If it fits in my daily calories...



  • countrygirl812
    I've been making it very hard to reach my goal apparently, by eating foods I enjoy so long as they fit in my calories.

    You must hate me. I however, could care less what you do. Cheers! :drinker:

    Exactly. I eat fast food once a week, and have still lost weight, and as of last night- another 3 inches which brings me to 25 pounds down and 16 inches gone. Works for me, and I refuse to to deprive myself of the things I love. I have been down that road before and failed miserably.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I used to have a 440 calorie double cheese burger at McDs for lunch once a week (at the most), on the way to a meeting or after a meeting. Then my body said enough is enough and triggered allergies every time I ate bread.

    Now my lunch consists of salads, vegetable stews or soup and my body is very happy for that.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    No where did I say I ate "clean" or that I drank diet coke wtf?. Maybe my idea of healthy and getting fit isn't the same as yours. If you're having a "cheat" day more days than you are not, its not a cheat day.. it's part of your diet. For me, a cheat meal is an exception to the rule, not the rule. I have found my balance. My point was a fast food cheeseburger isn't the best option to meet your caloric goals for the day! Now if you're used to eating Four Cheeseburgers and your cutting it down to two, then that is great and it's a step in the right direction.

    my point is NOBODY IS PERFECT!! Get over it and keep it to yourself. I work and play hard and no longer have an unhealthy obsession with what I am or anybody else is eating. I get told almost daily to "go eat a cheeseburger" that's just as annoying trust me.. Cheeseburgers and Pizza are not sin incarnate. Diet Coke and other stuff that's calorie free is just as bad in some circles.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Agreed. I hate when i read that because it's not as simple as calories in vs calories out - although that's what I see a lot on here. You have to feed your body properly. And eating crap on a daily basis is NOT feeding your body properly. :)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Oh look............ It's this again..............

    I am not doing this for you. I am not doing this for approval. I am not doing this to be a role model. I am doing this for me. If I want a burger, I am gonna eat a burger. I would hope that me eating a cheeseburger does not cause YOU to stress. I eat fairly healthfully the majority of the time. But sometimes, I just want food that is considered "*kitten*" by some self righteous groups of people. There is no point in me being thin and miserable.

    EDIT: I am down a total of 182 lbs now, even with the occasional cheeseburger, fries, and beer........
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    "sets a bad example" - what are we, children? *rolly eyes*
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know anyone who eats clean 100% of the time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to eat WELL MOST of the time.

    The "omg dont judge otha pplz" comments are coming from people who don't/won't/can't eat healthier. Look at the post "can I eat Burger King for breakfast" - Literally everyone in that thread says "go for it!!".

    Sadly, this is not a site for people who want to eat healthier, it's dominated by people who eat 1200 calories worth of junk food who still lose weight.
    I eat double or triple the recommended fruits and veggies. I rarely eat out. I cook my own food, from scratch, with healthy ingredients 99.9% of the time. I meet or exceed recommended vitamins and minerals. I work out like crazy. I drink a ton of water and no soda. I'm vegetarian (and do it the healthy way).

    Sometimes I have a slice of cheesecake or a fatty, unhealthy restaurant meal. It's none of your business when I do and it's none of any of our business what other people do.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Today is Cheeseburger Tuesday folks. Chillax: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/549723-cheeseburger-tuesday
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    I am still trying to figure out what is wrong with a cheeseburger?
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I don't understand why people on this site are so concerned about everyone but themselves. It's sad really. lol
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Oh look............ It's this again..............

    I am not doing this for you. I am not doing this for approval. I am not doing this to be a role model. I am doing this for me. If I want a burger, I am gonna eat a burger. I would hope that me eating a cheeseburger does not cause YOU to stress. I eat fairly healthfully the majority of the time. But sometimes, I just want food that is considered "*kitten*" by some self righteous groups of people. There is no point in me being thin and miserable.

    My feelings exactly....
  • jennmartin82
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    The flip side of that coin is that not everyone can start out eating whole quality foods if they are used to eating junk food. Sometimes staying under your calories while continuing to eat what you're used to is the starting point, not making huge changes all at once. Too many people fail at weight loss because they think they have to be deprived of things they like and must eat stuff they hate to be "healthy." Weight loss is hard enough. Stop trying to make it harder by imposing rules that aren't necessary.

    This! :flowerforyou:
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    I disagree, I think it sets a GOOD example for people who are starting out. Starting out is hard enough, without taking away EVERYTHING you enjoy to eat. If people see that you can eat a double cheeseburger or a big mac (gasp!) and still have results, than it may make them think this is not impossible!

    I have been on MFP for 70 days, I have lost 13.6. yes, it may be going slow, but it's going. It's going because I still eat Mcdonalds and Burger King. It's going because if I want ice cream, I eat it. it's going because it's possible to eat that food and still loose weight, as long as you balance your life out. THAT it what this is all about.
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    why must everyone get into a heated arguement? i eat what i want, i dont care what other people eat and i dont care what anyone has to say about me eating what i want. everyone has their own methods.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    As long as you hit the macros it's all good IMO.
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    hmm, I just have to wonder, how exactly does what other people are doing affect you and your journey? You should see my diary and then my progress pictures. You would be amazed at the transformation I made eating what I've eaten.

    Agreed! And check her pics out-she does amazing!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you don't want comments from people on what you eat, then why are you posting it on a public website?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    I actually think it gives a great impression...the impression that weight loss is attainable and maintainable by eating normal foods (in moderation) and that it is ok if you eat a cheeseburger or a slice of pizza. You don't have to quit your weightloss journey just because you indulge in some old favorites. You have to remember most people starting out are eating nothing BUT junk food, and to ask them to give it all up at once...I wouldn't do it!! that's for sure!

    However, I commend you for your healthy journey and choices.

    I think people refering to fast food and junk food as "normal food" bothers me just as much. It gives the impression that a good home cooked meal of fresh foods is somehow not "normal".
  • LTrain16
    LTrain16 Posts: 10
    I don't hate when people eat things that fit into their calories...I think the bigger issue is when people fit things like cheeseburgers into their calories, but complain they are not making the same progress that you are. Being mad at someone who has success and eats whatever they want is just plain jealousy.

    One of my best friends eats roughly 3-4k calories a day, and he couldn't gain weight if he was getting paid to. He is extremely tall and it takes more for his body to stay balanced. I am not going to let his food choices bother me, all I am going to do, is continue with my goals and make sure that I am doing what is right to head down the path of health.

    Even if you are fitting those types of foods into your calories and having success, it doesn't mean you are doing good things for your body. All of the negative effects of those foods will still add up over time, even if they don't show up on the scale. I say for argument's sake, just worry about your own path, and don't worry about your friend's menu. They will realize soon enough that those things aren't going to work for them...or they will fall of the wagon. Either way, not your concern.

    Definitely not worth the stress either...stress adds pounds. :-)
  • Margentine
    Margentine Posts: 113 Member