares?

    When you consider a lot of people use this site as a pickup site, some people don't want to be picked up for whatever reason.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    There are plently of different reasons. I understand youre just curious, but its really no ones business.

    Whether it be they got harassed by someone from the opposite sex, they are respecting their spouse, they are embarassed to have opposite sex friends.

    Really no ones business.
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    men tend to see a hot picture of a girl standing in a bikini with her *kitten* sticking out and think there might be an opportunity for him so he sends a friend request. That's it. men see an opportunity, they'll go for it. some women find that to be distracting, especially if theyre on this site for the sole purpose of being accountable for themselves on their way to physical fitness. I don't think there's anything wrong with a female choosing not to accept male friend requests, and there's nothing wrong with explicitly stating that on their profile as well. They don't want a male friend and their flirtiness getting in the way of achieving their goals, that's how i see it.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    "Out of respect for my husband/boyfriend/SO?"


    I don't know about the rest of you, but my husband isn't a narrow-minded, self-centered, controlling man who would be offended or hurt if I were to have male friends on an internet forum. Most of my RL friends are men, and he has no problem with it in the least.

    It's called being comfortable and secure in one's relationship. Try it sometimes...

    Y'know, I have to disagree with your description of what their husbands / boyfriends are. Maybe they just feel uncomfortable with the idea, as what's the point in having male friends on your friend list any ways? To hear you look good from men? You can get the same advice from a female. That's my fiancé's thoughts and I respect them. I don't need to make him uncomfortable over something that doesn't bother me either way. And he's perfectly fine with me having the male friends that I do as I've known them for years.
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    Some of these women have had bad experiences with men on the site. You must never have met the man who will offer to send you pictures of his bits after you accept his request.
    Hey, baby. Check out my bits...


  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    "Out of respect for my husband/boyfriend/SO?"


    I don't know about the rest of you, but my husband isn't a narrow-minded, self-centered, controlling man who would be offended or hurt if I were to have male friends on an internet forum. Most of my RL friends are men, and he has no problem with it in the least.

    It's called being comfortable and secure in one's relationship. Try it sometimes...

    I concur

    And I really value my male friends on this site, in my experience I have deleted more females because of their BS!!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I can't speak for others, but most of my friends are female. I have three daughters, two grandaughters, a wife; I even have a woman for a boss. I just relate to women.

    I rarely send out friend requests. I would guess that about 95% of the friends on my list sent a friend request to me. My demographic seems to be young women that are my daughters' age, families of servicemen and bikers.

    Your choice who you accept as a friend. Men are pigs; we all know that. As soon as a man opens your profile; he makes a quick judgement -- "I'd hit that." or, very rarely "Nope." Just as a woman does when opening a man's profile. Human nature.

    Doesn't mean we can't act and speak with respect.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Of course it is no ones business!

    So are a lot of the questions asked on the message boards. Still there is nothing wrong with the OP asking a question about something she is curious about.
  • Haz89
    Haz89 Posts: 55 Member
    All I could think about is maybe women want women as friends so they have someone to relate to, who is just like them.Support from anyone is welcome in this journey I'm on. If ever I feel uncomfortable, I can always delete that person. Gender does not play a role when I accept friend request. I mean most of my friends here are strangers, so isn't it all a risk? So far MFP has proven to be great no complaints.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    I used to do this because its a lot of guys on here who are just perverts and are using mfp to get laid instead of what its for. It starts to get really annoying. I actually added a few guys and one of them I had to delete over time because he was messaging me inappriate things and his whole mission was just to weasel his way in to getting my number. Sad!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I usually check their profile out before accepting. if there is anything that concerns me I probably won't accept. Both Male and Female.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Well, as a guy, if I turned down the women who asked to be friends, I would have like 12 friends vs. 60.

    My avatar shows me about 45 pounds ago. Just based on that, I am surprised by how many women have asked to be friends. Trying to look at it from a woman's side of not having men friends, I kind of get it. I am shocked - well, kinda - that one woman said men have offered to send "pictures of their bits".

    I treat all of my women friends here with respect. I don't flirt, though I may tell them that they look great, but that isn't flirting; it is being supportive.

    My wife has seen my friends list and laughed when she saw that it was about 80% women. ( And like 50% of them being really attractive women in their 20's and 30's ) I used to think that was because I reminded them of their grandfather ( I am almost 50 ), but now I think I get it...... Because of my size and age, I'm not someone to be worried about..... and in a way that is true.... I am not one to be worried about.... you can just ask all my wonderful MFP female friends. :)
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I usually check their profile out before accepting. if there is anything that concerns me I probably won't accept. Both Male and Female.

    This I also do. I check out the profile and see if anything looks strange. So far I haven't run into anything except awesome people.
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    I used to do this because its a lot of guys on here who are just perverts and are using mfp to get laid instead of what its for. It starts to get really annoying. I actually added a few guys and one of them I had to delete over time because he was messaging me inappriate things and his whole mission was just to weasel his way in to getting my number. Sad!

    I think thats a little bit of a generalisation. I have both male and female friends and treat both with the respect that I would hope to receive. I have faith that most people are on here to get fit / stay motivated together the above doesn't help things really.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Of course it is no ones business!

    So are a lot of the questions asked on the message boards. Still there is nothing wrong with the OP asking a question about something she is curious about.

    Absolutely right. Most of the questions posed here are pretty personal or at the least subjective. Nothing wrong with asking...
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    That this even happens is baffling to me. I don't understand why anyone would make a decision/rule like that based on gender.

    I understand basing friends on similar goals, people you know etc etc, but not gender.

    That said, I only have 1/2 active friends so it's never been an issue! Mostly because I don't send friend requests. I'm happy to accept them from anyone and everyone though. If there was some reason to delete them later, then I'd do that. Put then again. I wouldn't put anything on here that I wasn't happy for anyone to see. Google!

    As for my partner, I see absolutely no reason to tell him, or that he'd care, about what online friends I have!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    I don't care if you accept or not. I don't send many friend request, but I do care if your dedicated. If I request someone that is in good shape or making major strides, it is out of respect.

    Hard to skip days when you know everyone around you is working hard.

    I cuddle with my wife, I get exercise goals and tips from MFP.
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    Well, I think it is funny people show their pics of just their boobs and wonder why they get male requests. In my opinion, it is human nature. I have male and female friends and think my friends are all on this fitness site for fitness and good health. I only had one "creeper" and didn't delete him...just gave him my honest opinion until he deleted me...hoping I would hurt his ego! It worked!